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38<br />


In an attractive circular, printed on wedding<br />

stationery, M. A. Hanna & Co. announced that<br />

the firm would be represented at the eleventh annual<br />

convention of the Michigan and Indiana Retail<br />

Coal Association, at Jackson, Mich., by 0. P.<br />

Rank, sales agent, Cleveland. 0.; Joseph Micheltree,<br />

resident agent, Toledo, 0.; T. L. Cole, traveling<br />

salesman for Michigan, and C. N. Hickok,<br />

traveling salesman for Indiana, and that they<br />

would be pleased to meet members of the association<br />

and their friends in parlors E and F, at the<br />

Otsego. The circular also carried the following:<br />


With apologies to the late William Shakespeare<br />

and the late Hamlet, Prince of Denmark.<br />

To go or not to go. that's what puzzles me;<br />

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to stay at<br />

Home, and kick myself all summer<br />

Or to take arms against a sea of doubts<br />

And by going, end them. To eat; to sleep.<br />

Oh no; (I'll sleep when I get home) and by a sleep<br />

to say we end<br />

The headache, and the thousand shocks<br />

A coal man's heir to. 'tis more luck than<br />

I expect. To eat, to sleep;<br />

To sleep; perchance to dream; ay. there's the rub.<br />

For in that sleep what dreams may come<br />

When we have shuffled off a quart or more<br />

Must give us pause; there's the effect<br />

That makes calamity the salesman's life,<br />

For who would bear the kicks about his run-ofmine,<br />

Cars on the road too long, the buyer's contumely.<br />

The pangs of canceled orders, the train's delay.<br />

The insolence of office, and the spurns<br />

The patient salesman of the unworthy takes<br />

When he himself might his departure take<br />

Witn a bare order book. He would not bear<br />

To grunt and sweat under this weary life<br />

But that the hope of orders yet to come in<br />

The undiscovered town beyond whose bourne<br />

No salesman yet has reached, spurs him on<br />

And makes him bear the ills he has<br />

And fly to others that he knows full well.<br />

Thus perseverance does make heroes of us all<br />

And thus the native hue of disappointment<br />

Is burnished o'er with the bright cast of patient<br />

energy<br />

And enterprises of great pith and moment<br />

With this regard their currents guide aright<br />

And take the name of action. Soft you now!<br />

The fair Jackson! Nymph, in thy conipany<br />

Be all my sins f<strong>org</strong>otten.<br />

Imports of fuel into Spain for the two months<br />

ending February 28 were 306,669 metric tons of<br />

coal and 26,792 tons of coke.<br />

THE <strong>COAL</strong> TRADE BULLETIN.<br />


The Brooklyn Consumers' Coal Co. has been incorporated<br />

to do a retail business in coal and<br />

kindlings. The capital is $25,000 and the incorporators<br />

are H. J. Hirst and Roland Beesley,<br />

Brooklyn, and Edgar Martin, New York City.<br />

*<br />

The Wick Coal & Ice Co. has oeen formed at<br />

Cleveland by A. A. Wick and others to do a retail<br />

coal business. The capital is $10,000.<br />

The Missouri Pacific has restored the competitive<br />

rates on coal from Arkansas points, thus<br />

saving the shipper $3 to $4 a car.<br />

The Bedford Coal & Mill Co. has been incorporated<br />

at Bedford City, Va., with a capital of<br />

$25,000 to deal in coal, wood, etc.<br />

The Bingham Coal & Cartage Co. has been <strong>org</strong>anized<br />

at Toledo, O.. with a capital of $15,000 to<br />

do a retail coal business.<br />

*<br />

C. C. Isley & Co. have succeeded to the lumber<br />

and coal business of Howell. Rhinehart & Co., at<br />

Cimarron, Kas.<br />

The Farmers Grain & Coal Co. has been incorporated<br />

at Pocahontas. Ia., with a cap . - stock<br />

of V1..,000.<br />

*<br />

J. P. Harding has been succeeded in the coal<br />

and lumber business at Wallace, Neb., by Harding<br />

& Spencer.<br />

*<br />

At Lincoln, Neb., the Yates Lumber & Coal Co.<br />

has been incorporated with a capital stock of $25,-<br />

000.<br />

*<br />

The Kansas City Coal Co. has been incorporated<br />

at Kansas City, Kas., with a capital stock of $2,000.<br />

W. H. Esworth has purchased the coal and lumber<br />

business of S. B. Purdy at Fort Collins, Colo.<br />

The Burlington Fuel Co. has been succeeded in<br />

business at Burlington, la., by A. E. Davis<br />

*<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>e Brill has purchased the feed and coal<br />

business of the Poast Co., Omaha, Neb.<br />

J. F. DePue has purchased the coal business of<br />

Leeman & Leeman, at Holton, Kas.

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