Design og modellering af metanolanlæg til VEnzin-visionen Bilag

Design og modellering af metanolanlæg til VEnzin-visionen Bilag Design og modellering af metanolanlæg til VEnzin-visionen Bilag


NYKOMB SYNERGETICS 3. Process Configuration Ecotraffic R&D AB The High Temperature Winkler (HTW) fluidized-bed gasification technology forms the basis for the synthesis gas production plant. This process, supplied by the engineering company Krupp Uhde, Germany has attained industrial maturity for the gasification of reactive feedstocks such as brown coal and peat under pressure. The methanol synthesis plant comprise a methanol synthesis unit with a purge gas stream led to an Auto-Thermal Reformer (ATR), thus making a loop. This process is supplied by the engineering company Haldor Topsøe, Denmark and is commercially available. Consequently, the methanol production plant will ensure high reliability and availability. 4. Environmental Performance With gasification of biomass feedstock various unwanted compounds are formed, such as sulphur compounds, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, nitrogen compounds and higher hydrocarbons. However, due to the gas cleaning and gas conditioning steps within the plant, these compounds are completely removed. The solid residues from the gasification step will be incinerated as additional fuels in a steam boiler in order to utilise the energy contained. During combustion, a minor portion of the combined sulphur will be released and exhausted to the atmosphere in the form of SO2. In conclusion, the plant will exhibit good environmental performance with very little emissions. 5. Plant Reliability and Availability This process plant configuration is mainly based on proven and commercially available technologies and equipment with guaranteed performance from competing vendors. The simple and straight-forward process configuration with a minimum of integration between plant units and heat exchange between process streams contributes to an easy and reliable operation of the facility. Thus, this methanol producing plant will exhibit good reliability and availability. Nykomb Synergetics AB 15 April 1999 3

NYKOMB SYNERGETICS 6. Investment Estimate Ecotraffic R&D AB The investment cost estimate as well as the calculated methanol production cost are based on 1 st quarter of 1997 and were based on cost information given by respective supplier or vendor. Some costs were assessed using in-house information and applying accepted factoring methods as degression exponents, scale-up factors etc. Moreover, the capital investment cost was calculated with an interest of 8 % and a project lifetime of 15 years, hence, an annuity of some 12 %. Thus, the estimated investment cost for the biomass to methanol production plant is 417 MMUSD or US$1,800/kW. An investment cost break-down is illustrated below in Figure 2. Contingency 11% Off-sites & Utilities 5% Wood Preparation & Storage Units 10% Combined Heat and Power Unit 9% Methanol 8% Synthesis Plant 57% Figure 2. Investment cost breakdown. Synthesis Gas Plant Nykomb Synergetics AB 15 April 1999 4

NYKOMB<br />


3. Process Configuration<br />

Ecotr<strong>af</strong>fic R&D AB<br />

The High Temperature Winkler (HTW) fluidized-bed gasification technol<strong>og</strong>y<br />

forms the basis for the synthesis gas production plant. This process, supplied<br />

by the engineering company Krupp Uhde, Germany has attained industrial<br />

maturity for the gasification of reactive feedstocks such as brown coal and peat<br />

under pressure.<br />

The methanol synthesis plant comprise a methanol synthesis unit with a purge<br />

gas stream led to an Auto-Thermal Reformer (ATR), thus making a loop. This<br />

process is supplied by the engineering company Haldor Topsøe, Denmark and<br />

is commercially available. Consequently, the methanol production plant will<br />

ensure high reliability and availability.<br />

4. Environmental Performance<br />

With gasification of biomass feedstock various unwanted compounds are<br />

formed, such as sulphur compounds, ammonia, hydr<strong>og</strong>en cyanide, nitr<strong>og</strong>en<br />

compounds and higher hydrocarbons. However, due to the gas cleaning and<br />

gas conditioning steps within the plant, these compounds are completely<br />

removed.<br />

The solid residues from the gasification step will be incinerated as additional<br />

fuels in a steam boiler in order to u<strong>til</strong>ise the energy contained. During<br />

combustion, a minor portion of the combined sulphur will be released and<br />

exhausted to the atmosphere in the form of SO2. In conclusion, the plant will<br />

exhibit good environmental performance with very little emissions.<br />

5. Plant Reliability and Availability<br />

This process plant configuration is mainly based on proven and commercially<br />

available technol<strong>og</strong>ies and equipment with guaranteed performance from<br />

competing vendors.<br />

The simple and straight-forward process configuration with a minimum of<br />

integration between plant units and heat exchange between process streams<br />

contributes to an easy and reliable operation of the facility. Thus, this methanol<br />

producing plant will exhibit good reliability and availability.<br />

Nykomb Synergetics AB 15 April 1999 3

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