Vietnam feasibility study - EITI

Vietnam feasibility study - EITI Vietnam feasibility study - EITI


52 EITI and lobbying Vietnam to implement the Initiative, the Royal Norwegian Embassy has been approaching the MOIT since the beginning of this period. Others have been interested in this issue, like the Revenue Watch Institute (RWI) who has given both financial and technical support to some local NGOs. By 12/2010, MOIT and the Royal Norwegian Embassy co-organized a workshop to introduce the EITI to various stakeholders in the extractive industry. A few domestic civil society organizations initially promoted the EITI in Vietnam, including Consultancy on Development (CODE) and People and Nature Reconciliation (Pan Nature) since 2008. However, all of these activities are just the very first steps and many more things need to be done in the coming time. v.2 - THe eITI PrIncIPles At the Lancaster House Conference in June 2003, the EITI international secretariat agreed to provide 12 EITI principles, including: 1. We share a belief that the prudent use of natural resource wealth should be an important engine for sustainable economic growth that contributes to sustainable development and poverty reduction, but if not managed properly, can create negative economic and social impacts. 2. We affirm that management of natural resource wealth for the benefit of a country’s citizens is in the domain of sovereign governments to be exercised in the interests of their national development. 3. We recognize that the benefits of resource extraction occur as revenue streams over many years and can be highly price dependent. 4. We recognize that a public understanding of government revenues and expenditure over time could help public debate and inform choice of appropriate and realistic options for sustainable development. 5. We underline the importance of transparency by governments and companies in the extractive industries and the need to enhance public financial management and accountability. 6. We recognize that achievement of greater transparency must be set in the context of respect for contracts and laws. 7. We recognize the enhanced environment for domestic and foreign direct investment that financial transparency may bring. 8. We believe in the principle and practice of accountability by government to all citizens for the stewardship of revenue streams and public expenditure. 9. We are committed to encouraging high standards of transparency and accountability in public life, government operations, and in business. 10. We believe that a broadly consistent and workable approach to the disclosure of payments and revenues is required, which is simple to undertake and use. 11. We believe that payments’ disclosure in a given country should involve all extractive industry companies operating in that country. 12. In seeking solutions, we believe that all stakeholders have important and relevant contributions to make—including governments and agencies, extractive industry companies, service companies, multilateral organizations, financial organizations, investors, and nongovernmental organizations. The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and the Implementation Perspective of Vietnam

v.3 - THe eITI crITerIa The EITI is considered as a minimum global standard for disclosing revenue data, in which transparency and accountability are highly important. Moreover, the implementation of the EITI is very flexible so that each country can implement the EITI in its own way depending on its own conditions. Some countries require all the data of revenues, while others require the transparency of both contracts and revenue data throughout company operation. For example, while Azerbaijan discloses its EITI report in a comprehensive manner and Mongolia discloses its report with high detail, Ghana just focuses on some un-renewable resources and the EITI program of Liberia does not only involved the extractive industry but rather the forestry sector (RWI, 2008; EITI 3 , 2010). At the EITI Conference held in London in 2005, the EITI implementing members proposed some criteria for implementing the EITI and also encouraged members to better carry out the minimum requirements. The following are some criteria (EITI 2 , 2009): 1. Regular publication of all material oil, gas, and mining payments by companies to governments (“payments”) and all material revenues received by governments from oil, gas and mining companies (“revenues”) to a wide audience in a publicly accessible, comprehensive, and comprehensible manner. 2. Where such audits do not already exist, payments and revenues are the subject of a credible, independent audit, applying international auditing standards. 3. Payments and revenues are reconciled by a credible, independent administrator, applying international auditing standards and with publication of the administrator’s opinion regarding that reconciliation, including discrepancies, should any be identified. 4. This approach is extended to all companies including state-owned enterprises. 5. Civil society is actively engaged as a participant in the design, monitoring, and evaluation of this process and contributes toward public debate. 6. A public, financially sustainable work plan for all the above is developed by the host government, with assistance from the international financial institutions where required, including measurable targets, a timetable for implementation, and an assessment of potential capacity constraints. The results in the framework of the 5 th EITI Global Conference held in Paris, France, in March 2011 indicate that the EITI criteria should be extended and improved in the next years, during which the EITI will not just focus on enhancing transparency but also on governance in the extractive industry. Moreover, the scope of the EITI program could be possibly extended to the whole value chain in the extractive industry, rather than just focusing on the revenue transparency as regulated at the current time. v.4 - BenefITs Of THe eITI ImPlemenTaTIOn So why does the EITI attract many countries around the world? The EITI brings some fundamental benefits (EITI 1 , 2009), such as: 1. Ensure that a greater portion of revenues generated from oil and mineral resources are used to benefit the people in a nation. 2. Strengthen budget monitoring and oversight. EITI reports can be powerful tools for citizens and legislators to understand how much money the government collects and where countries choose, how the funds are spent. In some cases, EITI has led to the government’s recovery of unaccounted-for funds or company underpayments. For example, for the case of Nigeria, the The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and the Implementation Perspective of Vietnam 53

