Announcing 'Stammering Research' - Stammering Research - UCL

Announcing 'Stammering Research' - Stammering Research - UCL

Announcing 'Stammering Research' - Stammering Research - UCL


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<strong>Stammering</strong> <strong>Research</strong>. Vol. 1.<br />

House in 1993 to repeat the course. I started to take on board the idea that I must look after myself if I<br />

was going to care for my speech.<br />

The key is to adopt a slow and steady life-style and keep tensions in check. Diet and exercise are<br />

important and the ability to relax and keep calm. I found that Hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic<br />

Programming dealt with my negative feelings. I was taught to visualise my anger, change its shape,<br />

colour and texture and turn my bad feelings into good ones. I now do self-hypnosis every day. It<br />

brings a fantastic aura - a feeling of lightness - as if a big weight has been lifted off you. My stammer<br />

is now under control. I am a fluent speaker with an occasional stammer, rather than a stammerer with<br />

little fluency. I have made a friend of the stammer and stopped punishing myself. It is a huge relief to<br />

have reached this stage.<br />

HELEN<br />

Helen is in her thirties and married with a teenage daughter. Vivacious and attractive, she enjoys<br />

life, which is refreshing and exhilarating. Helen is certainly tremendous fun, and keen to involve<br />

others in having a good time. She is compassionate and caring, having a positive influence on others.<br />

In the past, Helen trained as a dress designer and still undertakes commissions. She is investigating a<br />

future in media presentation now that her speech has improved. This interview reveals some of the<br />

early influences affecting speech development.<br />

Question: Helen, what are your first memories about stammering?<br />

Answer: I first remember stammering at kindergarten, when I was three years old. Others teased me by<br />

mimicking what I said. This was a bad time in my life. My mother had been run over by a tram and<br />

had had three toes chopped off. She was six months in plaster and I had to take over the chores at<br />

home. I peeled the potatoes, made the beds and cleaned the house, even though I was just a small<br />

child. This put a big burden on me and I can remember being upset and I suppose worried. My speech<br />

was full of hesitations and others noticed this and gave me more grief. My childhood was not happy -<br />

quite the reverse. I had a very unkind stepfather who constantly taunted me and was physically cruel.<br />

My half-sister did not have any communication problems. Life was a great deal easier for her. No one<br />

really understood me as a stammer was unknown in the family history and my relatives did not know<br />

how to deal with it and consequently with me.<br />

When I was six years old my mother took me to see a speech therapist. She told my mother not to<br />

worry about my speaking. I would grow out of the problem. This was no help at all as I just grew into<br />

it. My hesitations turned into blocks. I sometimes could not get out words at all. So much for the<br />

professional advice of speech therapists!<br />

Question: Helen, do you see your stammer as an issue for life?<br />

Answer: Until I attended the Apple House the answer would have been ‘Yes’. Now I’ve conquered<br />

my stammer - as if by magic it has disappeared. I never knew when it would pop up and it was so<br />

perverse. Sometimes I couldn’t say certain words, at other times it was vowel sounds, words with ‘s’ or<br />

double consonants like ‘dr’. It made life very difficult as I didn’t know when the ‘stammer hit squad’<br />

would descend.<br />

It is quite amazing, as the stammer was with me for so long and was the only blight in my life.<br />

Since marrying my present husband, life has been wonderful. I have a fantastic partner, a beautiful,<br />

talented daughter and a lovely home. I am able to indulge the pursuits I enjoy - riding horses and<br />

regular retail therapy! Now life is perfect - the stammer has flown away - I’ve said ‘goodbye’ to it.<br />

It’s like getting rid of an irritating mother-in-law!<br />

Question: Helen, how do you think about your stammer?<br />

Answer: I think about it with hate. It’s a strong word, but no other will do to express my emotions. I<br />

feel complete revulsion and detestation for the stammer. It is so unnerving to stammer and one is<br />

always worried about the response of others to dysfluent speaking. You just cannot relax and enjoy life<br />

as talking comes into everything that happens. Speech difficulty is a huge burden to carry through life.<br />

It doesn’t attract the support and interest of some other problem areas. If you speak differently people<br />

think you are a dumb brain. No wonder some people get very depressed about it. One of the chaps on<br />

the course I did at the Apple House has experienced terrible bouts of depression. When I think about it,<br />

I feel so angry that I was told that I would grow out of my speech problems. This was the opposite of<br />

the truth. My stammer gave me the feeling of only having one leg. I was like someone in a wheelchair<br />

- fairly handicapped. Now that I can speak without stammering it is as though I’ve grown another leg<br />

and can go out now and wear short skirts!<br />

Question: Helen, how has your stammer affected you most?<br />

Answer: At school my academic performance was held back. It was impossible for me to read out in<br />

class and I was regarded by others as ‘ a sad little creature’. I just took this label around with me. I<br />

had the most horrible childhood and having a speaking problem was a final nail in the coffin. In spite<br />

of this ‘baggage’ I carried around I was able to keep going. My life has made me tough and<br />

determined. I grew up and trained as a dress designer and ran a successful business. However, if it<br />


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