Guru Nanak Chamatkar (Part 2)-Bhai Vir Singh English ... -

Guru Nanak Chamatkar (Part 2)-Bhai Vir Singh English ... - Guru Nanak Chamatkar (Part 2)-Bhai Vir Singh English ... -


346 GURU NANAK CHAMATKAR PART-II In this way he prayed to the Guru, then opened the door and said to Gaiian: 0 Guru-disciple, sit there and go on hriving from the Guru's pantry. The marriage party sat in rows. The servers started laying and serving the food. Everybody from the marriage party ate to his fill and was all in praise. No shortage happened in Sheehan's food. According to the custom in those days, the marriage party stayed there for five days. All five days, they had food to their fill. Sheehan gave many brifts to his daughter. With happiness, the bride went with the bridegroom. Those who knew how Sheehan managed were astonished, but when they relaxed, sat together and congratulated Sheehan, then everybody spontaneously said: The true Gum, the handsome Guru himself, has saved the honour of his disciple. IV Sheehan kept treading on the true path diligently. This mind is in the forgetfulness of the Lord since many births. It is all, full of dirt. That takes time to go away. But if we talk of this birth only, even then all what we do, is for selfishness. The inclination of the mind is towards selfishness. The direction of the mind remains outwardly. It thinks of self, only. That is why sometimes, it takes long to make it piOUS thinking. Ifyou try to kill the instincts through stubborn-ness, then that makes the mind and body dejected and sometimes ill. Ifyou brive it a loose rope, then at that moment the mind feels playful, the bodyjumps but after a short time only, negative results emerge, and many types ofillnesses inflict the body and sufferings come. The body becomes weak in no time. Then one gets short ofriches also. Sometimes, the evil mind acts in a way that one gets punishment from the court. So, by hriving a loose rope to the mind, one cannot be at peace. In fact this is the main cause of sufferings. Now we have to find out means by which the mind should become pure and should remain in blossom. For this, the true Guru's path is: Reading the scripture and understanding its meanings, reciting the Lord's name, service to holy people and company of holy people. Service makes the mind virtuous and enthusiastic. And one gets into the habit of hriving comfort to others, instead of looking after one's own comfort. One feels happy in briving comfort to others. In this way, selfishness that was the cause of evil habits is gone and the mind remains enthusiastic in giving comfort to others. So, the mind remains in blossom, away from vices and turns towards the Lord. The mind will not feel depressed by anxiety. When the mind is happy, the body is healthy. Page 356

GURUNANAK CHAMATKAR PART-II In this way, by reading and understanding the scripture Sheehan's mind got turned towards the Lord more and more. Whenever the mind went towards evil, the scripture warned: 0 mind, you are not an animaL This body has forced this animal instinct on you. Your orih>in is pure soul. It has been covered with the dirt of the animal instincts. These animal instincts are not the real thing. These are the dreams of your outer mind. Behind this is your pure self. Your pure self is the imperishable souL Then if the animal instincts still persist, the scripture tells us: Eating, drinking, laughing, sleeping Forgotten is the passing away, Forgetting the Lord, the evil we do This shameful life will not stay, o man, recite the true 'One' name Go to the Lord's palace with name andfame. The mind will realize that the aim oflife was not to go after body passions. I had come to this world for some higher work. Why should I indulge in these passions? Simultaneously, one will see that those who are already in holy company ahead of me are happy. 'Saints live in incessant rapture', says Nanak. Then the mind will be reassured that: Diligence in reciting the Name will finally take us to the Lord. When the holy people are living in ecstasy and the scripture also tells us that recitation of Name will lead us to ecstasy, then I should keep away from vices and remain in the remembrance of the Lord so that I get ecstasy. In this way, the hope of getting ecstasy does not let the mind go in melancholy and depression. Then the recitation is ofName. Name is ofthe Lord. There is exuberance in '0 Lord'. There is intense joy in praising. It is a wondrous delight. The recitation of the Name gives buoyancy to the mind. It does not hJ1ve gloominess. In this way, with service, reading of Holy Scripture, holy company and recitation of Name one gets saintly habits. The animal instincts go and the body, in restraint remains healthy. V Sheehan Uppal kept up 'recitation of Name'. The dirt of his mind got washed. He got more and more peace of mind. Page 357 347


In this way he prayed to the <strong>Guru</strong>, then opened the door and said to<br />

Gaiian: 0 <strong>Guru</strong>-disciple, sit there and go on hriving from the <strong>Guru</strong>'s pantry.<br />

The marriage party sat in rows. The servers started laying and serving the<br />

food. Everybody from the marriage party ate to his fill and was all in praise.<br />

No shortage happened in Sheehan's food. According to the custom in<br />

those days, the marriage party stayed there for five days. All five days, they<br />

had food to their fill. Sheehan gave many brifts to his daughter. With happiness,<br />

the bride went with the bridegroom.<br />

Those who knew how Sheehan managed were astonished, but when they<br />

relaxed, sat together and congratulated Sheehan, then everybody<br />

spontaneously said: The true Gum, the handsome <strong>Guru</strong> himself, has saved<br />

the honour of his disciple.<br />

IV<br />

Sheehan kept treading on the true path diligently.<br />

This mind is in the forgetfulness of the Lord since many births. It is all,<br />

full of dirt. That takes time to go away. But if we talk of this birth only, even<br />

then all what we do, is for selfishness. The inclination of the mind is towards<br />

selfishness. The direction of the mind remains outwardly. It thinks of self,<br />

only. That is why sometimes, it takes long to make it piOUS thinking. Ifyou try<br />

to kill the instincts through stubborn-ness, then that makes the mind and body<br />

dejected and sometimes ill. Ifyou brive it a loose rope, then at that moment the<br />

mind feels playful, the bodyjumps but after a short time only, negative results<br />

emerge, and many types ofillnesses inflict the body and sufferings <strong>com</strong>e. The<br />

body be<strong>com</strong>es weak in no time. Then one gets short ofriches also. Sometimes,<br />

the evil mind acts in a way that one gets punishment from the court. So, by<br />

hriving a loose rope to the mind, one cannot be at peace. In fact this is the<br />

main cause of sufferings.<br />

Now we have to find out means by which the mind should be<strong>com</strong>e pure<br />

and should remain in blossom.<br />

For this, the true <strong>Guru</strong>'s path is: Reading the scripture and understanding<br />

its meanings, reciting the Lord's name, service to holy people and <strong>com</strong>pany of<br />

holy people.<br />

Service makes the mind virtuous and enthusiastic. And one gets into the<br />

habit of hriving <strong>com</strong>fort to others, instead of looking after one's own <strong>com</strong>fort.<br />

One feels happy in briving <strong>com</strong>fort to others. In this way, selfishness that was<br />

the cause of evil habits is gone and the mind remains enthusiastic in giving<br />

<strong>com</strong>fort to others. So, the mind remains in blossom, away from vices and<br />

turns towards the Lord. The mind will not feel depressed by anxiety. When<br />

the mind is happy, the body is healthy.<br />

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