CD+DVD CD CD - Tuba Records

CD+DVD CD CD - Tuba Records

CD+DVD CD CD - Tuba Records


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<strong><strong>CD</strong>+DVD</strong> <strong>CD</strong><br />

<strong>CD</strong><br />

NYHETER UKE 11 - 2010<br />


HAPPY BIRTHDAY http://www.myspace.com/brattleborohousecartoon<br />

Sub Pop<br />

SP<strong>CD</strong> 850<br />

0098787085020<br />

Indierock-gruppen HAPPY BIRTHDAY bestående av sjefslåtskriver (og<br />

ROBERT SCHNEIDER-sound-a-liken) KYLE THOMAS (aka KING TUFF),<br />

RUTH GARBUS, og CHRIS WEISMAN ble dannet ifjor, og etter bare fem<br />

konserter, hvorav fire var i hjembyen Brattleboro, VT, ble bandet signet til<br />

Sub Pop, alt i løpet av et virvelvind av et år. En grunn til den umiddelbare<br />

fremgangen skyldtes nok mye deres bånd til gruppene WITCH (hvor<br />

Thomas spiller med J. MASCIS bl.a.) og FEATHERS (hvor Thomas og<br />

Garbus er medlemmer), men det klart største salgspunktet for bandet er<br />

definitivt umiddelbarheten i musikken deres. Fylt med livlige poplåter, er<br />

HAPPY BIRTHDAYs selvtitulerte debutalbum klart for release. Les mer her:<br />

http://www.brooklynvegan.com/archives/2009/12/happy_birthday_3.html<br />



Cooking Vinyl<br />

COOK<strong>CD</strong> 518<br />

www.dropkickmurphys.com<br />

0711297491821<br />

Dobbelt livealbum, innspilt på hjemmebane, med alltid glimrende DROP-<br />

KICK MURPHYS! Etter 14 år har de rukket å bli et av verdens mest elskede<br />

rockeband, takket være sin særegne (om enn ofte kopierte) irske punkrock,<br />

sine ekstremt fengende låter og, ikke minst, sine forrykende liveopptredener.<br />

Alle som har opplevd bandet på scenen, vet at de overgår det aller meste<br />

hva angår energi, allsangrefrenger og publikumskontroll. Alt dette er behørig<br />

dokumentert på denne <strong>CD</strong>+Hi-Def DVD-pakken som slippes perfekt timet<br />

til St. Patrick’s Day (17. mars), med DkM-slagere som Shipping Up To Boston<br />

(kjent fra filmen The Departed, her med MIGHTY MIGHTY BOSSTONES<br />

som gjester), Tessie, The State Of Massachusetts, Forever og Kiss Me I’m<br />

Sh*tfaced. Dette kan regnes som en Greatest Hits fra et band som aldri<br />

skuffer – totalt 20 låter!<br />


I SPÅREN AV TÅREN http://www.myspace.com/petermorn<br />

Morén Pop<br />

MP<strong>CD</strong> 01<br />

7332334002324<br />

PETER MORÉN er for de fleste mest kjent som en tredjedel av PETER<br />

BJORN & JOHN (Young Folks). Han slipper nå sitt første album på svensk,<br />

og her er det Lyckliga Gatan hele veien for alle elskere av nabolandets<br />

popmusikk gjennom tidene! I Spåren Av Tåren er produsert i episk 60-tallsånd<br />

sammen med TOBIAS FRÖBERG, og de 10 låtene her er fylt av<br />

svensk kjærlighet, pompøst og fengende, ikke ulikt landsfrender som<br />


på et par av låtene) eller en lofi-versjon av ORUP.<br />

”Inte minst detta tilltalar också 60-talsfoten å det grövsta...” 5/5 SYDSVENSKA<br />

ALLEHANDA ”... allt som Peter Morén rör vid blir till pop.” 4/5 AFTONBLADET<br />

”… både intressantare och mer personligt än nåt han gjort med Peter Bjorn<br />

and John...” 4/5 GÖTEBORGS-POSTEN<br />

<strong>Tuba</strong> <strong>Records</strong> AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway<br />

Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com<br />


<strong>CD</strong> <strong>CD</strong><br />

<strong>CD</strong><br />

NYHETER UKE 11 - 2010<br />


KAIROS<br />

Dead Oceans<br />

DOC 034<br />

0656605133423<br />

På Kairos finner vi WHITE HINTERLAND utforske ytterkantene av<br />

minimal pop, oppnå en delikat, men livlig forførelse gjennom dype,<br />

tålmodige bassganger, prismatiske synthteksturer, og direkte, intime låter<br />

sunget med en myndiggjort dybde. CASEY DIENEL syr akrobatisk konturer<br />

av sin tidligere låtskriving inn i et slankere fokus og de dypere groovesene<br />

kler hennes klare stemme på en utmerket måte. Puh.<br />

”…spectral arrangements that sit somewhere between Kate<br />

Bush and Arthur Russell at their most accessible. A heady triumph” MOJO<br />

“Kairos represents a bold step for Dienel and White Hinterland” 7.5 PITCHFORK<br />



Sounds Familyre<br />

SF 024<br />

0656605552422<br />

Utmerket indiefolkpop med klare spor fra den uskyldige lyden av the golden<br />

age of American rock n’ roll fra søstre/svigerinne-kvartetten ORTOLAN.<br />

Vokalist/låtskriver STEPHANIE COTTINGHAM begynte å skrive låter<br />

allerede som trettenåring, har nå fylt sytten og med backing av søstrene<br />

og den stødige produksjonen til DANIEL ”DANIELSON” SMITH låter de<br />

kanskje omtrent som KIMYA DAWSON møter THE SHIRELLES møter<br />


Ortolan spilte på Egersund Visefestival i fjor sommer, la oss håpe<br />

noen booker dem til landet igjen snart.<br />

http://www.myspace.com/ortolansong<br />



Hardly Art<br />

HAR 011<strong>CD</strong><br />

0098787301120<br />

http://www.myspace.com/whitehinterland<br />

http://www.myspace.com/goldentriangle<br />

GOLDEN TRIANGLE er et Brooklyn-band på Sub Pop-underbruket<br />

Hardly Art bestående av tre jenter og tre gutter som spiller musikk som<br />

er høy, skummel, og som vil gjøre deg opphisset og ambisiøs når du hører<br />

den. Double Jointer er deres debutalbum. Spilt inn over en to ukers<br />

periode på Key Club Recording Company med produsent CHRIS COADY<br />


Jointer farten og catchinessen til dagens garasje/weird-punk/lo-fi-scene<br />

med enkelte goth-understrømmer og no wave-gitarer. De spektrale damestemmene<br />

er sjefende, krevende, allvitende enheter fra førstesporet Cinco<br />

de Mayo til huset brenner ned med en skingrende gitarlinje på den episke<br />

albumavslutterem Arson Wells.<br />

<strong>Tuba</strong> <strong>Records</strong> AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway<br />

Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com<br />


<strong>CD</strong>EP <strong>CD</strong><br />

2<strong>CD</strong><br />

<strong>CD</strong><br />

NYHETER UKE 11 - 2010<br />



AFM<br />

AFM<strong>CD</strong> 212-3<br />

0884860019125<br />

Goth-legendenes nyeste album nå tilgjengelig i ny limitert Tour Edition.<br />

Inkluderer en 10-spors bonusdisc, Addenda, som inneholder bonuslåter<br />

og remikser, og som vil selges separat når denne versjonen er utsolgt.<br />

http://www.myspace.com/pagesoftragedy<br />



http://www.myspace.com/thethomaswhite<br />

Cooking Vinyl<br />

COOK<strong>CD</strong> 503<br />

0711297490329<br />

Den engelske musikeren THOMAS WHITE, med bakgrunn fra ELECTRIC SOFT<br />


sitt andre soloalbum. WHITE spiller så godt som alt selv, og resultatet er bisarr,<br />

men fabelaktig postmoderne pop! ”As far removed from the melodic pop of his band<br />

Electric Soft Parade as Mercury is from Morecambe, The Maximalist opens the dam<br />

of ostensibly conflicting styles and releases the deluge in all its crazily self-confident,<br />

so-wrong-it’s-right glory. White fuses elements of THE WHO, CHICAGO, MBV, QOTSA,<br />

BADALAMENTI and BADFINGER, which is not just a feat of cut-and-paste engineering,<br />

but also proof of his verve, vivid imagination and fervent love of music.” 4/5 UNCUT<br />



The Perfect Hoax<br />

HOAX 004<strong>CD</strong><br />

0793573992765<br />

Seks-manns sterkt Trondheimsband med utgangspunkt i Narvik.<br />

Spør dem hva de låter som, og du får sannsynligvis seks forskjellige svar.<br />

De står med beina godt plantet i den hardere delen av rocken. Det vil si hardcore/<br />

rock med energiske gitarer, allsangvennlige refrenger og inkludert saksofon,<br />

beats og analoge synther. Debut-EP med fem spor. Flotte saker.<br />

http://www.myspace.com/newfrequencymusic<br />



Moserobie<br />

MMP<strong>CD</strong> 068<br />

7320470128138<br />

Et av årets mest personlige jazz-album hittil, med et sound og en musikalitet som<br />

bare kan sammenlignes med de aller største innen genren på verdensbasis. Blinde<br />

MATS ÖBERG startet sin karriere i et FRANK ZAPPA-tributeband, og i 1988 opplevde<br />

han den ære å få spille sammen med mesteren selv da ZAPPA besøkte Stockholm.<br />

I 2006 mottok MATS hyllester fra jazz-verden for sitt soloalbum In The Moment fra<br />

2006, og med sitt første trio-album kommer han garantert til å motta enda flere og<br />

mer nesegruse hyllester. I tillegg til MATS selv på piano, består trioen av SEBASTIAN<br />

VOEGLER på trommer og FILIP AUGUSTSON på bass.<br />

<strong>Tuba</strong> <strong>Records</strong> AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway<br />

Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com<br />


<strong>CD</strong> <strong>CD</strong><br />

<strong>CD</strong><br />

<strong>CD</strong>EP<br />

NYHETER UKE 11 - 2010<br />



Frontiers<br />

FR<strong>CD</strong> 450<br />

8024391045022<br />

En av rockhistoriens mest legendariske sangere, BRIAN HOWE, begynte sin<br />

karriere i bandet WHITE SPIRIT sammen med gitarist JANICK GERS (IRON<br />

MAIDEN). Han fikk så jobben som sanger for TED NUGENT i 1984, og begynte siden<br />

i BAD COMPANY, der han sang i over 10 år. Etter over 19 millioner solgte album<br />

med BadCo, satset han på en solokarriere. Det er nå 13 år siden solodebuten, og på<br />

