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Vol. XIII. PITTSBUBGH, PA., JULY 15, 1905. No. 4.<br />

THE <strong>COAL</strong> TRADE BULLETIN;<br />


Copyrighted by THE <strong>COAL</strong> TRADE COMPANY, IUUO.<br />

A. R. HAMILTON, Proprietor and Publisher,<br />

H. J. STBAUB, Managing Editor.<br />

SUBSCRIPTION, - - - - $2.00 A YEAR.<br />

ward for both employer and employe is the aban­<br />

Correspondence and communications upon all matters<br />

relating to coal or coal production are invited.<br />

donment of the restriction of output. It wculd<br />

All communications and remittances to<br />

THK <strong>COAL</strong> TRADE COMPANY.<br />


Long Distance Telephone 200 Grant.<br />

[Entered at the Post Office at Pittsburgh, I'a., as<br />

Second Class Mail Matter.]<br />

THE ANTHRACITE MINE WORKERS have decided to<br />

invite all the anthracite operators to hear the ad­<br />

dress which President Roosevelt is to make at<br />

Wilkesbarre, Pa., August 10. Considerable short­<br />

sightedness was displayed in another direction,<br />

however. A number of military and secret socie­<br />

ties asked permission to take part in the parade<br />

in honor of the nation's chief executive, but were<br />

refused. The occasion is the convention of the<br />

Catholic Total Abstinence Union. John Mitchell<br />

is to preside at the meeting and Cardinal Gibbons,<br />

Archbishop Ireland and Bishop Hoban are to speak.<br />

The miners, who are in the majority among the<br />

members of the union, have determined to keep<br />

out all not connected with either the C. T. A. LL<br />

or the United Mine Workers. The mild fallacy<br />

of this policy may be realized the next time<br />

the hard coal miners have occasion to make an<br />

appeal for public sympathy.<br />

* * *<br />

THE .SETTLEMENT of the iron and steel scales<br />

for the ensuing year adds something to the bright­<br />

ness of the outlook for business in general and the<br />

coal trade in particular. While there never was<br />

a likelihood that there would be serious labor<br />

trouble in the iron and steel trade, the signing of<br />

the scales places the situation on a "bird-in-hand"<br />

basis that gives absolute security. A feature of<br />

the agreements which marks a distinct step for­<br />

have been better for the cause of labor had this<br />

tenet of the dark days been given up a quarter<br />

of a century ago. It seems almost incredible that<br />

anyone living in the twentieth century could be<br />

so benighted as to hold out for such a demand, yet<br />

it is a fact that the labor leaders and the trade<br />

journals devoted to the interests of iron and steel<br />

workers found it advisable and necessary to put<br />

forth their most earnest efforts to secure the<br />

eradication of a restriction clause in the amalga­<br />

mated scale.<br />

* * *<br />

THE HUSTLE AND ACTIVITY being displayed by the<br />

business men of various Western Pennsylvania<br />

and Eastern Ohio towns in the interest of the<br />

Lake Erie and Ohio ship canal illustrates the<br />

progress being made by men and ideas. When<br />

the ship canal project was up for discussion a<br />

decade ago the only real activity manifested was<br />

by the newspapers. The proposed undertaking<br />

made a fair subject for gossip, but the general<br />

public, which ought to have been vitally inter­<br />

ested, did not, outside of Pittsburgh at least, make<br />

the slightest practical move. What a difference<br />

now! Almost every town of 1,000 or more within<br />

hailing distance of the possible canal zone has<br />

taken substantial and definite action on the re­<br />

vived project. Money and material assistance<br />

is being pledged on all sides. Towns which are

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