JANUS? 2020 Hand-Held Computer (4MB) - Intermec

JANUS? 2020 Hand-Held Computer (4MB) - Intermec

JANUS? 2020 Hand-Held Computer (4MB) - Intermec


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Symbols<br />

key, See Suspend/Resume key<br />

key, See Alt key<br />

key, See Ctrl key<br />

key, See Shift key<br />

key, See Compound Function key<br />

, , , keys, See cursor, arrow keys<br />

{ } in IRL filenames, 7-3<br />

Numbers<br />

{ } in IRL filenames, 7-3<br />

102-key PC keyboard, 2-4, 2-17, B-3<br />

16 x 10 display size, 2-22, 12-48<br />

16 x 20 display size, 2-22, 12-48<br />

2.4 GHz RF communications, 1-5<br />

25 x 80 display size, 2-22, 12-48<br />

386 microprocessor, 1-3<br />

3-wire cable, Interlnk, 6-28, A-5<br />

640K memory, See conventional memory<br />

8 x 10 display size, 2-22, 12-48<br />

8 x 20 display size, 2-22, 12-48<br />

900 MHz RF communications, 1-5<br />

9154 Multi-Drop Line Controller for BFT, 6-47<br />

9180 Network Controller for BFT, 6-47<br />

A<br />

ABC Codabar, 12-16<br />

About menu, IRL Desktop, 7-6<br />

AC power source<br />

Auto-Loader, using for, 3-16, D-11<br />

battery power, managing, 2-40<br />

using, 2-42<br />

AC power source, using for PutDisk, 3-27<br />

accent marks, typing, 8-12<br />

accessories for the reader, 1-4<br />

Accumulate, Enter, See Enter Accumulate mode<br />

Accumulate, Exit, See Exit Accumulate mode<br />

Address, Multi-Drop command, 12-7<br />

advanced power management, using, D-9<br />

AFF command, 12-8<br />

AIAG check digit, Code 39, 12-23<br />

alphanumeric keypad<br />

ASCII characters, entering, 2-16<br />

characters, capitalizing, 2-10<br />

charts, for entering characters, B-3 to B-7<br />

Control mode, key combinations, B-7<br />

cursor keypad, using, 2-11<br />

, , and keys, using, 2-7<br />

key, using, 2-8<br />

number pad, using, 2-13, B-6<br />

special keys, finding, 2-5<br />

typing the characters, 2-6<br />

Index<br />

I<br />

Alt key<br />

icon, 2-7, 2-29<br />

international keypads, using, 8-12<br />

using, 2-7<br />

Alternate Key Code Entry, defined, 12-34<br />

American Blood Commission, See ABC Codabar<br />

analysts, using the manual, xxi<br />

APM_4M.EXE<br />

defined, 3-8<br />

loading, 3-8, 4-19, 4-24<br />

troubleshooting, 10-19<br />

application break bit<br />

defined, 9-5<br />

exiting IRL programs, 11-11<br />

preparing applications to exit lockups, 3-38<br />

resuming IRL programs, 7-17<br />

applications, See also communications applications<br />

communications, defined, 6-9<br />

display, adjusting with Control mode, 2-27<br />

downloading with BFT, 6-42 to 6-53<br />

programming the reader, 3-36<br />

storing on drives, 2-44<br />

troubleshooting, 10-21 to 10-30<br />

ASCII<br />

bar code chart, C-17 to C-22<br />

characters, entering on the number pad, 2-16<br />

Code 39, full, 12-21<br />

Code 39, mixed-full, 12-21<br />

Code 39, non-full, 12-21<br />

control characters<br />

command override and DLE, 11-6<br />

Communications Manager fields, using, 6-40<br />

IC.EXE fields, using, 5-9<br />

list of, C-16<br />

preamble/postamble, configuring, C-3<br />

protocol characters, configuring, C-3<br />

table of character equivalents, C-14 to C-16<br />

ATA card<br />

defined, 4-5<br />

formatting, 4-12<br />

using, 4-13<br />

audio signals<br />

beep duration, setting, 12-12<br />

beep frequency, setting, 12-13<br />

IMBEEP.EXE, using to test, 2-32<br />

keypad clicks, enabling or disabling, 12-69<br />

list of, 2-31<br />

low battery, 2-39<br />

PC card, inserting, 4-10<br />

volume, adjusting, 2-27, 12-15<br />


configuration file, loading, 5-16<br />

conventional memory, absorbing, 10-23<br />

defined, 3-7<br />

editing on drive C, 3-11<br />


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