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tal, $1,000; incorporators, Joseph M. Spradling.<br />

H. Denman, F. Bache, James F. Read, James B.<br />

MeDonough.<br />

—+—<br />

McLaughlin Coal & Grain Co., Memphis, Tenn.;<br />

capital, $50,000; incorporators, W. P. McLaughlin,<br />

L. A. Thornton, G. W. Bagnal, A. J. Cook, M. E.<br />

McLaughlin.<br />

C. G. Harten Coal Co., St. Paul, Minn.; capital,<br />

$30,000; incorporators, G. R. Newton, M. B. Henderson,<br />

Maud N. Ferris, John C. Nelson, Ge<strong>org</strong>e<br />

H. Atwood. .,<br />

1<br />

Columbus Coal & Coke Co., Columbus, O.; capital.<br />

$10,000; incorporators, J. C. Miller, C. H. Hallgath,<br />

W. H. Bott, Jesse W. Woodward and A. N.<br />

Flora.<br />

—+—<br />

Monterey Coal Co. of Tennessee. Jersey City;<br />

capital, $150,000; incorporators, Otho S. Lee, Jr.,<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>e W. Flaacke, Franklin Wagner, Jersey City.<br />

—+—<br />

Brasher Coal Co., Madisonville, Ky.; capital,<br />

$150,000; incorporators, J. B. Brashner, M. D.<br />

Brashner, Ira Parrish.<br />

1—<br />

Dallas Oil & Fuel Co., Dallas, Tex.; capital, $10,-<br />

000; incorporators, John V. Hughes, S. S. M<strong>org</strong>an,<br />

C. L. Dealey.<br />

THE <strong>COAL</strong> TRADE BULLETIN. 47<br />

order makes a total of 54 Ingersoll-Sergeant air<br />

compressors in use or contracted for on subaquous<br />

tunnels entering New York City. The<br />

aggregate free air capacity of these machines is<br />

138,426 cubic feet per minute, and the pressures<br />

delivered range 30 to 150 pounds. This company<br />

has furnished all the compressors for this class of<br />

work in New York and vicinity.<br />

—x—<br />

The Macomber & Whyte Rope Co. of Chicago<br />

have been unusually busy this year on mining<br />

ropes, of which they make a specialty, both for<br />

hoisting and haulage purposes. This company<br />

has largely increased their facilities during the<br />

past year, having removed their New York office<br />

and warehouse to 122 to 130 Centre street, to obtain<br />

larger quarters, and having opened a warehouse<br />

and office in Pittsburgh, their office at this<br />

point being located in the Times building. They<br />

still maintain their Pacific coast office and warehouse<br />

at 815 Colman Dock, Seattle, and have<br />

closed a number of important agencies, which include<br />

the Todd-Donigan Iron Co., Louisville, the<br />

William T. Johnston Co., Cincinnati. Sunderland<br />

Roofing & Supply Co.. Omaha, Great Western Mfg.<br />

Co., Kansas City, Reed & Duecker, Memphis, and<br />

Gibbens & Stream, New Orleans. This concern<br />

has met with unusual success since the installation<br />

of their modern wire rope plant at Coal Citv.<br />

111., and all operators should correspond with<br />

them regarding their special mine ropes.<br />


The Degnon Contracting Co., contractors for the<br />

two new tunnels of the N. Y. & L. I. R. R. under<br />

East River, have just placed one of the largest<br />

machinery orders of recent times with the Ingersoll-Sergeant<br />

Drill Co., of New York. This order<br />

includes fourteen air compressors of two different<br />

types. Eight are of duplex compound class "HC"<br />

pattern with steam cylinders 16 and 28 inches in<br />

diameter, air cylinders 25V4 and 16Vi inches in<br />

diameter, and a stroke 16 inches. Each unit has<br />

a free air capacity of 1205 cubic feet per minute.<br />

The other six are of straight line class "A" type,<br />

with a 24-inch steam cylinder, 26 1 —x—<br />

The Sullivan Machinery Co. has issued Bulletin<br />

48-E in handsome typographical and illustrated<br />

form. The booklet deals in interesting manner<br />

with the advantages of the company's automatic<br />

cross-over dump for the rapid and economical<br />

handling of coal, ore and rock from mines and<br />

quarries.<br />

A test of that provision of the Pennsylvania<br />

mining law requiring that coal be undermined before<br />

it is blasted will soon be made at Uniontown,<br />

when William J. Callahan, mine foreman at the<br />

Revere works of the W. J. Rainey Coke Co., will<br />

/4-inch air cyl­ be put on trial for failure to enforce it. The<br />

inder and a stroke of 30 inches. The capacity of charge agaainst him was preferred by Mine In­<br />

each is 1444 cubic feet per minute. The aggrespector I. G. Roby, and the grand jury returned<br />

gate free air capacity of the fourteen compressors true bills on ten counts against Callahan.<br />

is 18,304 cubic feet per minute. The shield<br />

method will be used in driving these tunnels. The<br />

straight line compressors will furnish air to the The Pennsylvania Retail Coal Merchants' Asso­<br />

headings for keeping out the water and will also ciation has made application at Reading, Pa., for<br />

supply intake air to the other machines. The a chaiter. Headquarters will be in that city. The<br />

compound units, drawing their air at discharge applicants are Samuel B. Crowell, Philadelphia;<br />

pressure of the low pressure machines, will fur­ Benneville F. Bertolet. Reading; Joseph H. Palmer,<br />

nish air at high pressure to the rock drills and Wallingsford; F. J. Wallis, Harrisburg; J. Arthur<br />

other machinery in the tunnel bores. This last Strunk, Reading.

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