Collected Poems - Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Collected Poems - Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Collected Poems - Sri Aurobindo Ashram


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454 Pondicherry, c. 1910 – 1920<br />

But in the courts divine the Thunderer spoke mid his children:<br />

“Thou for a day and a night and another day and a nightfall,<br />

White Aphrodite, prevail; o’er thee too the night is extended.<br />

She has gone forth who made men like gods in their glory and gladness.<br />

Now in the darkness coming all beauty must wane or be tarnished;<br />

Joy shall fade and mighty Love grow fickle and fretful;<br />

Even as a child that is scared in the night, he shall shake in his chambers.<br />

Yet shall a portion be kept for these, Ares and white Aphrodite.<br />

Thou whom already thy Pythoness bears not, torn by thy advent,<br />

Caverned already who sittest in Delphi knowing thy future,<br />

What wilt thou do with the veil and the night, O burning Apollo?”<br />

Then from the orb of his glory unbearable save to immortals<br />

Bright and austere replied the beautiful mystic Apollo:<br />

“Zeus, I know that I fade; already the night is around me.<br />

Dusk she extends her reign and obscures my lightnings with error.<br />

Therefore my prophets mislead men’s hearts to the ruin appointed,<br />

Therefore Cassandra cries in vain to her sire and her brothers.<br />

All I endure I foresee and the strength in me waits for its coming;<br />

All I foresee I approve; for I know what is willed, O Cronion.<br />

Yet is the fierce strength wroth in my breast at the need of approval<br />

And for the human race fierce pity works in my bosom;<br />

Wroth is my splendid heart with the cowering knowledge of mortals,<br />

Wroth are my burning eyes with the purblind vision of reason.<br />

I will go forth from your seats and descend to the night among mortals<br />

There to guard the flame and the mystery; vast in my moments<br />

Rare and sublime to sound like a sea against Time and its limits,<br />

Cry like a spirit in pain in the hearts of the priest and the poet,<br />

Cry against limits set and disorder sanities bounded.<br />

Jealous for truth to the end my might shall prevail and for ever<br />

Shatter the moulds that men make to imprison their limitless spirits.<br />

Dire, overpowering the brain I shall speak out my oracles splendid.<br />

Then in their ages of barren light or lucidity fruitful<br />

Whenso the clear gods think they have conquered earth and its mortals,<br />

Hidden God from all eyes, they shall wake from their dream and recoiling<br />

Still they shall find in their paths the fallen and darkened Apollo.”<br />

So he spoke, repressing his dreadful might in his bosom,<br />

And from their high seats passed, his soul august and resplendent

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