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An interesting agreement covering working conditions<br />

in the anthracite region has been perfected<br />

between representatives of District No. 1, U. M.<br />

W. of A. for the Erie and Hillside collieries,<br />

Scranton. Grievances were presented to the company<br />

by a committee appointed by the recent convention<br />

of the miners of the district. A suspension<br />

was threatened, among the issues being the<br />

check docking boss and check weighman difficulties<br />

and car distribution. After a recent conference<br />

making clear the company's reply, the agreement<br />

was accepted by the miners as covered in the<br />

following, issued by the district officers of the<br />

miners:<br />

"On August 16, in accordance with the instructions<br />

of the convention a committee composed of<br />

P. Edwin Davies, Avoca; Samuel Hadden, Dunmore;<br />

Mike Socula, Port Griffith; Abraham Owen<br />

and Walter Yamuwich and William Mason, Forest<br />

City; John Staff, Old F<strong>org</strong>e; Bloss Leitinger, Mayfield;<br />

John J. Moran, Pittston: Liben Hubiak, Mayfield;<br />

Frank Bryden, Patrick Sweeney, Michael<br />

Kane, Frank Lyons and James Hennigan, Pittston;<br />

Patrick F. Walsh, Plains; James J. Walsh, Dunmore,<br />

and Bernard Sweeney, Dunmore, presented<br />

to Mr. May the following statement of the grievances<br />

of the men:<br />

THE <strong>COAL</strong> TRADE BULLETIN. 29<br />

"SCRANTON, PA., Aug. 16. 1905.<br />

"Mr. W. A. May, Manager Erie Coal Department:<br />

"Dear Sir: The undersigned committee representing<br />

the employes of your companies respectfully<br />

present the following requests:<br />

"No. 1. That at each colliery, equal power be<br />

allowed the check weighman and company weighman<br />

and check docking boss in deciding all dockage.<br />

Also in deciding to whom lost cars shall be<br />

restored.<br />

"No. 2. That at any time miners believe they<br />

are being docked excessively, any miner or committee<br />

shall have the privilege of going to the<br />

breaker and make an investigation; provided that<br />

if it is proven that the dockage is excessive, the<br />

docking boss shall be removed by the company and<br />

another person employed instead.<br />

"No. 3. That whenever any miner's car is set<br />

aside and tested, he shall not be laid idle unless<br />

there be found more than 400 pounds of rock, slate<br />

or bone per ton in said car; provided that this<br />

shall apply to the best veins and that a proper<br />

differential shall be made locally for veins in<br />

which more rock, slate or bone is encountered.<br />

"No. 4. That each employe shall be furnished<br />

before pay day with a pay statement setting forth<br />

each item of income and such expense as may be<br />

incurred, and that a detachable receipt shall be<br />

attached; the statement to be retained by the<br />

employe and the receipt to be returned to the company<br />

when payment is made.<br />

"No. 5. That at each mine there be an equitable<br />

distribution of cars to all miners employed; provided<br />

that each miner is able to load in his regular<br />

turn, and that the officials at each colliery be<br />

authorized to see that this is carried out in a regular<br />

manner.<br />

"On August 21 General Manager May called the<br />

conimittee to his office and presented his answer<br />

to the requests of the committee in the following<br />

statement:<br />

"Mr. Samuel Hadden, Chairman Conference Committee.<br />

Dunmore, Pa.:<br />

"Dead Sir: Herewith please find the answers<br />

to the requests of your committee representing<br />

employes of the Pennsylvania Coal Co. and the<br />

Hillside Coal & Iron Co., presented August 16,<br />

1905. These answers are practically as we agreed<br />

at that time. Because request No. 1 related to<br />

several subjects the reply to it is made in No. i<br />

and No. 3 of the answers. Reply No. 2 is in answer<br />

to your request No. 2.<br />

"The itemized statement of account which is to<br />

be retained by the employes will be furnished by<br />

the conipany not later than for the period October<br />

1 to 15, 1905. The other answers will take effect<br />

September 1, 1905.<br />

"Yours very truly.<br />

"W. A. MAY, General Manager.<br />

"No. 1. The coinpany docking boss is to decide<br />

what the dockage shall be, and the check docking<br />

boss is to see that no injustice is done. If in<br />

the opinion of the check docking boss the miners<br />

are being wronged, he is to report to his committee,<br />

they to take the question up with the superintendent<br />

of the company. If the charges are<br />

proven the docking boss is to be disciplined.<br />

"No. 2. If at any time miners believe they are<br />

being docked excessively, a conimittee shall have<br />

the privilege of going to the breaker and make<br />

an investigation. If it is proven that the dockage<br />

is excessive, the docking boss shall be disciplined<br />

by the company.<br />

"No. 3. Where a check weighman is employed<br />

he shall decide to whom lost cars shall belong.<br />

"No. 4. Whenever any miner's car is set aside<br />

to be tested he shall be suspended when more than<br />

200 pounds of rock, slate or bone, per ton, is<br />

found in said car. The limit of 200 pounds per<br />

ton is fixed with the distinct understanding that<br />

every man is to clean his coal generally better<br />

than said limit. The provision is to apply to the<br />

best veins, a proper differential being made locally<br />


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