Collected Poems - Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Collected Poems - Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Collected Poems - Sri Aurobindo Ashram


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48 England and Baroda, 1883 – 1898<br />

The Vigil of Thaliard<br />

Where Time a sleeping dervish is<br />

Or printed legend of Romance<br />

Mid lilies and mid gold roses<br />

Of mediaeval France,<br />

Where Life, a faithful servitor<br />

Mid alien faces cast,<br />

Still wears in memory of her<br />

The trappings of the Past,<br />

Sweet Lily’s child, that golden grape<br />

Girl prince of Avelion,<br />

Thaliard by early-plucking hap<br />

Star-reaching Mador’s son,<br />

Kept vigil by the impious pool<br />

Beyond the misty moaning sea<br />

To win from warlock’s weird misrule<br />

His soul’s sweet liberty.<br />

For if throughout the monstrous night<br />

Unblest by ave or by creed<br />

By witchèd water Christian wight<br />

Do finger bead by bead<br />

His scarlet rosary of sins<br />

And leave his soul ajar,<br />

What hour the sleepy Evening pins<br />

Her bodice with a star,<br />

Until, the pitchy veil withdrawn<br />

That swathes the looming dune,<br />

The crowing trumpeter of dawn<br />

Blows addio to the moon,<br />

The awful record of his soul<br />

Shall by God’s finger blotted be,<br />

And o’er his drownèd past shall roll<br />

Forgiveness like a sea.

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