Design og modellering af metanolanlæg til VEnzin-visionen Bilag

Design og modellering af metanolanlæg til VEnzin-visionen Bilag

Design og modellering af metanolanlæg til VEnzin-visionen Bilag


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<strong>VEnzin</strong>.for<br />

c:/dna/source/<br />

tau_1_2=b_1_2/(R_u*T_K)<br />

c<br />

x_ME_3=ZA(6)<br />

x_ST_3=1D0−x_ME_3<br />

gamma_2=exp((x_ST_3**2*(tau_1_2*((exp(−(alpha<br />

$ *tau_1_2))/(x_ME_3+x_ST_3*exp(−(alpha*tau_1_2))))<br />

$ )**2+(tau_2_1*(exp(−(alpha*tau_2_1))/(x_ST_3+x_ME_3<br />

$ *exp(−(alpha*tau_2_1)))**2)))))<br />

gamma_1=exp((x_ME_3**2*(tau_2_1*((exp(−(alpha<br />

$ *tau_2_1))/(x_ST_3+x_ME_3*exp(−(alpha*tau_2_1))))<br />

$ )**2+(tau_1_2*(exp(−(alpha*tau_1_2))/(x_ME_3+x_ST_3<br />

$ *exp(−(alpha*tau_1_2)))**2)))))<br />

c<br />

P_ST_IN=X_J(MEDIE(2),H2O_G$)*P(2)<br />

P_ME_IN=X_J(MEDIE(2),CH3OH$)*P(2)<br />

c<br />

P_ME=P_ME_IN*0.999d0<br />

x_ME=P_ME/(gamma_2*P_SAT_ME)<br />

x_ST=1D0−x_ME<br />

P_ST_2=gamma_1*P_SAT_ST*x_ST<br />

P_ST=(P_ME_IN−P_ME+P_ST_IN)−(P_ME_IN−P_ME)/x_ME<br />

if (T.gt.239.1) then<br />

RES(RES_NR)=T−238<br />

else<br />

RES(RES_NR)=P_ST−P_ST_2<br />

endif<br />

c<br />

RES(RES_NR+1)=x_ME−x_ME_3<br />

C<br />

IF (FKOMP.EQ.5) GOTO 500<br />

GOTO 9999<br />

C−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−<br />

C Solution check<br />

C−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−<br />

500 CONTINUE<br />

CALL STATES(P(2),H(2),T2,V,S,X,U,1,2,MEDIE(2))<br />

IF (MDOT(1).LT.−1D−10) GOTO 550<br />

IF (MDOT(2).GT.1D−10) GOTO 550<br />

IF (Q(1).GT.1D−10) GOTO 550<br />

IF (T2.LT.T) GOTO 550<br />

GOTO 9999<br />

550 FBETI = .FALSE.<br />

GOTO 9999<br />

C−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−<br />

C Write component information<br />

C−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−<br />

600 CONTINUE<br />

KOMDSC = ’Methanol converter. Outlet gas is at equilibrium<br />

$ between $ H_2$, CO, $CO_2$, $H_2O$ and $CH_3OH$. One of the<br />

$ conditions for the component is that condensation of methanol<br />

$ and water does not occur.’<br />

K_PAR(1) = ’Pressure loss: $\\Delta p$ [bar]’<br />

K_BET =<br />

$ ’$\\dot{m}_1 \\gt 0 \\\\ \\dot{m}_2 \\lt 0 \\\\ \\dot{Q} \\lt<br />

$0 \\\\ T_2 \\gt T_{condensation} $’<br />

KMEDDS(1) =’Inlet gas’<br />

KMEDDS(2) =’Oulet gas’<br />

KMEDDS(3) =’Heat loss’<br />

k_inp=’struc Meoh−convert MEOH_CONVERTER 601 602 311 0.01\\\\<br />

$media 601 Syngas 602 Syngas−meoh\\\\<br />

$fluid Syngas H2 0.5 CO 0.3 CO2 0.2\\\\<br />

$addco p 601 144\\\\<br />

$addco t Meoh−convert 602 235 t Meoh−convert 601 230 m Meoh−convert<br />

$ 601 100\\\\<br />

$START Y_J Syngas−meoh H2 0.15 Y_J Syngas−meoh CO 0.16\\\\<br />

$START Y_J Syngas−meoh CO2 0.33 Y_J Syngas−meoh CH3OH 0.34\\\\<br />

$START ZA Meoh−convert 5 230’<br />

GOTO 9999<br />

C<br />

9999 CONTINUE<br />

RETURN<br />

END<br />

C=======================================================================<br />

C***********************************************************************<br />



$ ,KMEDDS,K_inp)<br />

C***********************************************************************<br />

27/67<br />


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