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T O ° - ~ KENT THOMPSON<br />

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My evaluation of any prose<br />

fiction is, I suppose, that of<br />

an "aesthete" --- a term which<br />

has unhappy connotations, but<br />

which I'll claim anyway. What it<br />

means in practice is that I value<br />

most highly that work which uses<br />

literary skills to engage the<br />

reader successfully. Almost<br />

always this will mean that the<br />

writer will demand the participation<br />

of the reader, and will<br />

in fact be writing within the<br />

reader's responses --- "in the<br />

reader's head," as it were.<br />

Therefore, other aspects of<br />

fiction are to my mind<br />

interesting and useful, but not<br />

so important. For example, a work<br />

might have a great cultural value<br />

because it speaks of a particular<br />

national or regional historical<br />

event, or it might be a portrait<br />

of a certain kind of person or<br />

a certain place --- and therefore<br />

be of value to a psychologist or<br />

sociologist. But the subject matter<br />

of the fiction is not so<br />

important to me as its excellence.<br />

Anyway, here are the publishers<br />

of the works I've mentioned.<br />

Ann Copeland, The Golden Thread<br />

(Harper Collins, Toronto)<br />

Helen Weinzweig, A View from the<br />

Roof (Goose Lane, Fredericton)<br />

Paul Quarrington, Whale Music<br />

(Doubleday, Toronto)<br />

Michael Carin,<br />

The Neutron Picasso<br />

(Deneau Gaudet, Toronto)<br />

Leona Gom, Zero Avenue<br />

(Douglas & McIntyre, Vancouver)<br />

Bill Gaston, Deep, Cove Stories<br />

(Oolichan Books, Lantzville, BC)<br />

Barry Dempster, Writing Home<br />

(Oberon, Ottawa)<br />

Margaret Hollingsworth,<br />

Smiling Under Water<br />

(Lazara, Vancouver)<br />

Lesley Krueger, Hard Travel<br />

(Oberon, Ottawa)<br />

Katherine Govier,<br />

Before and After<br />

(Viking, Toronto)<br />

Cynthia Holz, Home Again<br />

(Random House, Toronto)<br />

Ann Diamond, Snakebite<br />

(Cormorant Books, Dunvegan,<br />

Ontario)<br />

Susan Kerslake, Blind Date<br />

(Pottersfield Press,<br />

Porters Lake, N.S.)<br />

Silver Donald Cameron (July, 1989)<br />

39<br />

One of Canada's most versatile professional<br />

writers, Silver Donald Cameron<br />

writes books and magazine articles as<br />

well as scripts for film, TV and radio.<br />

Four of his 45 radio dramas have been<br />

ACTRA Award finalists. Many have been<br />

produced in France, New Zealand, Yugoslavia<br />

and Ireland, and The Sisters was<br />

Canada's 1980 entry for the Prix Italia.<br />

His stage play The Prophet at Tantramar,<br />

on Leon Trotsky's 1917 internment<br />

in Nova Scotia, was produced in 1988<br />

by The Ship's Company Theatre.<br />

He has put lished eight books:<br />

Faces of Leacock<br />

(Ryerson, 1967)(literary study)<br />

Conversations With Canadian Novelists<br />

(Macmillian, 1973)(interviews)<br />

The Education of Everett Richardson<br />

(McClelland and Stewart, 1977)<br />

(labour history)<br />

Seasons in the Rain<br />

(McClelland and Stewart, 1978)(essays)<br />

Dragon Lady (McClelland and Stewart,<br />

1980; Seal, 1981)(novel)

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