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HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE 114 8. REFERENCES Gartland KP, Sweatman BC, Beddell CR, et al. 1991. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance urinalysis studies on the biochemical effects of a nephrotoxic dose of uranyl nitrate in the Fischer 344 rat. Proceedings, Fourth International Symposium on Nephrotoxicity, Guilford, England, UK 1989. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY 525530. *Gietl YS, Anders MW. 1991. Biosynthesis and biliary excretion of S-conjugates of hexachlorobuta- 1,3-diene in the perfused rat liver. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 19:274-277. *Gietl Y, Vamvakas S, Anders MW. 1991. Intestinal absorption of S- (pentachlorobutadienyl)glutathione and S-(pentachlorobutadienyl)-L-cysteine, the glutathione and cysteine S-conjugates of hexachlorobuta-1,3-diene. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 19:703-707. *Govind R, Flaherty PA, Dobbs RA. 1991. Fate and effects of semivolatile organic pollutants during anaerobic digestion of sludge. Water Res 25:547-556. Gradiski D, Duprat P, Magadur JL, et al. 1975. [Etude toxicologique experimentale de l’hexachlorobutadiene]. Eur J Toxicol 8: 180-187. (French). Green T, Odum J. 1985. Structure/activity studies of the nephrotoxic and mutagenic action of cysteine conjugates of chloro- and fluoroalkenes. Chem Biol Interactions 54: 15-3 1. *Hardin BD, Bond GP, Sikov MR, et al. 1981. Testing of selected workplace chemicals for teratogenic potential. Stand J Work Environ Health 7:66-75. *Harleman JH, Seinen W. 1979. Short-term toxicity and reproduction studies in rats with hexachloro-( 1,3)-butadiene . Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 47: 1-14. *Hauser TR, Bromberg SM. 1982. EPA’s monitoring program at Love Canal 1980. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2:249-271. *Haworth S, Lawlor T, Mortelmans K, et al. 1983. Salmonella mutagenicity test results for 250 chemicals. Environ Mutagen Suppl 1: 3-142.

HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE 115 8. REFERENCES *HazDat. 1993. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registery (ATSDR), Atlanta, GA. October, 1993. *Henschler D, Dekant W. 1990. Nephrocarcinogenic xenobiotics. Toxicol Lett 53 : 105-110. *Hewitt WR, Brown EM. 1984. Nephrotoxic interactions between ketonic solvents and halogenated aliphatic chemicals. Fund Appl Toxicol 4:902-908. *Hook JB, Ishmael J, Lock EA. 1983. Nephrotoxicity of Hexachloro-1:3-butadiene in the rat: The effect of age, sex, and strain. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 67:122-131. *Hook JB, Rose MS, Lock EA. 1982. The nephrotoxicity of hexachloro-1:3-butadiene in the rat: Studies of organic anion and cation transport in renal slices and the effect of monooxygenase inducers. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 65: 373-382. *HSDB. 1992. Hazardous Substances Data Bank. National Library of Medicine, National Toxicology Information Program, Bethesda, MD. January 20, 1992. *HSDB. 1993. Hazardous Substances Data Bank. National Library of Medicine, National Toxicology Information Program, Bethesda, MD. May 13, 1993. *IARC. 1979. IARC monographs on the evaluation of the carcinogenic risk of chemicals to humans. Vol. 20: Hexachlorobutadiene. World Health Organization, Lyon, France. *IARC. 1987. IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risk of chemicals to humans. Suppl 7. Overall evaluations of carcinogenicity: Updating of IARC monographs volumes l-42. World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, 64. *IRIS. 1992. Integrated Risk Information System. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. March 26, 1992. *IRIS. 1993. Integrated Risk Information System. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. May 14, 1993.



Gartland KP, Sweatman BC, Beddell CR, et al. 1991. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance urinalysis<br />

studies on the biochemical effects of a nephrotoxic dose of uranyl nitrate in the Fischer 344 rat.<br />

Proceedings, Fourth International Symposium on Nephrotoxicity, Guilford, England, UK 1989.<br />

Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY 525530.<br />

*Gietl YS, Anders MW. 1991. Biosynthesis and biliary excretion of S-conjugates of hexachlorobuta-<br />

1,3-diene in the perfused rat liver. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 19:274-277.<br />

*Gietl Y, Vamvakas S, Anders MW. 1991. Intestinal absorption of S-<br />

(pentachlorobutadienyl)glutathione and S-(pentachlorobutadienyl)-L-cysteine, the glutathione and<br />

cysteine S-conjugates of hexachlorobuta-1,3-diene. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 19:703-707.<br />

*Govind R, Flaherty PA, Dobbs RA. 1991. Fate and effects of semivolatile organic pollutants<br />

during anaerobic digestion of sludge. Water Res 25:547-556.<br />

Gradiski D, Duprat P, Magadur JL, et al. 1975. [Etude toxicologique experimentale de<br />

l’<strong>hexachlorobutadiene</strong>]. Eur J Toxicol 8: 180-187. (French).<br />

Green T, Odum J. 1985. Structure/activity studies of the nephrotoxic and mutagenic action of<br />

cysteine conjugates of chloro- and fluoroalkenes. Chem Biol Interactions 54: 15-3 1.<br />

*Hardin BD, Bond GP, Sikov MR, et al. 1981. Testing of selected workplace chemicals for<br />

teratogenic potential. Stand J Work Environ Health 7:66-75.<br />

*Harleman JH, Seinen W. 1979. Short-term toxicity and reproduction studies in rats with<br />

hexachloro-( 1,3)-butadiene . Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 47: 1-14.<br />

*Hauser TR, Bromberg SM. 1982. EPA’s monitoring program at Love Canal 1980. Environmental<br />

Monitoring and Assessment 2:249-271.<br />

*Haworth S, Lawlor T, Mortelmans K, et al. 1983. Salmonella mutagenicity test results for 250<br />

chemicals. Environ Mutagen Suppl 1: 3-142.

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