Collected Poems - Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Collected Poems - Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Collected Poems - Sri Aurobindo Ashram


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<strong>Poems</strong> from Manuscripts 257<br />

In Benares’ stainless city by defilement undefiled<br />

Ghauts and temples lightly touched<br />

With thy fingers as thou ranst, laughed low in pureness like a child<br />

To his mother’s bosom clutched.<br />

Where the steps of Rama wandered, where the feet of Krishna came,<br />

There thou flowest, there thy hand<br />

Clasps us, Bhagirathie, Jahnavie or Gunga, and thy name<br />

Holier makes the Aryans’ land.<br />

But thou leavest Aryavurtha, but thou leapest to the seas<br />

In thy hundred mighty streams;<br />

Nor in the unquiet Ocean vast thy grandiose journeyings cease,<br />

Mother, say thy children’s dreams.<br />

Down thou plungest through the Ocean, far beneath its oozy bed<br />

In Patala’s leaden gloom<br />

Moaning o’er her children’s pain our mother, Ganges of the dead,<br />

Leads our wandering spirits home.<br />

Mighty with the mighty still thou dwelledst, goddess high and pure;<br />

Iron Bhîshma was thy son,<br />

Who against ten thousand rushing chariots could in war endure;<br />

Many heroes fled from one.<br />

Devavrath the mighty, Bhîshma with his oath of iron power,<br />

Smilingly who gave up full<br />

Joy of human life and empire, that his father’s wish might flower<br />

And his father’s son might rule.<br />

Who were these that thronged thereafter? wherefore came these puny hearts<br />

Apter for the cringing slave,<br />

Wrangling, selfish, weak and treacherous, vendors of their nobler parts,<br />

Sorry food for pyre and grave?

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