Guru Nanak Chamatkar (Part 2)-Bhai Vir Singh English ... -

Guru Nanak Chamatkar (Part 2)-Bhai Vir Singh English ... - Guru Nanak Chamatkar (Part 2)-Bhai Vir Singh English ... -


316 GURU NANAK CHAMATKAR PART-II Then I thought: What if others are sitting near? They will be better human beinhTS than the stupid that I am. I have got a glimpse. This is enough grace to me. Then my mind said: You still have ego and pride. Be humble. Make your eyes as cups and drink the nectar of the glimpse and be in gratitude. In this way, I had tears in my eyes and my eyes closed. Then I do not know what happened, when I opened my eyes I was sitting close to him and we were just two of us and none else. I opened my eyes so that I should have his glimpse to my full but I had tears in my eyes and a love sensation went through my entire body cells and my mind said: I wish I could see his feet that were wrapped in his shawl, then I would clamp his feet. How good it will be? I wish my forehead got a touch of his sacred feet. Then my mind recalled your advice to remain happy in the Lord's wish. If his wish is like that, I should be happy as it is. But my mind said: No, I must clamp his sacred feet, whatever way it happens. Like the tune from the throat clamps the tune from the musical instrument, in the same way I should clamp the sacred and sweet feet hidden in the beautiful shawl. I do not know what happened? When did the lotus feet come out from the shawl or my un-mannered head went under the shawl, I do not know but when I became conscious my head was touching his sacred feet. That touch was giving the love sensation, a wavy love sensation throughout my body cells. It was like a live current coming to my mind heart and body and love tears were flowing from my eyes and kissing his feet. After this consciousness I went into a trance. I do not know how much time went by like that. When I became conscious again, his loving sacred hand was on my egoistic and vices-filled head. It was hJ1ving coolness and a voice was audible, '0 Lord', '0 Lord', '0 Lord' and my body cells were blossoming and saying '0 Lord', '0 Lord', '0 Lord'. Some coolness was rising from my heart and making my head cool. My eyes were getting some pull inwardly and my inner self was getting immersed in the Supreme soul. The eyes did not open. The tongue did not move. The teeth were closed, the lips were closed but some sweet love sensation was going deep into the inner self and keeping it immersed. Malo went into ecstasy on listening to all that. Now even Ubare Khan's talking stopped and he went into trance. After a long interval both opened their eyes. Malo embraced his friend. Again both of them went into ecstasy with heads touching each other. Then their eyes opened. Malo heaved sighs of ecstasy and said: Gratitude to the saviour Lord who has hJ1ven His lifehJ1ving sensation. Now, 0 friend, you tell how much worthless is the ego and the mistaken beliefs that are set in our mind? The Lord is one. He is the sacred and holy Page 326

GURU NANAK CHAMATKAR PART-II Lord. He is for everyone. He sends prophets to all countries as He wishes. This Guru is a prophet sent by the Lord in this country that is ours. He is a godly soul and has come from the heavens. He has come from the Lord. Ubare Khan: Don't ask me anything? You go on speaking. I am now only a moth hovering around the lamp. I have no other sense left in my self. Malo: Thanks, 0 Lord. But you tell how did you rid your mind from the ego of being a Muslim? Ubare Khan: Suddenly a thought did come that I am a Muslim and Muslims are superior and Hindus are inferior and idol-worshippers but then the saviour Guru looked towards me with a smile and said: No one is Hindu and no one is Muslim. Ifthey say, then they are rowdy children riding on the horse of ego staring at each other. If somebody wishes to be a Hindu or a Muslim, then good deeds are the criterion. Piousness is accepted in the Lord's court, no matter whether one is a Muslim or a Hindu. Those are respected in the Lord's court whose ego has gone by remembrance and recitation of His name here. The person whose mind has risen above Muslim mind or Hindumind and is in the incessant remembrance of the Lord, those who are in the incessant remembrance of the Lord may say they are Muslims or Hindus. Without being in the incessant remembrance of the Lord both are wives of the same master but are divorced. Without being clamped to the Lord's feet with love, whosoever boasts of being relihrious is an irrelihrious act, like throwing ash mixed with the name of relihrion on the people's heads. Then to be relif,J1ous is to love everybody. One who is in the remembrance of the Lord has love for everybody. Those who have hatred in them are not relihrious. They are not of the Lord. They are irrelihJ1ous. The Lord is a centre of love. Hatred is another centre just opposite to that. You can name that centre as irrelihJ1ouS. Where there is hatred, tyranny, force, the Lord is not there. Where there is no Lord there is no religiousness. Hatred is being irrelif,J1ous. Hatred is a devil. Be watchful, don't ruin yourself, nor ruin your neighbour, nor ruin the country. Wake up in the remembrance ofthe Lord. Love everybody. Remain in the love and remembrance of the Lord. Have love and kindness for all humanity. All are Lord's children. Don't deceive your selfby having a mistaken belief that hatred is from the Lord. Think the Lord as your father and all humans as His children and your brothers. Page 327 317

