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30 THE <strong>COAL</strong> TRADE BULLETIN.<br />

Furnace man and watchman 14 4-10c<br />

Outside labor, including slate dumpers... 13y3c<br />

Blacksmith 23y4c<br />

Pick sharpener 20c<br />

Sec. 8. HOURS—Nine hours shall constitute a<br />

day's work for all classes of labor for which a<br />

scale of wages is made in this contract. A ninehour<br />

day means nine hours' work in the mines at<br />

the usual working place for all classes of day labor<br />

and miners. This shall be exclusive of the time<br />

required in reaching the working place and departing<br />

from the same at night.<br />

REGARDING DRIVERS—They shall take their mules<br />

to and from the stable, and the time in so doing<br />

shall not include any part of the day's work.<br />

It is distinctly understood that the time of<br />

starting each day depends on the arrival of railroad<br />

cars, providing the run begins in two hours<br />

from the regular starting time. Pay to begin<br />

with work, and work to stop at the regular quitting<br />

time.<br />

Sec. 9. PAY-DAY—Payment of wages shall be<br />

semi-monthly. The pay-day being on or before<br />

the last day of each month for the work performed<br />

during the first half of the month, and on or<br />

before the 15th of the succeeding month for work<br />

performed during the last half of the month; but<br />

it is understood that statements shall be made<br />

only once for each month. The semi-monthly pay<br />

being the last in each month to be paid in even<br />

dollars.<br />

An employe desiring to leave the employment of<br />

the company shall receive his money at once or<br />

not later than five days after his notice is given.<br />

Sec. 10. CUT—All employes whose wages are<br />

regulated by this scale shall be cut for dues and<br />

assessments through the office out of the first five<br />

days' work performed in each month, the same to<br />

be paid to the proper person or persons authorized<br />

to receive the same. The dues and assessments<br />

not to exceed $1 per month without the<br />

special written order of each employe. Initiation<br />

fees are hereby guaranteed to be uniform throughout<br />

District 19, and that the payment of same shall<br />

be pro rated through sixty days if necessary.<br />

Sec. 11. TURN—A square turn shall be kept all<br />

over the mine in rooms and narrow work under<br />

ordinary conditions. Miners absenting themselves<br />

from their working places for three consecutive<br />

days without first obtaining the consent<br />

of the superintendent or bank boss shall forfeit<br />

their working places, except in cases of sickness<br />

of themselves or any member of their family, and<br />

except, also, representatives of the <strong>org</strong>anization<br />

engaged in work of <strong>org</strong>anization, in which case<br />

they must notify the superintendent or bank boss.<br />

Work shall not stop at any mine on any day other<br />

than on. general holidays, and on April 1 without<br />

previous agreement with the management of such<br />

mine.<br />

Sec. 12. MASS MEETING—No mass meetings shall<br />

be held during working hours on or off the company's<br />

premises when the mine is running, and<br />

any one calling such a meeting shall be subject<br />

to discharge. No committee shall visit any employe<br />

at his working place except with the bank<br />

boss to settle a grievance or to secure information<br />

concerning a grievance, after having explained to<br />

the bank boss the nature of said grievance, in case<br />

it will not be convenient for the bank boss to go<br />

with them that day.<br />

Sec. 13. COMMITTEES—No man shall be appointed<br />

a member of any mine committee who has<br />

not been employed at said mine for four months<br />

or more, next preceding his appointment, except<br />

in new mines that have not been in operation six<br />

months or more. The duties of the mine committee<br />

shall be confined to the adjustment of disputes<br />

between the company and its employes working<br />

in and around the mine, provided the company<br />

and said employes have failed to agree.<br />

Under no circumstances will the operators recognize<br />

or treat with a mine committee or the representatives<br />

of the U. M. W. of A. during a suspension<br />

of work contrary to this agreement.<br />

Sec. 14. NEITHER RACE, CREED NOR COLOR of any<br />

man shall be a bar to his employment, either<br />

above or below ground, at any mine in this district<br />

which is a party to this agreement.<br />

Sec. 15. ARBITRATION—If any differences arise<br />

between the operator and the miner, or between<br />

the operator and any of the employes of the mine,<br />

a settlement shall be arrived at without stopping<br />

work. If the parties immediately affected can<br />

not reach an agreement between themselves the<br />

question shall be referred without delay to the<br />

local committee and the company's officials. If<br />

they fail to effect a settlement it shall be referred<br />

to the officials of District 19, U. M. W. of A., and<br />

the officials of said company. If they fail to<br />

adjust the grievance it shall be referred to a<br />

board of arbitration, composed of one person from<br />

each side, with power to select an umpire. Their<br />

decisions shall be final and binding on all parties<br />

to this agreement and those they represent. Arbitrators<br />

shall be appointed within three days after<br />

the case is submitted to arbitration and they shall<br />

proceed within five days to hear and determine<br />

the case. In the event the arbitrators be unable<br />

to select an umpire within thirty days after their<br />

appointment, each party to this agreement shall<br />

have the right to proceed as though this section<br />

had not been agreed to. The operator and his<br />

superintendent and mine manager shall be respected<br />

in the management of the mine and the<br />

direction of the working force. All day men shall<br />

perform whatever kind of day labor the manage-

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