Circus Bar leverer han et knippe strålende låter som viser at stemmen fortsatt står til<br />

gull. PAT TRAVERS og WAYNE NELSON fra LITTLE RIVER BAND gjester på skiva.<br />




Profound Lore<br />

PFL 054<strong>CD</strong><br />

0880270314522<br />

I den amerikanske undergrunnen finnes det fortsatt band som står for ren og<br />

ekte death metal. VASAELETH er en del av denne eliten. En mørkere, ondere,<br />

styggere og mer brutal side av dødmetallen, som mange kanskje oppfatter som<br />

borte fra den amerikanske scenen. Men neida, VASAELETH leverer ekte vare.<br />


http://www.myspace.com/vasaeleth<br />

WOLD<br />


Profound Lore<br />

PFL 055<strong>CD</strong><br />

0880270314720<br />

WOLD regnes som det mest bisarre, unike, og mest ekstreme bandet Kanada noen<br />

sinne har fostret. Vi kan vel si at de er noe av det mest bisarre innen black metal<br />

også. En hypnotisk, intens og sonisk reise i tortur, støy og galskap.<br />

http://www.myspace.com/woldsongs<br />


2005 DEMO<br />

Hydra Head<br />

HH 666205<br />

0634457523920<br />

To lange låter, ikke utgitt før, og spilt inn i tiden rundt Subliminal Genocide (2005).<br />

Hydra Head har nå fått demoen mastret, til glede for fans av en av de mest<br />

spennende undergrunnsartistene i USA. Lo-fi black metal.<br />

“It’s so unnerving at times that it’s easy to forget that this is just one Californian,<br />

one human like any other... except he hates everything he sees with a Nietzschean<br />

passion.” DECIBEL MAGAZINE<br />

<strong>Tuba</strong> <strong>Records</strong> AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway<br />

Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com<br />

http://www.brianhowe.com/<br />


<strong>CD</strong> <strong>CD</strong><br />

<strong>CD</strong><br />

<strong>CD</strong><br />

NYHETER UKE 11 - 2010<br />



Peaceville<br />

<strong>CD</strong>VILEF 278<br />

0801056827821<br />

Dette er faktisk debutalbumet til GALLHAMMER, som Peaceville nå gjør<br />

tilgjengelig. Et album som har vært temmelig vanskelig å få tak i kommer<br />

nå i en deluxe digibok-versjon med to bonuslåter.<br />

“…We’d say there’s a 66.6 per cent chance that Gallhammer<br />

are the greatest metal band of all time.” METAL HAMMER<br />

http://www.myspace.com/ghammercrust<br />



Hydra Head<br />

HH 666195<br />

0634457521728<br />

Det nye selvtitulerte albumet til Rhode Island-bandet DAUGHTERS, rocker<br />

rett og slett noe sinnsykt. Vi snakker om et band som i sin tid ga ut et 11<br />

minutter langt debutalbum som inneholdt låter som Pants, Meet Shit.<br />

Liker du THE JESUS LIZARD og BIRTHDAY PARTY, kjøp denne!<br />

9/10 ROCK SOUND<br />

http://www.myspace.com/daughters1<br />



Limb Music<br />

LMP 1001118<br />

0884860018722<br />

Melodisk, progressiv powermetal fra Finland. Dette er bandets tredje album,<br />

og fans av sjangeren kan trygt gå til innkjøp.<br />


http://www.myspace.com/excalion<br />

N.O.W.<br />


Escape<br />

ESM 204<br />

5031281002044<br />

Storslagen hardrock blandet med ypperlig AOR, frontet av vokalist PHILIP<br />


4/5 MELODIC.NET<br />

<strong>Tuba</strong> <strong>Records</strong> AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway<br />

Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com<br />


<strong>CD</strong><br />

7”<br />

LP<br />

LP<br />

LP<br />

LP<br />



Blue Rose<br />

BLUDP 0510<br />

4028466325105<br />

Klassisk alt.country fra KASEY ANDERSON på hans femte album. Anderson har ofte blitt<br />

sammenlignet med STEVE EARLE, og fans av slikt vil neppe kjede seg et sekund under<br />

ERIC “ROSCOE” AMBEL-produserte Nowhere Nights.<br />

http://www.myspace.com/kaseyanderson<br />



Sub Pop<br />

SP 850<br />

0098787085013<br />

HAPPY BIRTHDAY selvsagt også på vinyl.<br />



Morén Pop<br />

MPLP 01<br />

7332700000657<br />

Jäkla bra skiva, jättebra format!<br />


KAIROS<br />

Dead Oceans<br />

DOC 034LP<br />

0656605133416<br />

WHITE HINTERLAND selvsagt også på vinyl.<br />



Hardly Art<br />

HAR 011<br />

0098787301113<br />

NYHETER UKE 11 - 2010<br />



Sub Pop<br />

SP 861<br />

0098787086171<br />

Syvtommer hvor KING KHAN og PAT METEOR minnes historien om St. Laurent, som ble brent på bål for<br />

å nekte å fornekte Jesus Kristus foran den lokale kongen. Mens hans kjød brant sa han: ”I am crisp on<br />

this side, it is time to turn me over”, en handling som skaffet ham helgenstatus. Tro på det den som vil.<br />

Stjerneskudd (tradisjonelt kalt Fiery Tears of St. Laurent) kan ofte sees over King Khans hjemby Montreal.<br />

GOLDEN TRIANGLE selvsagt også på vinyl.<br />

<strong>Tuba</strong> <strong>Records</strong> AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway<br />

Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com<br />


<strong>CD</strong>/LP<br />

Tracklist<br />

1. Bigger Bolder<br />

2. Repetition<br />

3. Never Now<br />

4. Less Than Thrilled<br />

5. Early Warnings<br />

6. False Pretense<br />

7. The Birds Were Singing<br />

With All Their Might<br />

8. Again, Again<br />

9. Kungen<br />

10. A Side in a Bed<br />

11. Dust<br />

12. Take Your Time<br />

<strong>CD</strong><br />

Tracklist<br />

01. My Brain<br />

02. I Know You Didn’t Mean It<br />

03. Everybody Thinks You’re An<br />

Angel<br />

04. Let It Come Down<br />

05. Modest Proposal<br />

06. Crush<br />

07. Some Right, Some Wrong<br />

08. The Way Of The World<br />

09. Ask Me Nice<br />

10. Once In A While<br />

11. I’m Alright<br />

12. The New Situation<br />

NYHETER UKE 11 - 2010<br />



Polyvinyl<br />

PRC 194-2 / PRC 194-1<br />

0644110019424 / 0644110019417<br />

<strong>Tuba</strong> <strong>Records</strong> AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway<br />

Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com<br />

FORHÅND 22. MARS<br />

After releasing two critically acclaimed full-lengths (Nine Times That Same Song, A Hundred<br />

Things Keep Me Up at Night) and several EPs on New York-based What’s Your Rupture?,<br />

Love Is All returned home to Gothenburg, Sweden after their spring 2009 tour with no record<br />

deal in place (and accordingly, no demands) to produce a new album. And so, the band members<br />

decided to take their time writing and recording and — gasp! — actually have a good<br />

time collaborating on the songs that would eventually comprise their third record:<br />

Two Thousand And Ten Injuries.<br />

The result is an eclectic collection of pop melodies, anchored by New Wave and punk rock<br />

rhythms, that are as refined as they are unpredictable. All told, Two Thousand And Ten Injuries<br />

successfully manages to be Love Is All’s most adventurous, and dare we say, accessible,<br />

album yet.<br />


Love Is All’s boisterous clamor is the real draw here. The band skips over cerebral tricks and<br />

hep posturing, instead going straight for adrenalized kicks, and it’s a rush that lasts long after<br />

the record ends. ~ The Village Voice<br />

Love Is All are a Swedish outfit and it was their last single, “Make Out Fall Out Make Up” that<br />

first caught my ear… An exciting, three-minute dead, slab of pure pop noise, dominated by<br />

Josephine Olausson’s enthusiastic vocal and a wall of vibratoless sax, the best kind.<br />

~ David Bowie<br />



Anti<br />

EPIT 70592<br />

8714092705928<br />

FORHÅND 22. MARS<br />

MOSE ALLISON’s new album and ANTI- debut The Way of the World arrives March<br />

23rd, 2010, marking his return to the recording studio after a 12 year absence. Working<br />

with maverick producer JOE HENRY, ALLISON has found his most sympathetic setting<br />

in years, surrounded by young, vibrant players, who add surprising slide guitar and<br />

some sinewy saxophone to the classic MOSE sound; The Way of the World also features<br />

MOSE’s first-ever duet with his daughter, singer AMY ALLISON. Yet this album is all MOSE,<br />

from the solo song Modest Proposal, a sly scalpel taken to organized religion, to the<br />

modernist, Monkish changes he takes the band through on the lone instrumental, Crush.<br />

ALLISON occupies a hallowed place in blues songwriting, sitting alongside DIXON and PERCY<br />

MAYFIELD in bringing a witty, urbane sensibility to the modern blues. Also well documented<br />

is his sway over a generation of British rockers – most rock fans know THE WHO’s blistering<br />

run-through of Young Man’s Blues on Live at Leeds, but are less aware of MOSE’s influence on<br />


to THE CLASH, who covered Look Here on Sandinista. Then there is that subtle, indefinable<br />

fact of MOSE’s voice, that laconic, laid-back singing style without which we would have no<br />


to mention ALLISON the respected pianist, with his nods to MONK and GARNER, and a slew<br />

of five-star Downbeat reviews in his piano bench. The Way of the World finds MOSE playing<br />

and writing with a new looseness, a playfulness and verve that belies his years, while behind<br />

the offhand swing lies the weight of those years, in the slowburn vitriol of MOSE’s mind in full<br />

gear. That canny blend of easy swing and lyrical incision makes The Way of the World an<br />

instant classic, in MOSE’s or anyone else’s repertoire.<br />


<strong>CD</strong><br />

Tracklist<br />

<strong>CD</strong>/LP<br />

Tracklist<br />

1. Building a Fire<br />

2. Moonless March<br />

3. Microviolence<br />

4. Searchlight<br />

5. Everything Goes My Way<br />

6. White Wind<br />

7. Cold Storage<br />

8. Blackout<br />

9. Waterwheel<br />

10. I’m in Trouble<br />

11. Ruins<br />



Certain Snært<br />

CER 001<br />

7090001912160<br />

NYHETER UKE 11 - 2010<br />

<strong>Tuba</strong> <strong>Records</strong> AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway<br />

Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com<br />

FORHÅND 22. MARS<br />

Den særdeles likandes artisten JOHNNY HIDE slipper 22. mars sitt andre soloalbum,<br />

An Honest Try. Den tidligere NUMBER SEVEN DELI-vokalisten leverer 10 nydelige og<br />

varme låter som får snøen til å smelte! Plata har blitt spilt inn i diverse studioer de siste to<br />

og et halvt årene, og er produsert av JOHNNY selv, men med viktige innspill fra folk som<br />



I tillegg gjester musikere som CHRISTER KNUTSEN, HÅKON GEBHARDT og PÅL HAUSKEN<br />


Mer informasjon kommer.<br />

http://www.myspace.com/johnnyhide<br />

ALOHA<br />


Polyvinyl<br />

PRC 189-2 / PRC 189-1<br />

0644110018922 / 0644110018915<br />

FORHÅND 29. MARS<br />

Aloha follows the acclaimed LP Some Echoes (2006) and acoustic EP Light Works (2007)<br />

with a powerful record that shows the band unbound by past influences and boldly stepping<br />

out of the shadows.<br />

Home Acres pushes the tempos and dials up the guitars, with the band’s slow-burn intensity<br />

sometimes overflowing into huge moments. But even as the energy surges, Aloha casts an<br />

otherworldy glow, serving up ambience and attack with equal measure. Lyrically, Home Acres<br />

tries to sort through the wreckage of the Great Lakes region and a way of life. Left abandoned<br />

“waiting for a getaway car that never came” in the record’s arena-rock-by-way-of-Silver<br />

Apples closer “Ruins,” we’re left to think that maybe we ought to have dreamt bigger and<br />

fought the urge to disengage.<br />

A suggestion that Aloha has taken to heart for its biggest, brightest record to date.<br />

Promotional Support<br />

• Beautiful artwork by acclaimed artist Dan Danger.<br />

• <strong>CD</strong> includes lyric book and digital Polyvinyl sampler.<br />

• LP deluxe packaging includes gatefold cover and poster.<br />

• Publicity by Motormouthmedia (Animal Collective, Bon Iver, Deerhunter).<br />

• Radio by AAM (Japandroids, of Montreal, No Age).<br />

• National touring by Flowerbooking (Boris, Frightened Rabbit, Obits).<br />

• Video promotion by HIP Video (Yeasayer, HEALTH, Dinosaur Jr.).<br />


<strong>CD</strong><br />

Tracklist<br />

Curse Of The Red River<br />

Our Twilight (album mix)<br />

Forlorn Waves<br />

Flicker<br />

The Leer<br />

The Ritual Of Dawn<br />

Ere All Perish<br />

Cold Earth Chamber<br />

Deserted Morrows<br />

LP<br />

Tracklist<br />

Those Treasures Will Never<br />

Befall You<br />

Running For Borders<br />

I Am The Graves Of The 80s<br />

Stylized Corpse<br />

Circle The Wagons<br />

Black Mountain Totem<br />

I Am The Working Class<br />

Eyes Burst At Dawn<br />

Bränn Inte Slottet<br />

NYHETER UKE 11 - 2010<br />

<strong>Tuba</strong> <strong>Records</strong> AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway<br />

Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com<br />

FORHÅND 29. MARS<br />



www.peaceville.com/barrenearth<br />

Peaceville<br />

<strong>CD</strong>VILEF 279<br />

0801056827920<br />

“If you like your metal passionate, heaving with ideas and rich in substance,<br />

then Barren Earth are a band you need in your life.” Zero Tolerance<br />

“Potent, aristocratic and utterly beautiful.” Terrorizer<br />

With a wealth of experience from internationally renowned acts, from former members of<br />

Finnish metallers Amorphis, to current members of Swallow the Sun, Moonsorrow, and<br />

Kreator, Barren Earth presents progressive and folk textured death/doom metal of the highest<br />

order on their hotly anticipated debut album on Peaceville <strong>Records</strong>. Titled ‘Curse of the Red<br />

River’, the album combines the best elements of metal, prog, and more obscure psychedelic<br />

rock – from Opeth to Pink Floyd, and Paradise Lost to Jethro Tull.<br />

The ‘Curse of the Red River’ recording session took place at Seawolf Studios, Helsinki (Ghost<br />

Brigade), in Summer 2009 with mixing carried out by the prolific Dan Swanö at Unisound in<br />

Sweden (Katatonia, Opeth, etc) who commented: “One of the best albums I have ever had<br />

the privilege to mix. The album is THAT good!!”<br />

Artwork comes courtesy of Travis Smith (Opeth, Katatonia, Bloodbath).<br />

Barren Earth recently conducted their debut live gig in Helsinki, and plan to embark upon<br />

a series of shows throughout 2010, with a performance at the renowned Summer Breeze<br />

festival already confirmed.<br />

“The debut album will be huge!” Rock Hard “I can already predict a lot of<br />

success for Barren Earth. You’ll hear a lot about this band in 2010” Metalstorm<br />

“This collective has the talent of Opeth and they are not ashamed to show this<br />

influence… a new super band has been born” Lords of Metal “Barren Earth challenged<br />

themselves and the metal scene. They created a masterpiece, earthshaking for every<br />

progressive and technical metal fan. With such an entrance, you are rarely forgotten!”<br />

Reflections of Darkness<br />



Peaceville<br />

VILELP 276<br />

0801056827616<br />

FORHÅND 29. MARS<br />

Vinylutgaven av det kommende DARKTHRONE-albumet er egentlig kun til salgs på<br />

Peacevilles hjemmeside. Men vi har greid å grine oss til ca 200 eksemplarer.<br />

De er nummererte og kommer til og med en uke før <strong>CD</strong>-versjonene!<br />

Førstemann til mølla!<br />


<strong>CD</strong><br />

Tracklist<br />

Intro<br />

Move It<br />

Blue Eyed Black Boy<br />

Marcha de la Vida<br />

Dancing With The Moon<br />

Kabulectro<br />

My Baby<br />

Balcumbia<br />

Look Them Act<br />

Smatron<br />

Ljepa Mare<br />

Why<br />

Buhala<br />

War Again<br />

<strong>CD</strong>/LP<br />

Tracklist<br />

1. It Only Takes One Night<br />

2. Bhang, Bhang, I’m a Burnout<br />

3. O Mein M<br />

4. Jail La La<br />

5. Rest of Our Lives<br />

6. Yours Alone<br />

7. Blank Girl<br />

8. I Will Be<br />

9. Lines Her Eyes<br />

10. Everybody’s Out<br />

11. Baby Don’t Go<br />

NYHETER UKE 11 - 2010<br />



Crammed<br />

CRAW 55<br />

0876623005964<br />

<strong>Tuba</strong> <strong>Records</strong> AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway<br />

Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com<br />

FORHÅND 29. MARS<br />

They’ve been wowing festival and club audiences around the world non-stop for the last couple of years<br />

with their wild, powerful show, and now they are back with their strongest album so far.<br />

Balkan Beat Box - the three-headed, dancefloor-conquering powerhouse principally comprising Tamir<br />

Muskat, Ori Kaplan and Tomer Yosef - have been busy since the release of 2007’s devastating debut<br />

for Crammed < Nu-Med > (not forgetting last year’s fine remix collection < Nu-Made >) honing a sound<br />

that mixes musical gene pools more effectively than ever : they have arrived at < Blue Eyed Black Boy<br />

> - as loud, proud and politically-engaged a statement as you could hope for from this most 21st century<br />

of bands. Recorded across a suitably diverse range of European locations - Ori’s adopted city of<br />

Vienna, Austria, the Serbian capital of Belgrade and the band’s mutual hometown Tel-Aviv in Israel were<br />

all bases covered on this album’s journey - < Blue Eyed Black Boy > finds BBB going that bit deeper,<br />

finding striking melodies, rock-solid song structure and an ever-sharper political awareness alongside<br />

their typically artful sonic collision of global musical styles and thundering danceloor beats.<br />

First full track < Move It > is a trademark BBB block-rocker, with duelling brass blowing a minor-scale<br />

middle eastern wind across chunky tabla-assisted rhythms as MC Tomer spouts lyrical, cheekily referencing<br />

the band’s past glories (‘the digital monkeys on a move’) as well as dropping the immortal lines<br />

of roots-reggae legend Max Romeo, with an individualist twist (< we can show u how to send u to outer<br />

space/to fly on your ownŠ >). Yet with the title track that follows we are shown a new, more measured side<br />

to BBB : the pace slows to a loping groove, guitars shimmer and Tomer delivers a thoughtful paean to<br />

struggles of the racial, social and political kind, seen through the ‘blue eyes’ of the ‘black boy’ in question.<br />

In general the mood throughout < Blue Eyed Black Boy > remains buoyant and empowered, with<br />

< Marcha de la Vida >, < Balkumbia > and incendiary closer < War Again > destined to be new live<br />

anthems, and the contagiously poppy hip hop bump of < Look Them Act > coming off like some classic<br />

Timbaland production given a Mediterranean coast makeover. This unique trio of musicians have<br />

successfully nailed the communal spirit and energy of their live shows down to tape, and the result is<br />

the brightest, most confident and adventurous model of BBB to date. All this, and they haven’t even<br />

hit the road yet.<br />


I WILL BE<br />

Sub Pop<br />

SP<strong>CD</strong> 840 / SP 840<br />

0098787084023 / 0098787084016<br />

FORHÅND 29. MARS<br />

I Will Be is the debut full-length by the Dum Dum Girls. Recorded at home by Dee Dee and<br />

mixed with the help of Richard Gottehrer (Strangeloves, Voidoids, Blondie, The Go-Gos and,<br />

more recently, The Raveonettes), I Will Be is a decidedly medium-fi record. Just under thirty<br />

minutes with eleven songs, it’s a short tribute to love, fun and the classic pop form of the ‘60s<br />

girl groups and early punk rockers.<br />

http://www.myspace.com/dumdumgirls<br />


<strong>CD</strong><br />

Tracklist<br />

Those Treasures Will Never Befall You<br />

Running For Borders<br />

I Am The Graves Of The 80s<br />

Stylized Corpse<br />

Circle The Wagons<br />

Black Mountain Totem<br />

I Am The Working Class<br />

Eyes Burst At Dawn<br />

Bränn Inte Slottet<br />

<strong>CD</strong>/LP<br />

Tracklist<br />

1) Truths Arise<br />

2) In Illusions Of Order<br />

3) A Hail Of Bombs<br />

4) Giving Birth To Imagined Saviors<br />

5) A Swarm<br />

6) In Every Mind<br />

7) A Mutiny<br />

8) As Each End Looms And Subsides<br />

NYHETER UKE 11 - 2010<br />



Peaceville<br />

<strong>CD</strong>VILEF 276X / <strong>CD</strong>VILEF 276<br />

0801056828026 / 0801056827623<br />

<strong>Tuba</strong> <strong>Records</strong> AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway<br />

Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com<br />


Darkthrone’s all-new sonic attack of metal & punk, a fist in the face of the overground.<br />

Darkthrone are a legendary name in metal, inspiring countless bands throughout the years<br />

as one of the leaders of the scandinavian black metal movement in the early 90’s,<br />

alongside other greats such as Burzum, Immortal and Mayhem.<br />

Now, to welcome a new decade, the unrelenting Norwegian duo deliver a new feast of<br />

metal and punk. from their thrash and death beginnings to their ascension to the pantheon<br />

of black metal greats, Darkthrone have always refused to stand still. They continue to<br />

embrace and explore their roots and capture the real spirit of sonic greatness on<br />

CIRCLE THE WAGONS; recorded by the band themselves at Necrohell II studios.<br />

Artwork for the album comes once again courtesy of Dennis Dread, notable for his talents<br />

on previous Darkthrone albums, ‘F.O.A.D’ and 2008’s ‘Dark Thrones and Black Flags’,<br />

as well as for US greats, Abscess.<br />

“Die hard! I hate, therefore I am” Fenriz, January 2010<br />

• The limited special edition <strong>CD</strong> version of the album is packaged in a slip cased<br />

natural rough board digipack<br />

• With a 24 page booklet including an additional band history by Fenriz.<br />

• This deluxe edition also features an exclusive 12 minute video of the bands<br />

inspirations for the album, shot at the mastering house in Oslo.<br />



Conspiracy<br />

CORE 088 / CORE 088LP<br />

5425015710976 / 5425015710983<br />


Red Sparowes is a Los Angeles based instrumental group known for its epic, heavy and<br />

sprawling sounds heard over the course of two full length albums -- At The Soundless Dawn<br />

(2005) and Every Red Heart Shines Toward the Red Sun (2006) both on Neurot Recordings<br />

-- three split discs and the recently released Aphorisms (2008) digital EP. The band consists<br />

of current and former members of Isis, Halifax Pier, Pleasure Forever, Angel Hair, Made Out<br />

of Babies and The VSS.<br />

The band toured extensively in the U.S. and Europe following the release of At The<br />

Soundless Dawn. A split EP release with Gregor Samsa was released in 2005 on<br />

Robotic Empire and the Black Tar Prophecies Vol. 1 split EP with Grails followed in 2006 on<br />

the same label.<br />

Red Sparowes second full-length release, Every Red Heart Shines Toward the Red Sun,<br />

was recorded at Prairie Sun and Louder Studios in San Francisco with producer Tim Green<br />

(Comets On Fire, The Fucking Champs, The Melvins). The album was released in September<br />

2006 and the band toured even more extensively throughout 2006-2007.<br />

Red Sparowes went into the studio with engineer Toshi Kasai (Melvins, Big Business, Tool) in<br />

May 2008 and the resulting 3-song EP Aphorisms was released digitally that July via Sargent<br />

House. A physical release consisting of 12” vinyl will be out in November of 2009. The band<br />

has just finished recording their third full-length album, with their new permanent guitarist<br />

Emma Ruth Rundle and returning again to producer, engineer Toshi Kasai.<br />


<strong>CD</strong><br />

Tracklist<br />

1. Lake of Sin<br />

2. O My Tidy Sum<br />

3. Rabbits<br />

4. Wheels<br />

5. Dead Man’s Curve<br />

6. Corrina<br />

7. Six Legged Man<br />

8. Wild Son<br />

9. When I Go Down On You<br />

10. Nonstoperotik<br />

11. Cinema Star<br />

<strong>CD</strong><br />



Cooking Vinyl<br />

COOK<strong>CD</strong> 513<br />

0711297491326<br />

NYHETER UKE 11 - 2010<br />

<strong>Tuba</strong> <strong>Records</strong> AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway<br />

Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com<br />


I finally came into possession of an old guitar someone had given me at a nightclub in San Francisco<br />

awhile back; Eric Drew Feldman had been holding it for me there on Haight Street. He convinced<br />

me that it looked cool (it was black) and had been given in the spirit of benevolence. Every time I<br />

picked it up a nice chord came out and so I lovingly cleaned it with red wine in the dressing room<br />

the following night and began to write. I told the tour manager that we would drive in my Cadillac<br />

directly to a recording studio in Los Angeles (and could he book one, oh, and a rhythm section,<br />

too?) from the gig in San Luis Obispo which would put us at the studio at about 4am. It all happened<br />

according to plan and we cut the initial tracks there in the wee hours over a few days, and<br />

then moved on to an equally haunted studio in London and Eric Drew Feldman joined us there and<br />

we finished the record in St. John’s Wood. Like I said the studio was haunted and I wrote many a<br />

couplet by candlelight in the studio accommodation, slept very little, and only felt the need to get<br />

the fuck out of there fast on the last night. The spirits had not ever bothered me, other than low<br />

drama moral support, but I was informed that they had heard enough and it was time to move on;<br />

plus I had a gig in Ireland.<br />

When I was a boy the plant we boys called a fern was code for vagina, and to this day I love fern<br />

plants. In my heart the vagina is almost everything, and almost everything else could be summed<br />

up in what cock and seed have to offer; and everything else? The love of the father, dead or alive,<br />

the pain of too much pleasure, till death do us part, the voice of another song man from the other<br />

side, with or without God, Teri and the Possibilities, where ever you may be, the smell of sex in the<br />

air, seduced, slain, on my knees in prayer, sucking at the only thing that matters, my own personal<br />

Meret Oppenheim, I am Man Ray and I want you and to be all the way inside you, the cameras whirring<br />

as we put some elbow grease into the scene, the audience watching us in the dark.Recorded in<br />

Los Angeles, London and Brooklyn, NonStopErotik was produced by Eric Drew Feldman and Black<br />

Francis, and features 10 original songs, plus a cover of the Flying Burrito Brothers track “Wheels”.<br />



Cooking Vinyl<br />

COOK<strong>CD</strong> 519<br />

711297491920<br />


THE SCENE: - A large meeting at Cooking Vinyl (CV) to discuss GOTHIC ROAD – JACKIE LEVEN’S<br />

first new studio album since 2008’s LOVERS AT THE GUN CLUB. STUART (new CV label manager,<br />

his first meeting with JL) – “Er, can I start by asking Jackie what the album title, GOTHIC ROAD<br />

actually means, if anything?” JACKIE – “Well, we all walk two roads – the Royal Road, and the Road of<br />

Poverty and Death, however we imagine these roads to be. When these two roads meet, then we are<br />

walking on the GOTHIC ROAD.” STUART (doubtfully) – “Does it make any difference which direction<br />

you walk on the GOTHIC ROAD?” JACKIE – “None at all”. STUART (still doubtfully) – “Is this all true?”<br />

MARTIN GOLDSCHMIDT (CV supremo, without looking up from doodling) – “It is now ...”<br />

GOTHIC ROAD opens with the choral sound of GHOST VOICES OF THE KURSK – three young Russian men<br />

from the northern seaboard city of Murmansk, all of whose brothers died in that Russian submarine tragedy. This<br />

is closely followed by the sound of a German sat nav lady guiding JACKIE’s tour bus out of the city of Hamburg<br />

last year. And so the stage is set for twelve strong tales from the GOTHIC ROAD – powerful stories from one who<br />

has walked the road for nearly sixty years. Many of the songs are at once mystical but also locked in the daily grind<br />

of emotional survival. In keeping with his longstanding creative association with mavericks and outlaws, (David<br />

Thomas, Johnny Dowd etc) JACKIE collaborates here with fabled English renegade RALPH McTELL. RALPH<br />

supplies the yearning second lead vocal, plus Gibson acoustic guitars on CORNELIUS WHALEN, a song about<br />

the man who was the last of the Jarrow marchers left alive when JACKIE wrote the song – the Jarrow March**<br />

being a superb example of the reality of the GOTHIC ROAD. Elsewhere on the album, JACKIE fantasises about<br />

the creative dynamo that is actress TILDA SWINTON, hides in his hotel mini bar from the tyranny of endless touring,<br />

sings a song written by the original punk poet PATRIK FITZGERALD, (SHADOW OF A MAN) and welcomes<br />

on board a guest recording by his co-producer, the great Welsh singer DAVID WRENCH (ISLAND). The album<br />

abounds with GOTHIC ROAD-ness, as in the coda of the song GOTHIC ROAD itself, where the royal road pomp<br />

of HENRY PRIESTMAN’s massed plucked cellos is counter-pointed by JOHN ROBERT’S skeletal spoons playing,<br />

casting a cold eye on the poverty-stricken end of the street. Or in the lush celestial choir voices on LAST OF THE<br />

BADMEN as the anti hero at the end of his personal road pleads in a PARTON-esque refrain – ‘please don’t kill<br />

me just because you can’. The music on GOTHIC ROAD provides cast iron proof that the creative phenomenon<br />

that is JACKIE LEVEN is not simply continuing to go from strength to strength, but is close to passing out of sight<br />

on a road that others fear to tread.<br />


<strong>CD</strong><br />

Tracklist<br />

1. Body and Zeuhl<br />

2. Arabesque<br />

3. The Afreet<br />

4. Hidden People<br />

5. Aeriform<br />

6. Beglomoi<br />

7. Ghost Dance<br />

8. Aimless Day<br />

9. Id Machine<br />

<strong>CD</strong><br />

Tracklist<br />

Odessa<br />

Sun<br />

Kaili<br />

Found Out<br />

Bowls<br />

Leave House<br />

Hannibal<br />

Lalibela<br />

Jamelia<br />



Moserobie<br />

MMP<strong>CD</strong> 071<br />

7320470128169<br />

NYHETER UKE 11 - 2010<br />

Nytt album fra den norske jazz-favoritten PER ZANUSSI og hans kvintett!<br />

Mer info kommer.<br />


SWIM<br />

City Slang<br />

SLANG 733419<br />

0602527334196<br />

<strong>Tuba</strong> <strong>Records</strong> AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway<br />

Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com<br />



Et av vårens mest etterspurte album!<br />

If you think you know Caribou, think again. Dan Snaith’s new album, Swim is the sound of<br />

the musical glass ceiling being blown away.<br />

If there is a link to previous album Andorra, it would be in the ravishing explosions of sound<br />

pulsing through album closer ‘Niobe’. A continuum of sorts leads us to 2010, but that finale<br />

gives mere hints as to the future Caribou. From the opening effervescent gambol of ‘Odessa’<br />

to the glorious odyssey of ‘Jamelia’, it’s crystal clear that Caribou has made a massive leap<br />

forwards, upwards and sideways.<br />

Dan’s latest recording sees him getting busy in the basement with some expertly<br />

constructed, rave-tinged sounds that sing with soul. But that’s not all. As a songwriter<br />

of considerable standing, Dan has not subsumed his uniquely recognisable touch in<br />

an orgy of technical bliss – although, there is plenty of euphoria in the musical alchemy<br />

on offer. From Dan’s perspective, he says, “The most important thing for me with<br />

this record was finding my own sonic vocabulary. That’s why I’m proud of this record.”<br />

Swim is full of brightly textured, rapturous gems that gleam with astonishing production<br />

– and then wrenches at your heart with soulful, thoughtful reveries on the passing<br />

of time, family history and the breakdown of relationships. “There are songs about<br />

growing old in a relationship, about divorce and loneliness in old age but the lyrics<br />

are generally pretty abstract sketches of what’s going on in the situation in my head.”<br />

Ready for the new Caribou future?<br />


<strong>CD</strong>/LP<br />

Tracklist<br />

1. The Code<br />

2. Dream About the Future<br />

3. Hey Elevator<br />

4. Strange Solar System<br />

5. Dance Floor<br />

6. C.P.U.<br />

7. No One in the World<br />

8. Dignified Dignitary<br />

9. No Vacation<br />

10. Told You Once<br />

11. It’s All Right<br />

12. Next Year at About the Same Time<br />

13. Floating in Space<br />

14. Nobody But You<br />

15. Wings Away<br />

16. Time Pilot<br />

<strong>CD</strong><br />

NYHETER UKE 11 - 2010<br />



Yep Roc<br />

YEP 2201 / YEP 2201LP<br />

0634457221222 / 0634457221215<br />

<strong>Tuba</strong> <strong>Records</strong> AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway<br />

Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com<br />


“I wanted to make a futuristic pop record, to reach out to the kids of the future. It is what I<br />

imagine their more highly-evolved pop might sound like: shiny soul music with robots and<br />

humans singing together. We are sending a pop music message through time.”<br />

So says The Apples in stereo / Elephant 6 collective mastermind Robert Schneider.<br />

The Apples’ new album and seventh studio effort, Travellers in Space and Time is the<br />

follow-up to their critically acclaimed hit album New Magnetic Wonder and their second<br />

release in association with Elijah Wood’s Simian <strong>Records</strong>.<br />

Travellers finds the studio-obsessed indie rockers continuing the hook-heavy pop mastery they<br />

achieved on New Magnetic Wonder, an album that spawned performances on Conan O’Brien<br />

and Stephen Colbert, along with numerous commercial placements (Pepsi, Samsung, New<br />

Balance) and even a performance of hit single “Energy” by the contestants of American Idol.<br />

Well over a year in the making, the new material recasts the Apples’ signature pop sounds<br />

in chrome-plated futurism, all while adding a dance-driven vibe channeling ELO, Barry Gibb,<br />

Wild Honey-era Beach Boys and Off The Wall-era Michael Jackson.<br />



Chrome Dreams<br />

<strong>CD</strong><strong>CD</strong> 5036<br />

0823564614724<br />


One of contemporary musics true originals, the inimitable songs of Nick Drake are often difficult to<br />

imagine having been influenced by anyone but himself. But as with all true musical giants, Drakes<br />

compositions and style were informed by a diverse range of musicians, songwriters and performers who<br />

came before. From the sublime finger-picking and glorious tunes of the wholly under-rated Bert Jansch<br />

to the country blues styles of Big Bill Broonzy and Reverend Gary Davis - via Donovan, The Yardbirds<br />

and Miles Davis, he listened to all of them and many others besides. The inspiration these mavericks<br />

provided motivated the often manically depressed Nick Drake into writing , recording and, on the very<br />

rare occasion, performing some of the most beautiful music ever written albeit, tragically, the process<br />

would contribute in no small way to his untimely death at the age of just 26. This compilation traces<br />

the roots of Nick Drakes astonishing music and features all of the above mentioned artists and many<br />

others with 24 superb and moving tracks in all. 24 tracks which now can be appreciated all together on<br />

this collection ,enabling the appreciation of where this mysterious and legendary figure found much of<br />

his musical muse and hopefully, for a man often tortured by his own existence, at least a little comfort.<br />


1 St James Infirmary Louis Armstrong (Primrose) 3:23 2 Heart Full Of Soul The Yardbirds (Gouldman) 2:21 3<br />

Parchman Farm Bukka White (White) 2:40 4 Gallows Tree Odetta (Trad, Arr Gordon) 2:51 5 Blue In Green Miles<br />

Davis (Davis) 5:33 6 Careless Love Josh White (Trad, Arr Handy, Williams, Koenig) 3:19 7 Betty and Dupree<br />

Brownie McGhee (Trad, Arr McGhee) 4:00 8 Chega de Saudade Jo Gilberto (Jobim, De Moraes) 1:55 9 Summertime<br />

Billie Holiday (Gershwin, Heyward) 2:55 10 If You Leave Me Pretty Mama Dave Van Ronk (Trad) 3:07<br />

11 Black Mountain Blues Dave Van Ronk (Johnson) 4:02 12 Little Woman Your So Sweet Blind Boy Fuller (Allen)<br />

2:46 13 Cocaine Blues Ramblin Jack Elliott (Tard, Arr Davis) 2:11 14 Samson and Delilah Reverend Gary<br />

Davis (Tard, Arr Davis) 4:05 15 Guinevere Donovan (Leitch) 2:55 16 Girl From The North Country Bob Dylan<br />

3:13 17 Gypsy Davey Woody Guthrie (Trad) 2:51 18 Black Girl Pete Seeger (Ledbetter) 2:31 19 I Aint Marching<br />

Anymore Phil Ochs (Ochs) 2:48 20 I Wish I Was a Mole In The Ground Bascom Lamar Lunsford (Trad, Lunsford)<br />

3:21 21 Blackwaterside Bert Jansch (Trad, Arr Jansch) 4:44 22 Wedding Dress Pentangle (Trad, Arr Jansch,<br />

Renbourn, McShee, Thompson, Cox) 2:24 23 When Do I Get To Be Called a Man Big Bill Broonzy (Broonzy)<br />

3:19 24 Hellhound On My Trail Robert Johnson (Johnson) 2:38<br />


<strong>CD</strong><br />

<strong>CD</strong><br />

NYHETER UKE 11 - 2010<br />



Bella Union<br />

BELLA<strong>CD</strong> 235<br />

0602527338583<br />

<strong>Tuba</strong> <strong>Records</strong> AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway<br />

Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com<br />


Everyone has a favorite band or singer they reckon is subject to criminal neglect. That John Grant’s effortlessly<br />

rich, expansive baritone, couched in typically heartbreaking, lush melody, hasn’t found a wider audience indeed<br />

drives his fans to consider a crime. But no longer. Because Grant’s first solo album, following three undervalued<br />

studio albums (and one similar covers compilation) fronting The Czars, is so undeniably great that the world<br />

will surely listen. It’s a record of gravitas and grace, of FM melody magic laced with raw emotional bleeding. It<br />

asks why relationships are roulette and love is hell in a last-ditch attempt at self-improvement and atonement<br />

after a decade of alcohol and cocaine dependency. It’s not overstating the case to say – as John has himself in<br />

a recent issue of MOJO - that he’s contemplated suicide. And yet there is redemption in its exquisite grooves.<br />

And on top, to further the album’s brilliance, Grant’s backing band on the album are Denton, Texas’ mightiest –<br />

MIDLAKE - contributing their most empathic ‘70s-style soft-rock know-how. Put simply, Queen Of Denmark is<br />

the record Grant’s been waiting his whole life to make. Queen Of Denmark was recorded in Denton in two fourmonth<br />

stints – July-October 2008 and May-July 2009 - in the studio downtime while Midlake were painstakingly<br />

recording their own album (The Courage Of Others). Every Midlake member chipped in but Paul Alexander<br />

and guitarist Eric Pulido, who co-produced the album with John, are on every track alongside drummer McKenzie<br />

Smith. John reserves special mention for Paul’s basslines. “They were outrageous, off the fuckin’ hook.<br />

Some evenings, we couldn’t stop smiling and laughing because I was so excited about his work.” The whole<br />

Denton experience, he adds, “was really uplifting. It was emotional and painful too but Midlake believed in me<br />

and told me, ‘people need to hear you, and we’re going to make it happen.” Queen Of Denmark moves through<br />

simple piano settings (the lovestruck ballad ‘Caramel’ and the intriguing Scott Joplin-meets-Beatles ragtime of<br />

‘Silver Platter’), via an infusion of period-perfect synths (the rockier ‘Sigourney’, a sultry ‘It’s Easier’) that epitomise<br />

the lonely mood. There’s flute from Midlake frontman Tim Smith on the dreamiest cut (and there is stiff<br />

competition) ‘Marz’, and velvet strings (‘Dreams’, which imagines Scott Walker influenced by Patsy Cline, and<br />

the darker drama ‘Leopard’). There are allusions to higher beings (‘Outer Space’) and to human weaknesses<br />

(‘JC’). There is pure longing regret in the opening ‘TC And Honeybear’ and bitterly sarcastic, amped-up anger<br />

in the magnificent title track finale. Pain, hope, fear, regret, anger, self-flagellation and self-discovery - Queen<br />

of Denmark has it all.<br />

ASIA<br />

OMEGA<br />

Frontiers<br />

FR<strong>CD</strong> 455<br />

8024391045527<br />


www.originalasia.com<br />

ASIA, rock’s first important super-group of the 80s - featuring members from Yes, Emerson Lake & Palmer,<br />

King Crimson and The Buggles – will release Omega, its highly anticipated new album of original material.<br />

