Collected Poems - Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Collected Poems - Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Collected Poems - Sri Aurobindo Ashram


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Ilion – Book IV 391<br />

“Well art thou come, Aeneas,” he said, “and good fortune has sent thee!<br />

Now I shall go to the field; thou wilt speak with my grandsire Antenor<br />

And he shall hear thee though chid by his heart reluctant. Rejoicing<br />

I shall go forth in thy car or warring by Penthesilea,<br />

Famous, give to her grasp the spear that shall smite down Achilles.”<br />

Smiling answered Aeneas, “Surely will, Eurus, thy prowess<br />

Carry thee far to the front; thou shalt fight with Epeus and slay him.<br />

Who shall say that this hand was not chosen to pierce Menelaus?<br />

But for a while with the ball should it rather strive, O hero,<br />

Till in the play and the wrestle its softness is trained for the smiting.”<br />

Eagerly Eurus answered, “But they have told me, Aeneas,<br />

This is the last of our fights; for today will Penthesilea<br />

Meet Achilles in battle and slay him ending the Argives.<br />

Then shall I never have mixed in this war that is famous for ever.<br />

What shall I say when my hairs are white like the aged Antenor’s?<br />

Men will ask, ‘And what were thy deeds in the warfare Titanic?<br />

Whom didst thou slay of the Argives, son of Polydamas, venging<br />

Bravely thy father?’ Then must I say, ‘I lurked in the city.<br />

I was too young and only ascending the Ilian ramparts<br />

Saw the return or the flight, but never the deed and the triumph.’<br />

Friend, if you take me not forth, I shall die of grief ere the sunset.”<br />

Plucking the hand of Aeneas he drew him into the mansion<br />

Vast; and over the floor of the spacious hall they hastened<br />

Laughing, the gracious child and the mighty hero and statesman,<br />

Flower of a present stock and the burdened star of the future.<br />

Meanwhile girt by his sons and the sons of his sons in his chamber<br />

Cried to the remnants left of his blood the aged Antenor.<br />

“Hearken you who are sprung from my loins and children, their offspring!<br />

None shall again go forth to the fight who is kin to Antenor.<br />

Weighed with my curse he shall go and the spear-points athirst of the Argives<br />

Meet him wroth; he shall die in his sin and his name be forgotten.<br />

Oft have I sent forth my blood to be spilled in vain in the battle<br />

Fighting for Troy and her greatness earned by my toil and my fathers’.<br />

Now all the debt has been paid; she rejects us driven by the immortals.<br />

Much do we owe to the mother who bore us, much to our country;<br />

But at the last our life is ours and the gods’ and the future’s.<br />

Gather the gold of my house and our kin, O ye sons of Antenor.

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