Bowbridge Primary School

Bowbridge Primary School

Bowbridge Primary School


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Sustainable Buildings<br />

David Dixon Head Teacher <strong>Bowbridge</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Newark Nottinghamshire<br />

United Kingdom<br />

www.bowbridgeprimary.com<br />


• <strong>Bowbridge</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> came<br />

about through an<br />

amalgamation of an Infant<br />

and a Junior <strong>School</strong> 4<br />

years ago 480 0n roll.<br />

• Ex WW2-Army camp and<br />

50’s/60’s systems built<br />

buildings.<br />

• Catchment 3 rd in child<br />

poverty (Notts) and 5 th in<br />

overall deprivation.<br />

• Traveller & Ex-traveller<br />

families.<br />

• In centre of large estate<br />

approx. 9,000 pop.<br />

<strong>School</strong> Context

<strong>School</strong> context (cont.)<br />

• Other part of the school is a 1950’s, 60’s & 70’s<br />

‘CLASP’ building<br />

• Consortium of Local Authority Special Projects was<br />

founded in 1957 at the instigation of the then Ministry of<br />

Education for the purpose of improving the construction<br />

and delivery of schools<br />

• + Sports & Arts building opened in 2004 (Lottery<br />


Promoting the<br />

Message of<br />

Caring for the<br />

Environment<br />

through Drama<br />


Strategy to underpin<br />

principles of<br />

Sustainable Living

Build Charter<br />

The main aspects of the building will be:<br />


way the building operates will help the school to teach EDUCATION FOR<br />

SUSTAINABILITY linked to the schools’ plan to open an ‘ECO-CENTRE’ which will<br />

help the community to avoid fuel poverty and which will be open for local schools to explore<br />

aspects of sustainable life-styles and linking this approach to the National Curriculum<br />

• linked to the schools’ desire to achieve ‘ECO-SCHOOL’ GREEN FLAG STATUS (the top<br />

accreditation).<br />

• The building should be constructed in such a way as TO MINIMISE ENVIRONMENTAL<br />

DAMAGE. This will be achieved by having regard to the school Energy Policy (see separate<br />

document) and adhering to the principles listed below:<br />


• Procuring materials from a sustainable or renewable source.<br />

• Procuring materials which avoid excessive packaging<br />

• Procuring materials which cause minimum damage when extracted/manufactured<br />

• Procuring materials which have been ethically produced in terms of how the workforce who<br />

produced it has been treated i.e. within the terms of the Human Rights Act<br />


• Procuring materials as locally as possible (ideally within a radius of 50 square miles)<br />

• Using local contractors (ideally within a radius of 50 square miles)<br />

• Encouraging the workforce to car-share or ideally use public transport<br />

• Planning plant movement on and off site to minimise fuel consumption


•Plant to use bio-diesel or similar fuels<br />

•Plant engines not be left ‘idling’ when not in use<br />


•Keep the site tidy and minimise noise<br />

•Use natural materials (NOT CHEMICALS)<br />


•As much waste as possible from site to be recycled/reused to avoid landfill or<br />

incineration<br />


•Use water in the most efficient way<br />


•Any aspects of financing should be from an ethical institution that does not<br />

invest in planet damaging activities<br />

•Site Manager to keep log of any significant energy saving activities to act as an<br />

exemplar for others. If possible these to be translated into carbon footprint data<br />


•Keeping the children and local community regularly informed of progress and<br />

highlighting the above<br />

•Use local workforce<br />

* denotes all materials, internal and external, involving individual or bulk items<br />


•This charter should be adhered to by all sub-contactors




BUILD CHARTER TO W/E 18.04.2008<br />

Introduction of ground stabilising geogrid membrane in haul<br />

road.<br />

The introduction of this membrane has reduced the amount of topsoil<br />

and subsoil that needs removing. This in turn has meant that<br />

there is enough space to store topsoil on site. The environmental<br />

benefit has meant less machine digging, no lorries requires to take<br />

topsoil away and less stone needs importing in.<br />

(Reduction of length of noise time & dust time, reduced fuel<br />

requirements, no landfill space required and reduced impact on<br />

local residents).<br />

Use of recycled imported fill for haul road construction.<br />

Recycled 6F1 and 6F2 hardcore stone has been sourced locally from<br />

Sleaford. The environmental benefit has helped reduce the need<br />

to take freshly quarried material from local quarries and limited the<br />

recycled product from going to landfill tips.

