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Chapter six<br />

67. Although the pastor's wife is not included in the booklet, she works with the alangizi as a leader<br />

because ofher position. The parents sometimes inform her instead ofthe alangizi.<br />

68. I observed this ceremony on 10 th February 2001. Chimenya Baptist church is about ten kilometres<br />

away from the city in TA Njewa. Its membership is predominantly Chewa ethnic group. It has a Bible<br />

School graduate pastor. He and his wife are ofLomwe ethnic group from Southern Malawi. The pastor is<br />

both pastor and village headman.<br />

69. I observed this ceremony on 28 th June 2001. Mphindo is also a rural church situated offthe main road<br />

in the southern part of the district, about eight kilometres away from the city in TA Chadza. Mphindo<br />

church has a seminary graduate Chewa pastor. Its membership is predominantly Chewa.<br />

70. Although the word 'knock' is used, traditionally a person announces his or her coming at the door<br />

with the word 'Odi!' ('Excuse me! '). The person in the house is supposed to respond with the words<br />

'Eee! Lowani!' ('Yes! Come in! '). This is regardless of whether the door is made ofwood or grass.<br />

71. I attended this ceremony on 15 th August 200 I. Mtendere church is situated in the northern part of the<br />

city. It has a seminary graduate pastor who is a Chewa. It is a multi-ethnic urban church.<br />

72. Howell's experience of the Kasena people who are a highly oral people is that they are also highly<br />

intelligent (2001 [1997]).<br />

Chapter seven<br />

73. Some Western scholars, like Moreau, have tended to use the general term 'spirits' to refer to a whole<br />

range ofdivinities, nature spirits, evil spirits, guardian spirits, and human or ancestral spirits.<br />

74. Like in the case of Leah in Genesis 29:31 'When the Lord saw that Leah was not loved, he opened<br />

her womb.'<br />

75. Like in the case ofHannah in I Samuel 11:5 ' ... and the Lord had closed her womb. '<br />

76. Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26 list God's blessings for his people.<br />

77. An example from the story in Mark 5:21-43 is that the woman's faith healed her, or she was 'made<br />

well' (v.34). Another example is from Mark 10:46-52, when the blind Bartirnaeus was also told that 'your<br />

faith has healed you.' The Greek word for 'made well' or 'made healthy' means both to save and to heal,<br />

thus both physical and spiritual healing, (see 'So>sO>' in Theological Dictionary of the New Testament,<br />

1971:135.Vol. 7).<br />


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