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wrong end now and den, and dat's the reason<br />

the bee is built the way he is."<br />

We cannot all lead, but we can get behind and<br />

push. A pusher engine, powerful and full of<br />

reserve force, is not as handsome in appearance<br />

as the passenger engine on the other end of the<br />

train, but it is strictly business all the way<br />

through when it comes to pushing the passenger<br />

train over the grade that the handsome engine is<br />

unable to make much headway against.<br />

When there is a difficult task to perform, one<br />

that requires tact and energy, be as wise as was<br />

a bluff old boatman who was taking a party of<br />

tourists across one of the lakes in Scotland. A<br />

sudden squall came up and threatened to capsize<br />

the boat. AVhen it seemed that the crisis had<br />

really come, the largest and strongest man in the<br />

party, in a state of intense fear, said, "Let us<br />

pray." "No, no, my man," shouted the canny<br />

Scotchman, "let the little man pray; you take an<br />

oar." Let your strongest, best all-round man<br />

take a laboring oar, and help you out. You<br />

cannot do it all, and there will be enough for all<br />

who are at present in the coal business to do,<br />

until the latest heat-and-power-without-fuel crank<br />

digs down deep into the earth and taps an inexhaustible<br />

reservoir of natural steam, as someone<br />

has aptly said.<br />

One good way to push is to<br />


in your home papers, in a judicious and appropriate<br />

manner. Many times agents and traveling<br />

salesmen purchase papers in cities and towns<br />

to see what dealers advertise and keep their business<br />

continually before the public. Another<br />

method, in addition to newspaper advertising, is<br />

special advertising along lines that have proved<br />

in many instances successful—distribution among<br />

customers and prospective customers of suitable<br />

novelties for office, household or personal use.<br />

Advertising pays. I came across a case in point<br />

the other day.<br />

A Denver paper tells of one Billy Jones, who<br />

wrote on the blackboard at school: "Billy Jones<br />

can hug the girls better than any boy in school."<br />

The teacher, upon seeing it, called him up.<br />

"William, did you write that?" "Yes, Ma'am," said<br />

Billy. "Well, you can stay after school." The<br />

children waited for Billy to come out and began<br />

to guy him. "Got a lickin', didn't you?" "Nope."<br />

"Got jawed?" "Nope." "What did she do?"<br />

"Sha'nt tell," said the astute William, "but it<br />

pays to advertise."<br />

Someone with an inclination to drop into verse<br />

has produced the following, with reference to advertising:<br />

The man who whispers down a well<br />

About the goods he has to sell,<br />

THE <strong>COAL</strong> TRADE BULLETIN. 33<br />

Will never make the shining dollars<br />

Like he who climbs a tree and hollers.<br />

Ingredient No. 3.—PAY. Pay How shall you<br />

pay? P—PROMPTLY. When shall you pay?<br />

A—ALWAYS. Who shall pay? Y—YOU, of<br />

course!<br />

On one occasion I heard a prominent clergyman<br />

say that when he considered the manner in which<br />

some church members treated their financial obligations<br />

to the church it reminded him of a certain<br />

text that he would like to use as a basis for<br />

a sermon. It is part of a verse that occurs in<br />


(ienoral Manager of Sales, Pittsburgh Coal and Monongahela<br />

River Codsolidated Coal & Coke Co?., Chief Host<br />

of the Retailers.<br />

the parable of the unjust steward: "And he laid<br />

hands on him, and<br />


saying, 'Pay me that thou owest.' "<br />

I am not quite sure but that the sales agents,<br />

as they look over their outstanding balances when<br />

the completed statement for the preceding month<br />

is placed on their desks by the head bookkeeper.<br />

sometimes wish that they, too. might have the<br />

ability and opportunity to preach a sermon from<br />

such a text. Possibly it could be stated a little<br />

more strongly and it be said that on some occasions<br />

the sales agents would feel like suiting the<br />

action to the words, provided they had the requi-

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