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Then I thought: What if others are sitting near? They will be better human<br />

beinhTS than the stupid that I am. I have got a glimpse. This is enough grace to<br />

me. Then my mind said: You still have ego and pride. Be humble. Make your<br />

eyes as cups and drink the nectar of the glimpse and be in gratitude.<br />

In this way, I had tears in my eyes and my eyes closed. Then I do not<br />

know what happened, when I opened my eyes I was sitting close to him and<br />

we were just two of us and none else. I opened my eyes so that I should have<br />

his glimpse to my full but I had tears in my eyes and a love sensation went<br />

through my entire body cells and my mind said: I wish I could see his feet that<br />

were wrapped in his shawl, then I would clamp his feet. How good it will be?<br />

I wish my forehead got a touch of his sacred feet. Then my mind recalled<br />

your advice to remain happy in the Lord's wish. If his wish is like that, I<br />

should be happy as it is. But my mind said: No, I must clamp his sacred feet,<br />

whatever way it happens. Like the tune from the throat clamps the tune from<br />

the musical instrument, in the same way I should clamp the sacred and sweet<br />

feet hidden in the beautiful shawl. I do not know what happened? When did<br />

the lotus feet <strong>com</strong>e out from the shawl or my un-mannered head went under<br />

the shawl, I do not know but when I became conscious my head was touching<br />

his sacred feet. That touch was giving the love sensation, a wavy love sensation<br />

throughout my body cells. It was like a live current <strong>com</strong>ing to my mind heart<br />

and body and love tears were flowing from my eyes and kissing his feet. After<br />

this consciousness I went into a trance. I do not know how much time went by<br />

like that. When I became conscious again, his loving sacred hand was on my<br />

egoistic and vices-filled head. It was hJ1ving coolness and a voice was audible,<br />

'0 Lord', '0 Lord', '0 Lord' and my body cells were blossoming and saying<br />

'0 Lord', '0 Lord', '0 Lord'. Some coolness was rising from my heart and<br />

making my head cool. My eyes were getting some pull inwardly and my inner<br />

self was getting immersed in the Supreme soul. The eyes did not open. The<br />

tongue did not move. The teeth were closed, the lips were closed but some<br />

sweet love sensation was going deep into the inner self and keeping it immersed.<br />

Malo went into ecstasy on listening to all that. Now even Ubare Khan's<br />

talking stopped and he went into trance. After a long interval both opened<br />

their eyes. Malo embraced his friend. Again both of them went into ecstasy<br />

with heads touching each other. Then their eyes opened. Malo heaved sighs<br />

of ecstasy and said: Gratitude to the saviour Lord who has hJ1ven His lifehJ1ving<br />

sensation.<br />

Now, 0 friend, you tell how much worthless is the ego and the mistaken<br />

beliefs that are set in our mind? The Lord is one. He is the sacred and holy<br />

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