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The first day's activities end with anamkungwi preparing food for the nyau late at night before the nyau go back to the dambwe (graveyard). They thus acknowledge the pres­ ence ofthe ancestors. The second day is called tsiku lophikitsa mowa (the day of re-boiling the beer) and is also known as tsiku logwira anamwali (the day of 'capturing' the initiates); or the day of mchezo wamfumu (the chiefs vigil). The main events for this day include the 'cap­ turing' of the initiates to go into seclusion and 'head cutting' (to begin hearing instruc­ tion) rituals. The girls are prepared at the mtengo to be introduced to the chief and the public at the bwalo (ground). In the evening the initiates perform a fire ritual around the village. After supper the zirombo perform their dances and the chiefs' vigil goes on while the rest sleep. Below is a briefdiscussion ofthe main events. The official 'capturing' of the initiates is usually done in the afternoon hours, although some carry it out in the morning. In the midst of the crowd, each namkungwi takes a girl, covers her with a piece of cloth and announces: Lero ndiwe namwali! Usatuluka kubwalo. (Today you are an initiate, do not go outside). They all join in ululating and take the initiates into the seclusion house (tsimba). The tutors (aphungu) are called to go and 'cut the head' (kudula mutu). The phungu (singular) is normally the one who named the girl at birth, or the mother may choose any trusted friend. 36 She stays with the girl and attends to her during the whole period ofthe initiation. The tutor continues to men­ tor the initiate even after the initiation to make sure that her initiate is living according to the expected lifestyle ofone wometa (who has been initiated). As soon as the girls are captured and taken into the tsimba, they are seated. Then the main namkungwi announces, 'dulani mutu! (cut the head!). The tutors make the girls kneel and each tutor whispers a saying into one ear and another into the other ear ofthe girl. Although kudula mutu literary means 'cutting the head', its general meaning is that chiyambi choti namwali ayambe kumva mwambo (it is now time for her to begin hear­ ing the counsel), and it involves just the whispering into the ears of the initiates. Any two ofthe following sayings are the usual ones to be said. 51

1. 2. 3. Mzako akati tsegula Kodi mtsegula bwa? Uku phunthu uku phunthu Pakati palenga de/a Tandiuza chalenga dela Chalenga dela m 'nkhole Nkhole yanga ndiukulu Phungu liri ndi mwambo Tsinkhinthi, mwambo m 'nkhole Kafunde, funda mwambo Mzako akati sendera Kodi msendera bwa? Uku kuli bawe uku bawe Pakati palenga dela Tandiuza chalenga dela Chalenga dela m 'nkhole Nkhole yanga ndiukulu Phungu liri ndi mwambo Sinkhinthi, mwambo m 'nkhole KajUnde, jUnda mwambo Mzako akati ndagona Ndagona kalambilambi Kalambilambi wamnjira Uyo apita wampsyitikiza Tandiuza wampsyitikiza Wampsyitikiza m 'nkhole Nkhole yanga ndiukulu Phungu liri ndi mwambo Tsinkhinthi, mwambo m 'nkhole Kafunde, funda mwambo When your friend says open How do I open? There is a mount here and one here And a gap in the middle Tell me what has caused the gap The menses have caused the gap My menses is adulthood The tutor has counsel The menses counsel is secret Learning, learn the counsel When your friend says move closer How do I move closer? There is a mat here and a mat there And a gap in the middle Tell me what has caused the gap The menses have caused the gap My menses is adulthood The tutor has counsel Menses counsel is secret Learning, learn the counsel When your friend says I lie I lie flat Lying flat on the path Everyone passing steps on Tell me who steps on The menses step on My menses are adulthood The tutor has counsel Menses counsel is secret Learning, learn the counsel Throughout the initiation period, the girls learn these sayings and the songs, for the sayings also serve as a password after their initiation. 3 ? However, my informants said that a girl cannot master all of them at her own initiation ceremony. She must attend other girls' initiations in order for her to learn more and be able to instruct others. After 'cutting the head', the girls (covered all round with cloth) are led to the mtengo wa namwali (the initiate's tree). At the tree, while the girls lie face down and are covered, the women sing and dance round them. Two women drummers also perform their drumming skill. One significant rite at the tree is the 'capturing' of the 'animal' which occurs after the singing and pointing at the girls: Chagona, chagona apa nchiani Chimzenga, chimzenga Lying, what is lying here? It is an animal, animal 52

The first day's activities end with anamkungwi preparing food for the nyau late at night<br />

before the nyau go back to the dambwe (graveyard). They thus acknowledge the pres­<br />

ence ofthe ancestors.<br />

The second day is called tsiku lophikitsa mowa (the day of re-boiling the beer) and is<br />

also known as tsiku logwira anamwali (the day of 'capturing' the initiates); or the day<br />

of mchezo wamfumu (the chiefs vigil). The main events for this day include the 'cap­<br />

turing' of the initiates to go into seclusion and 'head cutting' (to begin hearing instruc­<br />

tion) rituals. The girls are prepared at the mtengo to be introduced to the chief and the<br />

public at the bwalo (ground). In the evening the initiates perform a fire ritual around the<br />

village. After supper the zirombo perform their dances and the chiefs' vigil goes on<br />

while the rest sleep. Below is a briefdiscussion ofthe main events.<br />

The official 'capturing' of the initiates is usually done in the afternoon hours, although<br />

some carry it out in the morning. In the midst of the crowd, each namkungwi takes a<br />

girl, covers her with a piece of cloth and announces: Lero ndiwe namwali! Usatuluka<br />

kubwalo. (Today you are an initiate, do not go outside). They all join in ululating and<br />

take the initiates into the seclusion house (tsimba). The tutors (aphungu) are called to go<br />

and 'cut the head' (kudula mutu). The phungu (singular) is normally the one who named<br />

the girl at birth, or the mother may choose any trusted friend. 36 She stays with the girl<br />

and attends to her during the whole period ofthe initiation. The tutor continues to men­<br />

tor the initiate even after the initiation to make sure that her initiate is living according<br />

to the expected lifestyle ofone wometa (who has been initiated).<br />

As soon as the girls are captured and taken into the tsimba, they are seated. Then the<br />

main namkungwi announces, 'dulani mutu! (cut the head!). The tutors make the girls<br />

kneel and each tutor whispers a saying into one ear and another into the other ear ofthe<br />

girl. Although kudula mutu literary means 'cutting the head', its general meaning is that<br />

chiyambi choti namwali ayambe kumva mwambo (it is now time for her to begin hear­<br />

ing the counsel), and it involves just the whispering into the ears of the initiates. Any<br />

two ofthe following sayings are the usual ones to be said.<br />


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