The record is due in the spring of 2010 on Frontiers <strong>Records</strong>. Geoffrey Downes, Steve Howe, Carl<br />

Palmer and John Wetton, the four original Asia members, reunited in 2006, twenty-three years after<br />

all four had last played together. The much publicised reunion resulted in highly successful world tours,<br />

a double live LP and DVD (entitled Fantasia: Live In Tokyo) and an acclaimed studio album Phoenix in<br />

2008 which debuted at number 73 in the Billboard charts in the USA and entered the top 100 in several<br />

European countries. The reunion came to celebrate the 25 th anniversary of the band, but morphed itself<br />

into an ongoing endeavour. In 2008, they returned with the first new studio album, Phoenix, which had<br />

been strongly influenced by the fusion of talents and heritages that the band excited the music world with<br />

back in 1982. Omega shows a new renaissance for this amazing group of musicians, which seem to live<br />

up to a joie-de-vivre that stands the test of time. Begun during the summer 2009, the writing and recording<br />

sessions of Omega, immediately showed inspiration and good feelings. “We were looking to create<br />

something different with Omega,” says keyboardist Geoff Downes. “Of course, the sound of the 4 band<br />

members of Asia will always have a certain hallmark when we play together. That’s a given. But we approached<br />

the song writing with a mind to getting a degree of variety into these compositions. Hence, you<br />

will hear areas of textures where arguably we have never gone before.” Adds lead vocalist/bassist/guitarist<br />

John Wetton: “Asia is an English prog-rock band with a pop edge, always has been, and hopefully always<br />

will be. Accessible, melodic, anthemic songs with great playing, luxuriating in a bed of lush orchestration,<br />

with lyrics that strike a sympathetic chord in even the most cynical heart. There you have it, Omega is<br />

a themed album in Asia’s fine tradition, without the millstone of a concept.” As with the most popular of<br />

ASIA releases, the cover art specifically designed for the project by acclaimed artist Roger Dean. The<br />

concept of the title (Omega), and the ‘Year of the Tiger’ referencing of the cover art underline the fact that<br />

this is real Asia. John Wetton explains: “The title ‘Omega’, as any fan of the band will tell you, is ‘very<br />

Asia’ (as is the album, by the way). It no more means ‘final’ than ‘Alpha’ means ‘the first’ (which it wasn’t).<br />

It’s a great sounding/looking word, and a bookend to ‘Alpha’. In many ways, musically and conceptually,<br />

the two albums share commonality.”<br />


<strong>CD</strong><br />

Tracklist<br />

1. Asylum 2013<br />

2. Tower Of Silence<br />

3. Symptoms<br />

4. The Invasion<br />

5. Spear Of Heaven<br />

6. Cognitive Cocaine<br />

7. Alihorn<br />

8. Choice<br />

9. Exorcism - In A Treacherous Kiss<br />

10. Water Through Fire<br />

11. Dark Passenger<br />

12. Uro<br />

<strong>CD</strong><br />

Tracklist<br />

1. Forever More<br />

2. I Wanna Live<br />

3. Modern Day Cowboy<br />

4. Heaven’s Trail<br />

5. What a Shame<br />

6. Shine Away<br />

7. Love Song<br />

8. What You Give<br />

9. The Way It Is<br />

10. Breakin’ Free<br />

11. Hang Tough<br />

12. So What!<br />

13. Signs<br />

14. Lil’ Suzie<br />

15. Into the Now.<br />



Prosthetic<br />

10081<strong>CD</strong><br />

0656191008129<br />

NYHETER UKE 11 - 2010<br />

<strong>Tuba</strong> <strong>Records</strong> AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway<br />

Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com<br />


Prosthetic <strong>Records</strong> is proud to unveil the debut album ‘The Descent’ from Norway’s MANTRIC.<br />

Formed in 2007 in Oslo, Norway from the ashes of metal visionaries, EXTOL, MANTRIC takes<br />

this pioneering songwriting approach to new, epic heights.<br />

Fusing a unique, distinctly Scandinavian take on rich, challenging metal and modern punk with<br />

a powerful progressive edge, MANTRIC recorded “The Descent” in Norway, with studio guru<br />

Tue Madsen handling mixing and mastering duties. Prosthetic <strong>Records</strong> quickly recognized<br />

that something rather special was developing and are now very happy to have MANTRIC<br />

as part of their diverse roster.<br />

MANTRIC are the first worldwide signing of a European band to Prosthetic <strong>Records</strong> and<br />

vocalist and guitarist Ole Sveen commented, “Our first album using the Mantric-name does to<br />

our ears deserve to get out to lovers of hard music all over the world, and Prosthetic makes<br />

this possible.<br />

Our music embraces creativity and originality outside the limits of narrow genres, so it suits<br />

us fine to deal with a label that also values this. This is a release that is both accessible and<br />

original, catchy and complex at the same time, and we can’t wait to get it out!”.<br />

MANTRIC will showcase “The Descent” with a selection of gigs across Norway around the<br />

release date before embarking on UK, European and North American tours to support<br />

the album throughout 2010.<br />

“The Descent” is truly urgent music - just as great, challenging heavy music should be. Enjoy.<br />

TESLA<br />

LIVE IN EUROPE 2009<br />

Frontiers<br />

FR<strong>CD</strong> 457<br />

8024391045725<br />


After 25 years, 12 albums, over 2,500 shows, over 16 million albums sold worldwide, Tesla<br />

is stronger than ever, on the heels of the release of one of the band’s most successful studio<br />

releases to date Forever More.<br />

Continuing the momentum, Tesla: Jeff Keith (vocals), Frank Hannon (guitars), Brian Wheat<br />

(bass), Troy Luccketta (drums) and Dave Rude (guitar) have toured Europe after the successful<br />

release of their latest studio opus Forever More on Frontiers <strong>Records</strong>.<br />

As a testament to a very creative and productive chapter in the history of the band, Tesla<br />

release what can be considered their first “proper” and “electric” live album recorded at various<br />

locations during the European shows in the summer of 2009.<br />

Alive In Europe! is filled with sweltering live songs including all the band’s classics such as<br />

“Modern Day Cowboy”, “Signs”, “What You Give”, “Little Suzi” and songs from the latest release<br />

such as the single “I Wanna Live”, the album title track and more.<br />

A sincere and truly live sounding album which closes a chapter in the band’s history and<br />

shows a vibrant band ready for the next step.<br />

www.myspace.com/teslatheband<br />


<strong>CD</strong><br />

Tracklist<br />

1. Domestic Scene<br />

2. Heaven’s On Fire<br />

3. This Time Around<br />

4. Never Follow Suit<br />

5. A Token Of Gratitude<br />

6. The Video Dept.<br />

7. Memory Loss<br />

8. David<br />

9. Four Months In The Shade<br />

10. You Stopped Making Sense<br />

<strong>CD</strong>/LP<br />

Tracklist<br />

Burning The Bowery<br />

All The Way From Moscow<br />

Disco Ghetto<br />

The Archer<br />

St. Marks Sunset<br />

Lowlife In A Highrise<br />

Burn The Bridge<br />

Revelations<br />

Black Boombox<br />

Lonely At Heart<br />

NYHETER UKE 11 - 2010<br />



Labrador<br />

LAB 105<br />

733223300105<br />

<strong>Tuba</strong> <strong>Records</strong> AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway<br />

Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com<br />


The long wait is finally over! The Radio Department’s ”Clining to a scheme” is without doubt<br />

this year’s most eagerly anticipated Swedish indie pop album. It’s been four long years, but<br />

a simple press on Play and you’ll know it’s been worth every second. “Clinging to a scheme”<br />

combines the best components from their previous albums “Lesser matters” and “Pet grief”<br />

with soul guitars, P-funk, cut/paste-beats and 70’s futuristic orchestra. Breathtaking!<br />

The Radio Dept. arrived with their album “Lesser matters” in 2003 which is commonly referred<br />

to as the most important Swedish indie pop album of the 21st century. It was embraced by<br />

press and fans all over the world. They had no less than two “Single of the week” in the NME<br />

and it, not surprisingly, ended up Top10 on the NME’s “Album of the year”-list. In 2006 Sophia<br />

Coppola chose to feature three of their songs in the film Marie Antoinette that further helped<br />

them to achieve worldwide recognition and the same year the chart-topping and critically<br />

acclaimed album “Pet grief” was released. In the end of 2009 “Lesser matters” came to be<br />

one out two Swedish albums to appear on NMEs Greatest Albums of the Decade-list.<br />

“This album is a miniature classic - here’s hoping indie snobbery doesn’t condemn it to the mists<br />

of time (The Top 100 Greatest Albums of the Decade)” NME<br />

The Radio Department’s releases have been referred to as The perfect mix between Saint<br />

Etienne and early The Jesus and Mary Chain and The best songs Pet Shop Boys never<br />

wrote and the album you’d hoped My Bloody Valentine did after ”Loveless”. And perhaps<br />

both comparisons makes sense. In a way. But the truth is that Sweden’s No. 1 alternative<br />

pop geniuses only sound like one band - themselves.<br />

The band will do a handful of gig in May this year and a longer tour is expected in the fall of<br />

2010.<br />



SideOneDummy<br />

SD 1415 / SD 1415-1<br />

0603967141528 / 0603967141511<br />


After three critically acclaimed solo records, dozens of world tours and TV appearances, Jesse Malin found himself back in<br />

New York City questioning his next move. From his days fronting seminal hardcore trio Heart Attack and glam punks D Generation,<br />

then seven years on the road as a solo artist, Malin had cultivated a devout fan base. He’d shared stages with everyone<br />

from The White Stripes to Counting Crows, The Hold Steady to Lucinda Williams, but felt like he was losing the plot.<br />

Malin contemplated going back to school, becoming a standup comedian or a Las Vegas wedding DJ, and even<br />

started work on a documentary film about DC hardcore Rastafarians The Bad Brains. For over a year he didn’t play<br />

or record. When asked by a Hollywood screenwriter to pen songs for a film about author J.D. Salinger, Malin — a fan<br />

of Catcher in the Rye and other Salinger works — traveled to Cornish, NH hoping to speak to the famous recluse.<br />

In typical punk-rock fashion, instead of getting the interview, Malin landed at the local precinct for trespassing and<br />

was released only after the cops watched his video duet with Bruce Springsteen for “Broken Radio” on YouTube<br />

and were convinced he was just a writer doing research. Though he never met Salinger (who passed away this past<br />

