Identification of important interactions between subchondral bone ...

Identification of important interactions between subchondral bone ...

Identification of important interactions between subchondral bone ...


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Abbreviations<br />

Abbreviations<br />

342-G2 MMP-mediated 342 FFGV-G2 fragment from aggrecan<br />

374-G2 Aggrecanase-mediated 374 ARGS-G2 fragment from aggrecan<br />

ADAMTS Aggrecanase/A disintergrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs<br />

AGNx-II MMP-mediated 342 FFGV-G2 fragment from aggrecan<br />

ALP Alkaline phosphatase<br />

BMP Bone morphogenetic proteins<br />

CC Chondrocyte<br />

COMP Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein<br />

CIIM Collagen type II<br />

CTX-I C-telopeptide <strong>of</strong> type I collagen<br />

CTX-II C-telopeptide <strong>of</strong> type II collagen<br />

DEX Dexamethasone<br />

DMOADs Disease modifying osteoarthritis drugs<br />

ECM Extra-cellular matrix<br />

ELISA Enzyme-linked Immuno Sorbent Assay<br />

E64 Irreversible inhibitor <strong>of</strong> cysteine proteases<br />

FDA The US Food and Drug Administration<br />

G1, G2, G3 Globular domain-1, -2, and -3<br />

GAG Glycosaminoglycan, a proteoglycan<br />

GC Glucocorticoid<br />

GH Growth hormone<br />

GM6001 General MMP inhibitor<br />

GR Glucocorticoid receptor<br />

HA Hyaluronic acid<br />

IGF Insulin-like growth factor-1<br />

IHC Immunohistochemistry<br />

IL Interleukin<br />

mAb Monoclonal antibody<br />

M-CSF Macrophage - colony stimulating factor<br />

MMP Matrix metalloproteinase<br />

MRI Magnetic resonance imaging<br />

NSAIDs Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs<br />

OA Osteoarthritis<br />

OB Osteoblast<br />

OC Osteoclast<br />

ON Overnight<br />

OPG Osteoprotegerin<br />

OSM Oncostatin M<br />

OVX Ovariectomy<br />

PBS Phosphate buffered saline<br />

PICP C-terminal propeptide <strong>of</strong> type I procollagen<br />

PIIANP N-terminal propeptide <strong>of</strong> type II procollagen, splice variant A<br />

PIINP N-terminal propeptide <strong>of</strong> type II procollagen<br />

PINP N-terminal propeptide <strong>of</strong> type I procollagen<br />

PRED Prednisolone<br />

PTH Parathyroid hormone<br />

RA Rheumatoid arthritis<br />

RANK Receptor activator <strong>of</strong> nuclear factor-ĸβ<br />

RANKL Receptor activator <strong>of</strong> nuclear factor-ĸβ ligand<br />

sGAG Sulfated glycosaminoglycans<br />

SD Standard deviation<br />

TGF-β Transforming growth factor β<br />

TIMP Tissue inhibitor <strong>of</strong> metalloproteinase<br />

TNF-α Tumour necrosis factor-α<br />

TRAP Tartrate resistant acid phosphatase<br />


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