Training Guide in Surface Weather Observations - Multiple Choices

Training Guide in Surface Weather Observations - Multiple Choices

Training Guide in Surface Weather Observations - Multiple Choices


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12. A METAR observation conta<strong>in</strong>s section(s), .<br />

a. 1, the body of the report<br />

b. 1, the remarks<br />

c. 2, the body of the report and the remarks<br />

d. 3, the time, the data, and the remarks<br />

13. A SPECI observation conta<strong>in</strong>s section(s), .<br />

a. 1, the body of the report<br />

b. 1, the remarks<br />

c. 3, the time, the data, and the remarks<br />

d. 2, the body of the report and the remarks<br />

14. Which of the follow<strong>in</strong>g meet SPECI criteria? (more than one answer):<br />

the w<strong>in</strong>d speed is 15 kt while the w<strong>in</strong>d direction changes by 60 degrees <strong>in</strong> 10 m<strong>in</strong>utes<br />

surface visibility drops from 2 1/2 miles to 2 miles<br />

a tornado is observed<br />

hail <strong>in</strong>tensity changes<br />

thunderstorm beg<strong>in</strong>s<br />

the ceil<strong>in</strong>g changes from 3,000 ft to 2,500 ft AGL<br />

a new cloud layer is observed below 1,000 ft AGL<br />

an aircraft mishap occurs<br />

squalls occur<br />

15. Regardless of the delay, observations conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g which of the follow<strong>in</strong>g elements must be<br />

dissem<strong>in</strong>ated?<br />

a. volcanic eruptions<br />

b. tornadoes<br />

c. thunderstorms<br />

d. blizzards<br />

16. If SPECI criteria are met or observed at the time a METAR observation is due, it is coded as a:<br />

a. METAR<br />

b. SPECI<br />

c. RSPECI<br />

d. RS<br />

17. The station identifier is the ________ element <strong>in</strong> a METAR/SPECI coded report.<br />

a. first<br />

b. second<br />

c. third<br />

d. sixth<br />


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