Collected Poems - Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Collected Poems - Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Collected Poems - Sri Aurobindo Ashram


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Short <strong>Poems</strong> 187<br />

O sweet grave Siren of the night,<br />

Astarte’s eremite,<br />

Thou feedest every leaf with solemn glee.<br />

Lo, the night-winds sigh happier, being chid by thee.<br />

Euphrosyne<br />

Child of the infant years, Euphrosyne,<br />

Bird of my boyhood, youth’s blithe deity!<br />

If I have hymned thee not with lyric phrase,<br />

Preferring Eros or Aglaia’s praise,<br />

Frown not, thou lovely spirit, leave me not.<br />

Man worships the ungrasped. His vagrant thought<br />

Still busy with the illimitable void<br />

Lives all the time by little things upbuoyed<br />

Which he contemns; the wife unsung remains<br />

Sharing his pleasures, taking half his pains<br />

While to dream faces mounts the poet’s song.<br />

Yet she makes not their lyric right her wrong,<br />

Knowing her homely eyes his sorrow’s star<br />

Smiles at the eclipsing brow untouched by care.<br />

Content with human love lightly she yields<br />

The immortal fancy its Elysian fields.<br />

A Thing Seen<br />

She in her garden, near the high grey wall,<br />

Sleeping; a silver-bodied birch-tree tall<br />

That held its garments o’er her wide and green,<br />

Building a parapet of shade between,<br />

Forbade the amorous sun to look on her.<br />

No fold of gracious raiment was astir.<br />

The wind walked softly; silent moved a cloud<br />

Listening; of all the tree no leaf was loud<br />

But guarded a divine expectant hush<br />

Thrilled by the silence of a hidden thrush.

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