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4S THE <strong>COAL</strong> TRADE BULLETIN.<br />


The Cincinnati. Hamilton & Dayton and Pere<br />

Marquette system is announced by President Zimmerman<br />

to have plans complete for a through line.<br />

Chicago to Charleston, S. C. with a fleet on the<br />

Great Lakes linking with its lines in the northwest.<br />

Work has been undertaken on the construction<br />

of a bridge from Ashland to Ironton. A railroad<br />

125 miles long into Kentucky, where they<br />

have acquired 35(1,000 acres of coal lands, will be<br />

built and coke ovens and other development work<br />

carried out. The output of these mines is to<br />

be from two and a half to three million tons a<br />

year. Work on improving the coal and ore docks<br />

at Toledo is under way and the company is building<br />

a fleet for carrying coal and ore on the Great<br />

Lakes.<br />

Retail coal dealers from business centers in the<br />

United States and Canada will meet in Buffalo<br />

September 21 and 22, in a joint convention held<br />

for the purpose of amalgamating the present<br />

National Council of Coal Dealers and the National<br />

Anthracite Merchants' Association. The convention<br />

is planned to have an important effect on<br />

the retail coal trade. The formation of an information<br />

bureau taking in all retail dealers is<br />

proposed and will be acted on. The new <strong>org</strong>anization<br />

promoters claim it will not enterfere with existing<br />

state or independent associations.<br />

*<br />

Frank H. Johnston, an officer in the People's<br />

Coal & Wood Co. at New Britain, Conn., has<br />

brought suit for appointment of a receiver for<br />

the company. The plaintiff opposed the action of<br />

All the mines of the Ohio & Pennsylvania Coal the other stockholders in selling out the business<br />

Co. in Ohio are to be fitted with electrical arrange­ to a creditor, who other stockholders state agreed<br />

ments. Sixteen new coal pockets are to be<br />

erected at the mines of the conipany at Saline­<br />

to settle all legitimate claims against the conipany.<br />

*<br />

ville. Facilities are to be afforded for the storage The McAlester Fuel Co.. of South McAlester. I.<br />

of coal for twenty additional engines at Saline­ T., has absorbed the Midland Valley Coal Co., of<br />

ville.<br />

Fort Smith, Ark. The offices will be kept in<br />

South McAlester and J. G. Puterbaugh will be<br />

After President Sturgess of Scranton, and other general sales agent.<br />

officers of the Pine Hill Coal Co. visited the scene<br />

*<br />

of the recent $150,000 fire at the Pine Hill colliery. The merchants of Burton, Kas., are demanding<br />

near Pottsville. a few days ago. it was announced the same rate on Wyoming coal that is made to<br />

that the conipany will build a new modern breaker Wichita, Kas. Wichita is 30 miles further from<br />

and make other improvements, which will entail Wyoming and gets a rate of $4, while Burton pays<br />

a cost of a half million dollars.<br />

$4.50.<br />

The Joseph Walton Coal Co. will shortly adverAllen<br />

& Barrett, dealers at Plymouth, Mich., have<br />

tise for bids on a coal float, which will be the first dissolved partnership. The Michigan Mfg. &<br />

of its kind at Louisville, Ky.. and one of the largest Lumber Co., of Holley, will continue the business,<br />

ever built for river service there. The proposed Mr. Barrett representing that concern.<br />

float will be more than twenty-six feet wide and<br />

*<br />

150 feet long and will have a hopper near one end. The West Kentucky Coal Co.. Paducah, Ky., recently'<br />

was awarded the contract for supplying<br />

The Pittsburgh & Lake Erie railroad interests coal for the city lighting plant. This company<br />

are understood to be nearly ready with the plans will supply coal at $1.15 per ton.<br />

on which contracts will be awarded for extension<br />

*<br />

of the company's lines into the valuable unde­ J. D. Hale and John Scheiman. of Decatur, Ind.,<br />

veloped coal property of Greene county. Pa. have purchased the coal yards at that point belonging<br />

to the City Trucking Co. The yards will be<br />

The Philadelphia & Reading Coal & Iron Co., it stocked for the winter demand.<br />

is said, is preparing to erect a new breaker at the<br />

*<br />

Bear Valley colliery at Shamokin, Pa. There are A meeting of the coal dealers in the vicinity of<br />

two shafts at the colliery and the breaker now in New Ulm, Minn., was recently held at Mankato,<br />

use is too small to handle the output.<br />

Minn., for the purpose of discussing the demurrage<br />

laws and freight rates.<br />

Bids are being taken by the W. G. Wilkins Co.<br />

*<br />

for 60 houses for the Pocahontas & New River C. C. Jordan, a coal dealer of St. Louis, Mo., was<br />

Consolidated Coal & Coke Co. at Dryford Creek. recently fined $50 for delivering two shortweight<br />

W. Va.<br />

loads of coal to a customer.

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