January), Malin made the most of the experience by writing “The Archer” and “Lonely at Heart”—two songs that<br />

would make him want to work again and become the basis for his new album.<br />

Over the summer of 2009, in the basement of Avenue A watering hole Hi-Fi, the songs came forth. Malin, with<br />

impresario Don DiLego, drummer Randy Schrager, guitarist Matt Hogan, and bassist/DJ Tommy USA, worked with<br />

his newly formed band to bash out an album’s worth of gritty anthems, and The St. Marks Social was born. A solid<br />

band, but one with an open door to Malin’s community of musician friends - longtime partner in crime Ryan Adams,<br />

pop singer Mandy Moore, fellow label mate Brian Fallon, and former bandmates from D Generation Howie Pyro<br />

and Danny Sage - the Social is a group effort to keep the P.M.A. Says Malin, “To me, rock ‘n’ roll is an exorcism that<br />

begins every night when the sun goes down, the music starts playing, and the spirits start flowing. It helps to say<br />

things in public over dirty microphones. It’s a way to spit out the poison.”<br />

When Jesse met producer Ted Hutt (Lucero, Flogging Molly, The Gaslight Anthem) one drunken night at a local bar,<br />

their talk of making a record fast, loose, and raw, was the beginning of Hutt’s quest to create a record that would<br />

encompass Malin’s roots and evolution—from hardcore thrasher to punk/folk singer-songwriter. The album’s basic<br />

tracks were laid in three days at Greenpoint, Brooklyn’s Mission Studios, and the rest at Sonic Youth’s Think Tank<br />

Studios in Hoboken, NJ. Filled with the characters Malin does best—messengers and misanthropes, hipsters and<br />

hypocrites—and as always, his constant themes of redemption, nightlife, heartbreak, and survival, LOVE IT TO<br />

LIFE—a sentiment taken from a ticket stub Joe Strummer autographed for Jesse—was built with desperate optimism<br />

that shouts in gang vocals that no matter how bad it gets, you’re never alone.<br />


<strong>CD</strong><br />

Tracklist<br />

1/ Havanna Sex Dwarf<br />

2/ Donut (interpretation)<br />

3/ Regenerate<br />

4/ The Door<br />

5/ Teenage Spaceman<br />

6/ Divine (feat. Yello)<br />

7/ Scaramanga<br />

8/ L.A. tely<br />

9/ Bad Love (feat. Chelonis R. Jones)<br />

10/ No Difference<br />

11/ This Is Not The Time<br />

<strong>CD</strong><br />

Tracklist<br />

1. *<br />

2. I Just Want To Go Home<br />

3. I Am Sick of All This Too<br />

4. I Know This Is No Place For You<br />

5. I Alone Got Up and Left<br />

6. I Know This Is All My Fault<br />

7. I Did Not Call Out<br />

NYHETER UKE 11 - 2010<br />


MORE!<br />

Get Physical/Cooperative<br />

KM<strong>CD</strong> 001<br />

0602527356389<br />

<strong>Tuba</strong> <strong>Records</strong> AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway<br />

Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com<br />

FORHÅND 3. MAI<br />

Booka Shade will release their fourth artist album More! this May in a joint venture between Get<br />

Physical Music and Cooperative Music. Regarded by many as the best live electronic act in the<br />

world, Booka Shade have enjoyed a meteoric rise since establishing themselves with their breakthrough<br />

album ‘Memento’ in 2005. Worldwide club hits such as ‘Body Language’, ‘In The White<br />

Rooms’ and ‘Charlotte’ followed, as well as their second album ‘Movements’, which is regarded as<br />

one of the last decade’s classic electronic albums. 5 years on and with the release of their fourth LP,<br />

the duo prove they are still hungry for More! “The album is called More!. More refined production,<br />

more multi-layered atmospheres, more emotion.” Explains Arno Kammermeier (one half of Booka<br />

Shade), “We wanted this album to be more energetic with strong grooves and of course the typical<br />

Booka Shade melodies and atmospheres that we love. The album takes you through every stage<br />

of the night out; the excitement before you go out, the party, the late, late night, a bit of paranoia....<br />

and then the sunny morning of a new day.” Across the album, Arno, and the other half of Booka<br />

Shade, Walter Merziger delve deeper than ever before, delivering what has to be their most dynamic<br />

and accomplished album to date, which is saying something for Booka Shade! For the first time on<br />

any of their albums they’ve collaborated with guest vocalists, sharing the limelight with electronic<br />

pioneers Yello and Get Physical favourite Chelonis R. Jones. “We’re so excited about 2010 and<br />

taking the new album on the road. We’ve been working on these songs in the studio for the last 18<br />

months and now is the time to hear them loud!” Arno continues, “The world tour will start in February<br />

with us headlining the Future Music Festival in Australia, followed by club shows in key cities<br />

throughout Europe and a short trip to the U.S. to introduce the album Stateside. I can safely say we<br />

have a big summer of festivals in front of us too!”. Indeed they do, with the full live schedule to be announced<br />

very soon, including (for the first time ever) a fully live UK tour, taking in all the major cities<br />

across the country (see below for a preview of confirmed dates). Until then, please log on to Booka<br />

Shade’s website to download Regenerate, one of the stand-out tracks from the album that will not<br />

only delight fans but also give the world a clear sign of what’s to come with More!<br />



Hydra Head<br />

HH 666206<br />

0634457525627<br />

FORHÅND 18. MAI<br />

Harvey Milk’s “A Small Turn of Human Kindness,” is the difference between watching a movie<br />

like Irreversible vs. watching a movie like Independence Day. Both good films, however the first<br />

stimulates a foreign mixture of emotions that require you to sleep it off, whereas the latter<br />

concludes with you feeling comfortable with the fact that you’re a lazy, wasteful, culturally<br />

sequestered American who has sat through this fucking movie way too many times in his/her<br />

life! So, I think you get the idea, “A Small Turn of Human Kindness,” is as dense and as heavy<br />

temperamentally as it is musically. The seven songs so subtly bleed together that the listener<br />

has no choice, but to view the entire album as a linear orchestration with a singular ebb and<br />

flow. A rising and falling action, refined to hell and back. And so, all of these things lead me to<br />

believe that any and all true Harvey Milk fans will eventually argue this record as the band’s<br />

finest work. Or at least the vinyl version will become the quintessential mantle-piece for a<br />

generation of suburban children slumming it in the inner city you know who you are!<br />

BIO:<br />

Harvey Milk is a sludge/noise rock outfit formed in the early 1990’s from savannah,<br />

Georgia. Harvey Milk disbanded around 1997. Due to increased popularity while the group was<br />

no longer active, the band reformed (around 2008). Hydra Head released the bands first new<br />

record after the hiatus, “Life the Best Game in Town....” “A Small Turn of Human Kindness” is<br />

title of the first track on the band’s first proper release... and their seventh proper full-length<br />

