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with the anthracite trade is the constantly decreasing<br />

proportions of the large or more profitable<br />

sizes of<br />

<strong>COAL</strong> SENT TO MARKET,<br />

and the equally constant increase in the proportions<br />

of small or less profitable coal. In 1890,<br />

77 per cent, of the shipments from the anthracite<br />

regions consisted of sizes larger than pea coal,<br />

and 23 per cent, represented the shipments of<br />

pea coal and smaller. In 1904 the large sizes<br />

made up only 62 per cent, of the total, wnile the<br />

small sizes had increased to 38 per cent. Or,<br />

putting it in another way, the total tonnage of<br />

large sizes from 1890 to 1904 has increased 25 per<br />

cent, (from 28,154,678 tons to 35,636,661 tons),<br />

while the tonnage of small sizes has increased<br />

158 per cent, from 8,460,781 long tons in 1890 to<br />

21,855,861 long tons in 1904.<br />

The recovery of usable coal from the old culm<br />

banks by washing has furnished some of this increase<br />

in me shipments of small sizes, and the<br />

installation of washeries at the breakers for saving<br />

the small sizes in the primary preparation of<br />

the coal has done more. The recovery from the<br />

old culm banks has averaged about 2,500,000 long<br />

tons annually during the last four years.<br />

The statistics of bituminous coal production<br />

comprise all varieties except Pennsylvania anthra<br />

cite, and include semi-anthracites, semi-bituminous,<br />

cannel, splint and block coals, and brown and<br />

black lignites. The small production of anthracite<br />

in Colorado and New Mexico is also included<br />

in the bituminous output. In 1904 the aggregate<br />

production of all these varieties amounted to 278,-<br />

040,244 short tons, valued at $306,669,508, against<br />

282,749,348 short tons, worth $351,687,933 in 1903,<br />

indicating a decrease of 4,709,104 tons in amount<br />

and $45,018,425 in value. The<br />

THE <strong>COAL</strong> TRADE BULLETIN. 31<br />

Montana 1,359. ,409<br />

Nevada<br />

150<br />

New Mexico 1,452, ,183<br />

North Dakota 269. ,297<br />

Ohio 24,415 ,iio4<br />

Oregon Ill ,540<br />

Pennsylvania 97,916 , I oo<br />

Tennessee 4,782 ,302<br />

Texas 1,072 ,194<br />

Utah 1,491 ,607<br />

Virginia 3,576 ,092<br />

Washington 3,135 ,757<br />

West Virginia 32,332 ,385<br />

Wyoming 5,177 ,381<br />

2,196,408<br />

1,500<br />

1,903,932<br />

381,731<br />

26,522,990<br />

243,588<br />

95,677,581<br />

5,642,558<br />

1,750,295<br />

1,941,295<br />

3,078,281<br />

5,115,863<br />

28,618,696<br />

6,741.919<br />

Total bituminous 278,040,244 $306,669,508<br />

Pennsylvania anthracite. 73,156,709 138,974,020<br />

Grand total 351,196.953 $445,643,528<br />

Among the 31 states included in the above table<br />

there were only 10 in which there was an increase<br />

of production in 1904, and these 10 include the<br />

state of Nevada, which is credited with 150 tons<br />

in 1904 and had no production during the preceding<br />

year. Of the more important producing<br />

states. West Virginia. Indiana, Kentucky, Iowa,<br />

Kansas and Wyoming were the only ones that<br />

showed<br />


in 1904. The only important increase was made<br />

by West Virginia, whose output in 1903 was curtailed<br />

by labor troubles, and whose gain in 1904<br />

amounted to 3,000,000 tons.<br />

The following table presents a comparative statement<br />

of production in 1903 and 1904, by states.<br />

with the increases and decreases for each in 1904:<br />

State. 1903. 1904. Change.<br />

Alabama 11,654,324<br />


Arkansas 2,229,172<br />

for all coal mined and sold, including colliery con­ California and<br />

sumption, fell from $1.24 in 1903 to $1.10 in 1904. Alaska 105,420<br />

The following table shows the amount and value Colorado 7,423,602<br />

of the coal production of the United States in 1904. Ge<strong>org</strong>ia and<br />

11,163,194 D. 491,130<br />

2,009,451 D. 219,721<br />

75,388 D. 30,032<br />

6,594,295 D. 829,307<br />

State. Production. Value. N. Carolina. 434,260 400,191 I). 34,069<br />

Alabama 11,163,194 $13,356,095 Idaho 4,250 3,330 D. 920<br />

Arkansas 2,009,451 3,102,660 Illinois 36,957,104 35,990,796 D. 996,308<br />

California and Alaska... 75,388 207,281 Indiana 10,794,692 10,929,908 I. 135,216<br />

Colorado 6,594,295 9,694,628 Indian Ter.. .. 3,517,388 3,011,972 D. 505,416<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>ia and N. Carolina 400,191 489,596 Iowa 6,419,811 6,542,005 I. 122,194<br />

Idaho<br />

Illinois<br />

3,330<br />

35,990,790<br />

12,230<br />

39,417,882<br />

Kansas<br />

Kentucky ....<br />

5,839,976<br />

7,538,032<br />

6,322,875 I.<br />

7,559,940 I.<br />

482,899<br />

21,908<br />

Indiana 10,929,908 121,068,097 Maryland 4.846.165 4,819,171 J>. 26,994<br />

Indian Territory 3,011.972 5,473,490 Michigan 1.367,619 1,338,447 D. 29,172<br />

Iowa<br />

Kansas<br />

Kentucky<br />

Maryland<br />

Michigan<br />

Missouri<br />

6,542,005<br />

6,322,875<br />

7,559,940<br />

4,819,171<br />

1,338,447<br />

4,187,197<br />

10,555,169<br />

9,621,252<br />

7,848,153<br />

5,723,7/4<br />

2,410,358<br />

6,872,126<br />

Missouri 4,238,586<br />

Montana<br />

1,488,810<br />

Nevada<br />

New Mexico. . 1,541,781<br />

No. Dakota. . . 278,645<br />

Ohio<br />

24,838,103<br />

4,187,197 D. 51,389<br />

1,359,409 D. 129,401<br />

150 I. 150<br />

1,452,183 D. 89,598<br />

269,297 D. 9,348<br />

24,415,054 D. 423,049

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