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As one is usually somewhat curious as to the<br />

component parts of an article of food that has<br />

been prepared to be partaken of—particularly, if<br />

it be a strange dish—and as curiosity is by no<br />

means solely an attribute of the gentler sex, I<br />

will take you into my confidence by informing<br />

you as to the ingredients used, with the assurance<br />

that they have simply been stirred up together,<br />

using a due and reasonable amount of<br />

seasoning.<br />

Ingredient No. 1, P-LiA-N, Plan. "Order is<br />

heaven's first law." "Let all things," says the<br />

sacred writer, "be done decently and in order."<br />

It has been said of order that it is the sanity of<br />

the mind, the health of the body, the peace of the<br />

city, the security of the state. To this might<br />

be added—and one of the prime factors in the<br />

successful conduct of a business. Haphazard,<br />

happy-go-lucky methods "don't go" in these strenuous<br />

days, and a business man who is up-to-date<br />

and down-to-business formulates and has constantly<br />

before him a well defined plan as a basis<br />

for his work. He thinks, acts, and succeeds. A<br />

plan is necessary. How shall we P-L-A-N?<br />


ALWAYS. N.—NOW. No farmer expects a crop<br />

who has not sown the seed, and if he sows sparingly<br />

he knows full well the character of the crop<br />

that he will secure. The analogy holds good in<br />

a business enterprise. Planning on a liberal<br />

scale does not imply a reckless or indiscriminate<br />

use of money; neither does a dealer want to go<br />

to the other extreme, and be parsimonious.<br />

People form opinions and pass judgment quite<br />

largely from external appearances; hence the<br />

necessity for a man of business having surroundings<br />

that will attract favorable attention. Coal<br />

dealers, when they call upon the wholesaler, expect<br />

to be received in an office where neatness.<br />

utility and comfort are some of the characteristics.<br />

Indeed, they would be disappointed, yes, and surprised,<br />

if the situation and conditions were otherwise.<br />

We all know to what degree a satisfied and<br />

contented mind influences a business transaction,<br />

yet we frequently discover men in the coal trade<br />

who apparently think that it is<br />


not to spend a reasonable amount of money on<br />

an office, its fittings and environments, to make<br />

it attractive, instead of being what it sometimes<br />

is, an eyesore.<br />

Business pride and civic pride ought to unite<br />

to influence a man to have the best possible place<br />

that he can afford, for a headquarters in which<br />

THE <strong>COAL</strong> TRADE BULLETIN. 31<br />


to meet the public whose patronage he seeks, and<br />

whose friendship and good will he must have, if<br />

From Address b.v D. L. Tuttle, Sales Agent at Buffalo, he is of to the succeed. In this connection, some may<br />

Philadelphia & Reading Coal & Iron Co.<br />

say that there is no friendship in business, but<br />

no statement can hardly be farther from the<br />

truth. Let a man who is genial and friendly,<br />

arid who is constantly on the alert to make new<br />

friends, have as a competitor a man of the opposite<br />

disposition and type, and you know which of<br />

the two men is bound to succeed, other things<br />

being equal. Plan to keep your friendships in<br />

repair—good repair—for it is indeed one of the<br />

essentials to success in life that this should ho<br />

done.<br />

Plan to keep posted in trade conditions in all<br />

sections, and on matters that affect these conditions—car<br />

supply, delays in transportation from<br />

different causes, shortage of coal, demand for<br />

coal, etc., to the end tnat the dealer might not be<br />

in the confused state of mind that the Irish<br />

woman was who was being cross-questioned by a<br />

lawyer, in a ease in court. The point under inquiry<br />

was the relative positions of doors, windows,<br />

etc., in a house in which a certain transaction<br />

had occurred. "And now, my good woman,"<br />

the lawyer said, "will you be good enough to tell<br />

the court how the stairs run in your house?"<br />

"How do the stairs run?" the witness replied.<br />

"Shure, whin I am upstairs they do run down, and<br />

whin I am downstairs av coorse they do run up."<br />

If you want to know how the stairs run in the<br />

coal trade, do not depend wholly upon reports<br />

and articles which appear in the daily press and<br />

magazines, from time to time, because either intentionally<br />

or unintentionally they are sometimes<br />

misleading. Interviews are frequently<br />


and different constructions put upon statements<br />

from that intended by the person interviewed—<br />

action taken by dealers for the general benefit<br />

of the trade is misconstrued, in short, a seeming<br />

feeling of antipathy is sometimes manifested<br />

toward coal dealers that is entirely uncalled for.<br />

There is absolutely nothing that the general public<br />

purchases that is of as much utility, necessity<br />

and comfort to so large a number of persons, at<br />

such a minimum of expenditure, as coal. It is<br />

of prime importance that the public should know<br />

that the money put into coal is the best allround<br />

investment the householder makes. How can<br />

this be better done than by furnishing the newspapers<br />

with items and articles for insertion from<br />

the standard journals of the coal trade, giving<br />

accurate and trustworthy information pertaining<br />

to coal, the increased cost of production, the millions<br />

of dollars expended in structures, devices and<br />

appliances, in order to properly prepare the product<br />

for the market;

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