release<br />




1349<br />

AC4<br />

Absu<br />

All That Remains<br />

Anaal Nathrakh<br />

Aura Noir<br />

Avantasia<br />

Benea Reach<br />

Bigelf<br />

Blood Tsunami<br />

Burzum<br />

Clutch<br />

<br />

Converge<br />

Darkthrone<br />

Devil’s Blood<br />

Doro<br />

Dødheimsgard<br />

El Caco<br />

Electric Wizard<br />

Emperor<br />

Enslaved<br />

Fear Factory<br />

Galar<br />

Gates Of Slumber<br />

Ghost Of A Thousand<br />

Ihsahn<br />

Illusion Suite<br />

Insomnium<br />

Isis<br />

Jon Oliva’s Pain<br />

Jorn<br />

Katatonia<br />

Keep Of Kalessin<br />

Khold<br />

Krallice<br />

Kylesa<br />

Madder Mortem<br />

Masterplan<br />

Melvins<br />

Mistur<br />

My Dying Bride<br />

Nachtmystium<br />

Neurosis<br />

Obituary<br />

Opeth<br />

Orcustus<br />

Pantheon I<br />

Pelican<br />

Sabaton<br />

She Said Destroy<br />

Shrinebuilder<br />

Sunn O)))<br />

Susperia<br />

Svölk<br />

Taake<br />

Theatre Of Tragedy<br />

Thundra<br />

U.D.O.<br />

Ulver<br />

W.A.SP.<br />

Windir<br />

Wolves In The Throne...<br />

Zeromancer<br />

Clutch<br />

Destruction<br />

Emperor<br />

Enslaved<br />

Revelations Of The Black Flame<br />

AC4<br />

Absu (Special Edition)<br />

Overcome<br />

In The Constellation Of The...<br />

Hades Rise<br />

The Metal Opera Pt 1&2<br />

Alleviat<br />

Cheat The Gallows<br />

Grand Feast For Vultures<br />

Belus<br />

Strange Cousins From The West<br />

Resplendent Grotesque<br />

Axe To Fall<br />

Dark Thrones & Black Flags<br />

The Time Of No Time Evermore<br />

Fear No Evil<br />

Supervillain Outcast<br />

Heat<br />

Witchcult Today<br />

Live Inferno Box<br />

Ruun<br />

Mechanize<br />

Til Alle Heimsens Endar<br />

Hymns Of Blood And Thunder<br />

New Hopes, New Demonstrations<br />

After<br />

Final Hour<br />

Across The Dark<br />

Wavering Radiant<br />

Festival<br />

Dukebox<br />

Night Is The New Day<br />

Armada<br />

Hundre År Gammal<br />

Dimensional Bleedthrough<br />

Static Tensions<br />

Eight Ways<br />

MK II<br />

Nude With Boots<br />

Attende<br />

Bring Me Victory EP<br />

Assassins<br />

Given To The Rising<br />

Darkest Day<br />

Still Life - Special Edition<br />

Orcustus<br />

Worlds I Create<br />

What We All Come To Need<br />

The Art Of War<br />

This City Speaks In Tongues<br />

Shrinebuilder<br />

Monoliths & Dimensions<br />

Attitude<br />

Svölk<br />

Taake<br />

Forever Is The World<br />

Ignored By Fear<br />

Dominator<br />

Shadows Of The Sun<br />

Babylon<br />

Valfar, Ein Windir<br />

Black Cascade<br />

The Death Of Romance<br />

Full Fathom Five<br />

A Savage Symphony<br />

Live At Wacken Open Air 2006<br />

Live In Bergen DVD - Return TO<br />

FantomasMelvinsBigBand Live From London 2006<br />

Gluecifer<br />

Farewell to The Kings Of Rock<br />

Isis<br />

Clearing The Eye<br />

Jackson Michael Never Surrender<br />

Jorn<br />

Live In America<br />

Kaada/Patton<br />

Live<br />

Ministry<br />

Adios…Putas Madres<br />

Nocturno Culto<br />

The Misanthrope<br />

Opeth<br />

The Roundhouse Tapes<br />

Rock Rob<br />

The Voice of Melodic Metal - Live<br />

Smashing Pumpkins If All Goes Wrong<br />

Whitesnake<br />

Live - In The Still Of The Night<br />

Windir<br />

Sognametal-A Windir DVD<br />

CANDLE 284<strong>CD</strong><br />

NYVÅG 123<strong>CD</strong><br />

CANDLE301<strong>CD</strong>SE<br />

10067 <strong>CD</strong><br />

CANDLE 285<strong>CD</strong><br />

<strong>CD</strong>VILEF173<br />

AFM<strong>CD</strong> 150-9<br />

TABU028<br />

PAGE 008<strong>CD</strong><br />

CANDLE 249<strong>CD</strong><br />

BYE 001<strong>CD</strong><br />

WM 009<strong>CD</strong><br />

TABU 027<br />

EPIT 70352<br />

<strong>CD</strong>VILEF 237X<br />

VAN 029<strong>CD</strong>B<br />

AFM<strong>CD</strong> 233-9<br />

FOG<strong>CD</strong>037<br />

BLN<strong>CD</strong> 014<br />

RISE<strong>CD</strong>100<br />

CANDLE272BOX<br />

TABU022<br />

AFM<strong>CD</strong> 307-9<br />

KAR 055<br />

RISE<strong>CD</strong> 119<br />

EPIT 70152<br />

CANDLE288<strong>CD</strong>SE<br />

LMP 0908109<br />

CANDLE256<strong>CD</strong>SE<br />

CORE 078<br />

AFM<strong>CD</strong> 288-9<br />

AMF<strong>CD</strong> 211-2<br />

<strong>CD</strong>VILEF 271X<br />

TABU019<br />

TABU029<br />

PFL 052<strong>CD</strong><br />

10071 <strong>CD</strong><br />

<strong>CD</strong>VILEF 246<br />

AFM<strong>CD</strong> 148-2<br />

IPC105<br />

MIR 001<br />

<strong>CD</strong>VILES 270<br />

CANDLE217<strong>CD</strong><br />

NR050<br />

CANDLE232<strong>CD</strong>SE<br />

<strong>CD</strong>VILED 183X<br />

LORD 102<br />

CANDLE 228<strong>CD</strong><br />

LORD 110<br />

BLOD055<strong>CD</strong><br />

TABU 030<br />

NR 070<br />

SUNN 100<br />

CANDLE 277<strong>CD</strong><br />

SVOLK 01<br />

KAR 043<br />

AFM<strong>CD</strong> 212-9<br />

EP 024<br />

AFM<strong>CD</strong> 258-9<br />

TRICK041<strong>CD</strong><br />

DEM<strong>CD</strong> 165<br />

TABU006<br />

LORD 103<br />

TRI 385<br />

DVD<br />



WM 002DVD<br />

AFMDCS 232-7<br />

CANDLE 231DVD<br />

TABU014<br />

IPC102DVD<br />

MIG 011<br />

IPC80DVD<br />

SGDVD 028<br />

FRDVD 020<br />

IPC96DVD<br />

THPDVD 012<br />

DVDVILE7<br />

DVDVILE 11<br />

AFMDCS 252-7<br />

CHS 10036<br />

CHS10033<br />

TABU011<br />



Airbag<br />

Identity<br />

KAR 046<br />

Antony & the Johnsons Antony & the Johnsons<br />

SC104<br />

Band Of Horses<br />

Cease To Begin<br />

SP<strong>CD</strong>745<br />

Beach House<br />

Teen Dream<br />

BELLA<strong>CD</strong> 225<br />

Benson Brendan<br />

My Old, Familiar Friend<br />

VVR 711270<br />

Besnard Lakes<br />

Are The Roaring Night<br />

JAG 126<br />

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club Beat The Devil’s Tattoo<br />

VVR 733267<br />

Blakroc<br />

Blakroc<br />

VVR 725582<br />

Blk Jks<br />

After Robots<br />

SC 197<br />

Brun Ane<br />

Live At Stockholm Concert Hall DEM<strong>CD</strong>DVD 01<br />

Built To Spill<br />

There Is No Enemy<br />

ATPR<strong>CD</strong> 37<br />

Cassidy,Eva<br />

Somewhere<br />

G210190<br />

Chesnutt Vic<br />

At The Cut<br />

CST 60<br />

Diverse Artister<br />

Oslo 2<br />

STA<strong>CD</strong> 013<br />

Eels<br />

End Times<br />

VVR 728642<br />

Felice Brothers<br />

Yonder Is The Clock<br />

TL 39<br />

Fever Ray<br />

Fever Ray Deluxe Edition RABID 039X<br />

First Aid Kit<br />

The Big Black And The Blue WEBB 222<strong>CD</strong><br />

Fleet Foxes<br />

Fleet Foxes/Sun Giant<br />

BELLA2<strong>CD</strong> 167<br />

Flight Of The Conchords I Told You I Was Freaky<br />

SP<strong>CD</strong> 800<br />

Flooging Molly<br />

Live At The Greek Theatre SD 1413<br />

Fuck Buttons<br />

Tarot Sport<br />

ATPR<strong>CD</strong> 35<br />

Get Well Soon<br />

Vexations<br />

SLANG 728607<br />

Grand Island<br />

Songs From Ôstra Knoll 1:22 SAL 001<strong>CD</strong><br />

Hayseed Dixie<br />

Killer Grass<br />

COOK<strong>CD</strong> 515<br />

Hägglund Anne Lene Bird Cherry Grove<br />

SWA 001<strong>CD</strong><br />

Henry Joe<br />

Blood From Stars<br />

EPIT 70262<br />

[ingenting]<br />

Tomhet, Idel Tomhet<br />

LAB 123<br />

Iron & Wine<br />

Around The Well<br />

SP<strong>CD</strong> 808<br />

Japandroids<br />

Post-Nothing<br />

PRC 184-2<br />

Karijord Rebekka<br />

The Noble Art Of Letting… LFR<strong>CD</strong> 01<br />

Knife<br />

Tomorrow In A Year<br />

RABID 044<br />

Low Anthem<br />

Oh My God, Charlie Darwin BELLA<strong>CD</strong> 202<br />

Magnolia Electric Co. Josephine<br />

SC 185<br />

Mariachi El Bronx<br />

El Bronx<br />

WEBB 219<strong>CD</strong><br />

McRae Tom<br />

The Alphabet Of Hurricanes COOK<strong>CD</strong> 514<br />

Midlake<br />

The Courage Of Others<br />

BELLA<strong>CD</strong> 224<br />

Monzano<br />

By This Time Last Year… STA<strong>CD</strong> 014<br />

Moto Boy<br />

Lost In The Call<br />

SIWIHW 020<br />

Mumford & Sons<br />

Sigh No More<br />

VVR 720037<br />

Oberst Conor<br />

Outer South<br />

WEBB 212<strong>CD</strong><br />

Ocean Colour Scene<br />

Saturday<br />

COOK<strong>CD</strong> 511<br />

Of Montreal<br />

Skeletal Lamping<br />

PRC 160<br />

Okkervil River<br />

The Stand Ins<br />

JAG 124<br />

Olsen Egil<br />

Nothing Like The Love I Have For... UIREC 006<br />

Phoenix<br />

Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix DeluxeVVR<br />

721723<br />

Port O’Brien<br />

Threadbare<br />

SLANG 714172<br />

Prodigy<br />

Invaders Must Die Special Edition HOSP<strong>CD</strong> 001S<br />

Retribution Gospel Choir 2<br />

SP<strong>CD</strong> 856<br />

Regan Fionn<br />

The Shadow Of An Empire HVNLP 75<strong>CD</strong><br />

Richmond Fontaine<br />

We Used To Think The Freeway… DECOR 016<strong>CD</strong><br />

Rubik<br />

Dada Bandits<br />

FS 130<br />

Skambankt<br />

Hardt Regn<br />

DOG 008<br />

Spoon<br />

Transference<br />

EPIT 70502<br />

Staff Benda Bilili<br />

Trés Trés Fort<br />

CRAW 51<br />

Stevens Sufjan<br />

The BQE<br />

AKR 278<br />

Swell Season<br />

Strict Joy<br />

EPIT 70522<br />

Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial... Kollaps Tradixionales<br />

CST 63X<br />

Tingsek<br />

Restless Soul<br />

WOIO<strong>CD</strong> 001<br />

Ungdomskulen<br />

Bisexual<br />

US 002<br />

Veirs Laura<br />

July Flame<br />

BELLA<strong>CD</strong> 220<br />

Volcano Choir<br />

Unmap<br />

JAG 156<br />

Wainwright Martha<br />

Sans Fusils, Ni Souliers, A Paris VVR 723066<br />

Waits Tom<br />

Glitter & Doom - Live<br />

EPIT 70532<br />

Boris<br />

Converge<br />

Do Make Say Think<br />

Eagles Of Death Metal<br />

Fear Factory<br />

Flight Of The Conchords<br />

Grand Island<br />

Isis<br />

Lewis Jerry Lee<br />

Nirvana<br />

Retribution Gospel Choir<br />

Rumble In Rhodos<br />

Shrinebuilder<br />

Sunn O)))<br />

Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial<br />

Orc.<br />

Waits Tom<br />

VINYL<br />


16:47:52<br />

Axe To Fall<br />

The Other Truths<br />

Heart On + 7”<br />

Mechanize<br />

I Told You I Was Freaky<br />

Songs From Ôstra Knoll 1:22<br />

Wavering Radiant<br />

Live At The Star Club...<br />

Bleach - 20th Anniversary<br />

2<br />

Intentions<br />

Shrinebuilder<br />

Monoliths & Dimensions<br />

Kollaps Tradixionales<br />

Glitter & Doom - Live<br />

Babylon<br />

<strong>Tuba</strong> <strong>Records</strong> AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway<br />

Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com<br />

LORD 108.3V<br />

DWI 98<br />

CST 62LP<br />

IPC 111LP<br />

AFMLP 307-1<br />

SP 800<br />

SAL 001LP<br />

CORE 078DBLLP<br />

BAF 18006<br />

SP 834<br />

SP 856<br />

BLNLP 012<br />

NR 070V<br />

SUNN 100LP<br />

CST 63LP<br />

EPIT 70531<br />

DEMLP 165<br />


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