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COAL - Clpdigital.org

COAL - Clpdigital.org


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32 THE <strong>COAL</strong> TRADE BULLETIN.<br />

<strong>org</strong>anized labor, many leaders of <strong>org</strong>anized labor<br />

even, have often asked this question and usually<br />

have answered it in the negative. The labor <strong>org</strong>anizations<br />

will survive, because, I believe, American<br />

laborers will see the necessity of wise, conservative,<br />

concerted action before it is too late,<br />

and when wise, honest labor men will insist on<br />

pulling away from those who are just the reverse<br />

—when they refuse to endorse self-confessed gi afters<br />

and red-handed murderers.<br />

I confidently believe that the representatives of<br />

<strong>org</strong>anized labor will ponder well the reasons that<br />

exist for heeding the advice of those whose training<br />

and patriotism enable them to speak out of a<br />

wide and convincing experience, and from a desire<br />

to serve their country.<br />

Before presenting my reasons for advocating the<br />

system of joint trade agreements in the United<br />

States, I wish to say at this time, and on this<br />

auspicious occasion, that there are some plain,<br />

homely truths, of paramount importance, that<br />

must be presented, and that you must<br />

accept, if the great movement in which<br />

you are engaged, and the moderate success which<br />

you are to-day celebrating with so much commendable<br />

enthusiasm, is to be an unqualified success<br />

and a permanent benefit to its adherents and<br />

to the country at large.<br />

First of all, let me emphasize the fact that the<br />

masses in America must learn that we can no<br />

more equalize fortunes and conditions than we can<br />

equally distribute brain or brawn. Some misguided<br />

leaders are trying to convince wage earners<br />

that this can be done. The power to do this,<br />

let me declare, does not rest in man; it rests alone<br />

in the Almighty.<br />


They must also learn that wages cannot always<br />

advance, and if it is a principle of <strong>org</strong>anized labor,<br />

as some labor leaders insist, never to surrender<br />

any advance in wages, or any advantage once obtained,<br />

then either this principle or else the system<br />

of joint trade agreements must be given up.<br />

If the system of joint trade agreements is not<br />

elastic enough to sympathetically respond to pronounced<br />

changes in trade conditions, then it is<br />

not the system for which the American people are<br />

in eager, earnest and determined search.<br />

Your <strong>org</strong>anization may secure for you the highest<br />

scale of wages, but your earnings must be<br />

made large by your individual effort. Depend<br />

upon it, that only insofar as you put heart and<br />

brain into your work, can a high scale of wages,<br />

or any scale at all, be of benefit to you. Nor will<br />

these higher wages be to your advantage unless<br />

out of your greater earnings you save something<br />

for that rainy day almost sure to come in the<br />

experience of all men—something that shall build<br />

a home in which honor, virtue and faith are a supreme<br />

trinity to successfully contend with ignorance,<br />

want and doubt.<br />

I believe that—no matter what others may say<br />

to the contrary—every intelligent employer of<br />

labor, who has taken the time to give the matter<br />

due consideration, is willing to pay to labor every<br />

cent to which it is entitled, providing the quality<br />

of the service which is rendered is the best of<br />

which the employe is capable. I believe that<br />

under the system of joint trade agreements <strong>org</strong>anized<br />

capital will enforce this rule where at<br />

present it does not exist.<br />

If you are determined to preserve your union,<br />

you must be faithful to your pledges and loyal to<br />

your leaders. You must, as individuals, feel<br />

bound by and respect all contracts made for you<br />

by your officials, and after a contract has been<br />

made, you cannot afford to set its provisions<br />

aside by legislative enactments. You may be<br />

able to convince time serving politicians that this<br />

is right, but the public—never. If you intend<br />

that the principles of trade unionism shall prevail,<br />

if you want them recognized and yourselvs reif<br />

you want them recognized and yourselves regood<br />

workmanship, for integrity, and for fidelity<br />

to country. The mere loud, boastful claim of<br />

some of your leaders that union labor is always<br />

the best doesn't make it so. You must make it<br />

so, and you must convince those who buy it that<br />

you know what you are talking about.<br />

The eight-hour law, the enactment of which you<br />

annually celebrate, is a good thing. I believe in<br />

it, but only insofar as the laboring man uses his<br />

leizure for his own material or intellectual advancement,<br />

or for the benefit of his wife and of<br />

his children. God bless these wives and children,<br />

for I know from a close study of men—the heads<br />

and the providers of families—that they too often<br />

are the objects of our last instead of our first care.<br />

Make them universally our first thought and care,<br />

and this world of ours will be a brighter and<br />

better world. If, by reason of the shorter hours<br />

of labor, you improve yourselves, and you confer<br />

benefits upon those dependent upon you, you have<br />

reason to rejoice; but if the hours of leisure<br />

which you have obtained by reason of the shorter<br />

hours of labor are to be used in dissipation or<br />

riotous living, then it were far better that your<br />

hours of leisure were reduced, and your hours of<br />

work increased, for idleness is the prolific mother<br />

of the deadliest sins.<br />


Labor <strong>org</strong>anizations have grown strong, and<br />

they now possess such power for good or for evil<br />

that the time has arrived when the administration<br />

of its affairs must be controlled, not by petty politicians,<br />

not by its weakest, but by its strongest

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