v.3 - THe eITI crITerIa<br />

The <strong>EITI</strong> is considered as a minimum global standard for disclosing revenue data, in which transparency<br />

and accountability are highly important. Moreover, the implementation of the <strong>EITI</strong> is very flexible so<br />

that each country can implement the <strong>EITI</strong> in its own way depending on its own conditions. Some<br />

countries require all the data of revenues, while others require the transparency of both contracts and<br />

revenue data throughout company operation. For example, while Azerbaijan discloses its <strong>EITI</strong> report<br />

in a comprehensive manner and Mongolia discloses its report with high detail, Ghana just focuses on<br />

some un-renewable resources and the <strong>EITI</strong> program of Liberia does not only involved the extractive<br />

industry but rather the forestry sector (RWI, 2008; <strong>EITI</strong> 3 , 2010).<br />

At the <strong>EITI</strong> Conference held in London in 2005, the <strong>EITI</strong> implementing members proposed some<br />

criteria for implementing the <strong>EITI</strong> and also encouraged members to better carry out the minimum<br />

requirements. The following are some criteria (<strong>EITI</strong> 2 , 2009):<br />

1. Regular publication of all material oil, gas, and mining payments by companies to governments<br />

(“payments”) and all material revenues received by governments from oil, gas and mining<br />

companies (“revenues”) to a wide audience in a publicly accessible, comprehensive, and<br />

comprehensible manner.<br />

2. Where such audits do not already exist, payments and revenues are the subject of a credible,<br />

independent audit, applying international auditing standards.<br />

3. Payments and revenues are reconciled by a credible, independent administrator, applying<br />

international auditing standards and with publication of the administrator’s opinion<br />

regarding that reconciliation, including discrepancies, should any be identified.<br />

4. This approach is extended to all companies including state-owned enterprises.<br />

5. Civil society is actively engaged as a participant in the design, monitoring, and evaluation of<br />

this process and contributes toward public debate.<br />

6. A public, financially sustainable work plan for all the above is developed by the host<br />

government, with assistance from the international financial institutions where required,<br />

including measurable targets, a timetable for implementation, and an assessment of<br />

potential capacity constraints.<br />

The results in the framework of the 5 th <strong>EITI</strong> Global Conference held in Paris, France, in March 2011 indicate<br />

that the <strong>EITI</strong> criteria should be extended and improved in the next years, during which the <strong>EITI</strong> will not<br />

just focus on enhancing transparency but also on governance in the extractive industry. Moreover, the<br />

scope of the <strong>EITI</strong> program could be possibly extended to the whole value chain in the extractive industry,<br />

rather than just focusing on the revenue transparency as regulated at the current time.<br />

v.4 - BenefITs Of THe eITI ImPlemenTaTIOn<br />

So why does the <strong>EITI</strong> attract many countries around the world? The <strong>EITI</strong> brings some fundamental<br />

benefits (<strong>EITI</strong> 1 , 2009), such as:<br />

1. Ensure that a greater portion of revenues generated from oil and mineral resources are used to benefit<br />

the people in a nation.<br />

2. Strengthen budget monitoring and oversight. <strong>EITI</strong> reports can be powerful tools for citizens and<br />

legislators to understand how much money the government collects and where countries<br />

choose, how the funds are spent. In some cases, <strong>EITI</strong> has led to the government’s recovery of<br />

unaccounted-for funds or company underpayments. For example, for the case of Nigeria, the<br />

The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and the Implementation Perspective of <strong>Vietnam</strong><br />


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