Collected Poems - Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Collected Poems - Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Collected Poems - Sri Aurobindo Ashram


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Ilion – Book VIII 445<br />

Dumbly repeating her name, as insulted and trampled by beauty<br />

Thrill might the soul of a lover and cry out the name of its tyrant.<br />

Others there were as mighty; for Artemis, archeress ancient,<br />

Came on her sandals lightning-tasselled. Up the vast incline<br />

Shaking the world with the force of his advent thundered Poseidon;<br />

Space grew full of his stride and his cry. Immortal Apollo<br />

Shone and his silver clang was heard with alarm in our kingdoms.<br />

Ares’ impetuous eyes looked forth from a cloud-drift of splendour;<br />

Themis’ steps appeared and Ananke, the mystic Erinnys;<br />

Nor was Hephaestus’ flaming strength from his father divided.<br />

Even the ancient Dis to arrive dim-featured, eternal,<br />

Seemed; but his rays are the shades and his voice is the call of the silence.<br />

Into the courts divine they crowded, radiant, burning,<br />

Perfect in utter grace and light. The joy of their spirits<br />

Calls to eternal Time and the glories of Space are his answer:<br />

Thence were these bright worlds born and persist by the throb of their<br />

heart-beats.<br />

Not in the forms that mortals have seen when assisted they scatter<br />

Mists of this earthly dust from their eyes in their moments of greatness<br />

Shone those unaging Powers; nor as in our centuries radiant<br />

Mortal-seeming bodies they wore when they mixed with our nations.<br />

Then the long youth of the world had not faded still out of our natures,<br />

Flowers and the sunlight were felt and the earth was glad like a mother.<br />

Then for a human delight they were masked in this denser vesture<br />

Earth desires for her bliss, — thin veils, for the god through them glimmered.<br />

Quick were men’s days with the throng of the brilliant presences near them:<br />

Gods from the wood and the valley, gods from the obvious wayside,<br />

Gods on the secret hills leaped out from their light on the mortal.<br />

Oft in the haunt and the grove they met with our kind and their touches<br />

Seized and subjected our clay to the greatness of passions supernal,<br />

Grasping the earthly virgin and forcing heaven on this death-dust.<br />

Glorifying human beauty Apollo roamed in our regions<br />

Clymene when he pursued or yearned in vain for Marpessa;<br />

Glorifying earth with a human-seeming face of the beauty<br />

Brought from her heavenly climes Aphrodite mixed with Anchises.<br />

Glimpsed in the wilds were the Satyrs, seen in the woodlands the Graces,<br />

Dryad and Naiad in river and forest, Oreads haunting

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