3. Reinforcement steel being sourced from local supplier.<br />

This product is being supplied by a company on <strong>Bowbridge</strong> Road within 2<br />

miles of site. Benefits are in line with the travel and transport principles<br />

and the energy principles set out in the school build charter.<br />

Use of local concrete supplier.<br />

Newark concrete are being used for concrete supplies. Benefits are as<br />

item 3.<br />

Use of local contractors.<br />

All contractors employed to date are within a 50 mile radius of site. A<br />

separate daily signing in sheet is being employed to record where<br />

individuals have travelled from and whether they have car shared.<br />

Benefits are as item 3.<br />

A local waste management company is being utilised to recycle all<br />

construction site waste. Wastecycle from Colwick, Nottingham are<br />

providing this service. They have a waste sorting facility at their depot<br />

and are currently reporting that waste being recycled is at 78%. In<br />

addition they are looking into compiling a spreadsheet that illustrates<br />

what types and amounts of waste have been recycled on a skip by skip<br />

basis. These benefits are in line with the waste minimisation principles<br />

set out in the build charter.

7. <strong>School</strong> and local community kept regularly informed of progress.<br />

This is self explanatory and is in line with the community principles outlined<br />

in the school build charter.<br />

A local welfare/general labourer has been employed and will be on<br />

site for the duration of the project. Again this is self explanatory and the<br />

benefits are as item 7 and item 18.<br />

Re-use of hardcore from foundation excavations. This material has<br />

been re-used in the hardstandings around the building.<br />

Introduction of Geogrid in the hardstandings around the building. This<br />

has reduced the amount of hardcore required and has stopped subsoil<br />

leaving site. Other environmental considerations are as item 1.<br />

A second letter was sent to residents w/c 12.11.07 informing them of<br />

current progress etc. This is in line with section 17 of the build charter.<br />

Marriott Site Management car sharing where possible. This is in line<br />

with the travel and transport section of the build charter.<br />

Local Merchants are being used when purchasing standard building<br />

materials. This is in line with the travel and transport section of the build<br />


A third letter was sent to residents 19.12.07 informing them of current<br />

progress. This is in line with section 17 of the build charter.<br />

Marriott suggested re-using some bricks from the oil tank wall in the<br />

construction of the new energy cabin. This will be an excellent<br />

statement in terms of the schools environmental policy and eco views.<br />

This is in line with sections 1 and sections 13.<br />

A Health and Safety talk was given to the whole school during an<br />

assembly and a poster competition was organised. This is in line with<br />

section 17.<br />

Site staff are ensuring energy usage is kept to a minimum in the site<br />

office where possible, (Turning off lights, energy saving electrical items,<br />

heating kept to a minimum etc). This is in line with item 16.<br />

A fourth letter was sent to residents on 20.02.08 informing them of<br />

current progress. This is in line with section 17 of the build charter.<br />

Topsoil excavated from the energy cabin area has been stockpiled on<br />

site. See item 1 for environmental benefits.<br />

Marriott are sharing the schools waste paper recycling facilities. This<br />

will prevent an additional vehicle coming to site to collect waste. This is<br />

in line with section 13.<br />

An additional local labourer was sourced on a short term contract. This<br />

is in line with item 7 and item 18.<br />

<strong>School</strong> visits take place once a week where schoolchildren are safely<br />

taken around the construction site. This is in line with section 17 and 18.

A daily record is kept of individuals travel to and from site so that the<br />

school can use these records for carbon footprint calculations at a later<br />

date. This is in line with the travel and transport section of the build charter.<br />

2 Directors have car shared when visiting site. This is in line with section 7.<br />

3 Senior Safety Managers have car shared when visiting site. This is in line<br />

with section 7.<br />

Reclaimed bricks have been used in the construction of the energy cabin.<br />

This is in line with sections 1 and 13.<br />

Excavated material from the construction of the soak-away was used as<br />

backfill material in the same construction. The benefits of this are the same<br />

as for item 1.<br />

Local labour is being encouraged to cycle to work where practicable. Two<br />

individuals are taking part in this as opposed to driving.<br />

Marriott Construction are part of the Considerate Constructors scheme.<br />

Timber is being re-used numerous times as shuttering formwork.<br />

Carpets are being procured that are 80% recycled.<br />

Environmentally friendly organic paints are being procured as the paint<br />

finish.<br />

Rainwater harvesting system is being installed.<br />

Solar water heater is being installed.<br />

Biomass (wood pellet) boilers are being installed as the primary heating<br />

system.<br />

Two cherry trees have been saved from felling due to repositioning of haul<br />


External classroom

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