Guru Nanak Chamatkar (Part 2)-Bhai Vir Singh English ... -

Guru Nanak Chamatkar (Part 2)-Bhai Vir Singh English ... - Guru Nanak Chamatkar (Part 2)-Bhai Vir Singh English ... -


O great 72 Dialogue with Bhagats Guru Nanak Dev! He made five travels across the country and abroad and put the people on the true path of recitation of the Lord's name with love. After his first travel, he came home. Then again he went on travel across the country. He met all the saints, sadhus, recluses, ascetics and other people and took them out oftheir mistaken beliefs and put them on the true path oflove ofthe Lord. Then he returned to his home and stayed there for sometime. Again he started his travel and this time settled at Kartarpur. His next travel was to Sangladeep ill the south and again to North. Whenever he came back from travels, he stayed at Kartarpur. During this time when he stayed at Kartarpur after completing a travel, many saints, sadhus, recluses and family men of all faiths including heads of many sects came to meet him to remove their doubts and get the Guru's blessings. Once a ,group of Bhagats who were idol-worshippers came. This hJTOUP made idols of many gods and danced and performed many types of rituals and worshipped the idols. The hJTOUP was earnest in their worship but they had some doubts that had to be removed. They stayed at Kartarpur for a few days and continued with their idol-worship. They had imahJined that even Guru Nanak does idol worship as they do. But they saw that Guru Nanak worships the Lord, the one Lord. Then he has absolute detachment from desires and he is in ecstasy and rapture. They wondered how is it that he is in devotional love of the Lord and he is a saint of the highest order? Then they came and sat near and asked: 0 Lord's beloved saint, a man does good and bad deeds. He does ithimself orsomebody prompts him to do? Who prompts him to do? It is evident that man is in desires. He might be motivated by something. How does one have detachment from desires? When the person who has desires dies, he is in suffering. How Page 290

GURU NANAK CHAMATKAR PART - II 281 will he get salvation from this suffering? Guru: 0 pious Bhagats, when one sees wealth, riches, women, beauty of a woman and the youthfulness of a man, then ego and desires come. Ego and desires have two facets. 1. Ego of what one has. 2. The desire that they should remain. Those who do not have, they are in despair and they desire to have. This is the opposite side of ego and desires. This desire comes to the mind inthe body. The prime thing in the mirtd is ego. The mind sees and desires. Then the mind is enticed by the desire. It wants to acquire. That is in two ways. One is the pious way and one is the sinful way. 'Somehow, 1 should acquire' this is the desire, whether the pious way or the sinful way, that the mind hTUides. Some minds suggestthe sinful way, loot, grab, deceive and some minds suggest the pious way, earn honestly and give charity, do goodness so that one gets the fruit of goodness. So, the motivator ofsinful and pious deeds is the desire and the motivator of desire is ego. According to this 'ego and desires' to acquire wealth, women and fame, the mind is enticed and gets into sinful or pious deeds. When, by sinful or pious deeds one acquires something, then one becomes proud and wishes to acquire more. Otte is never satiated. When, one is not able to acquire, then the desire to acquire increases. In that case also one is never satiated. In this way, the mind remains in the fulfilled or unfulfilled desires. So, the ego and desires keep the mind in the wheel of deeds. Then the comforts and sufferinbfS come accordingto the deeds done and one remains in the cycle of births and deaths. There is no salvation from this cycle. Man remains in suffering in the wheel of deeds and the cycle of births and deaths. There is only one way to get out of the wheel of deeds and the cycle of births and deaths. That is the Lord's Name. By remembering the Lord and reciting His name with love the Name permeates in the body. The Lord is omnipresent and always living. So, he is always with us. The fruit of reciting His name is that the mind gets into the love of the always-living Lord and remains in the incessant love of the Lord. The material gains that entice the mind do not go with us. When the body does not go with us, then how will the material gains go? The material gains that we acquire as also indulge in passions, we think that these are giving pleasure. Those pleasures as .also the body remains here. When a person dies, others acquire his wealth and the body thatwe think is our own becomes ash. So to say, the entire existence goes to the earth. The friends, family, wealth and passions all go to the earth. But the dirt that has accumulated on Page 291


will he get salvation from this suffering?<br />

<strong>Guru</strong>: 0 pious Bhagats, when one sees wealth, riches, women, beauty of<br />

a woman and the youthfulness of a man, then ego and desires <strong>com</strong>e. Ego and<br />

desires have two facets.<br />

1. Ego of what one has.<br />

2. The desire that they should remain.<br />

Those who do not have, they are in despair and they desire to have. This<br />

is the opposite side of ego and desires. This desire <strong>com</strong>es to the mind inthe<br />

body. The prime thing in the mirtd is ego. The mind sees and desires. Then<br />

the mind is enticed by the desire. It wants to acquire. That is in two ways.<br />

One is the pious way and one is the sinful way. 'Somehow, 1 should<br />

acquire' this is the desire, whether the pious way or the sinful way, that the<br />

mind hTUides. Some minds suggestthe sinful way, loot, grab, deceive and some<br />

minds suggest the pious way, earn honestly and give charity, do goodness so<br />

that one gets the fruit of goodness.<br />

So, the motivator ofsinful and pious deeds is the desire and the motivator<br />

of desire is ego. According to this 'ego and desires' to acquire wealth, women<br />

and fame, the mind is enticed and gets into sinful or pious deeds.<br />

When, by sinful or pious deeds one acquires something, then one be<strong>com</strong>es<br />

proud and wishes to acquire more. Otte is never satiated. When, one is not<br />

able to acquire, then the desire to acquire increases. In that case also one is<br />

never satiated. In this way, the mind remains in the fulfilled or unfulfilled<br />

desires. So, the ego and desires keep the mind in the wheel of deeds. Then<br />

the <strong>com</strong>forts and sufferinbfS <strong>com</strong>e accordingto the deeds done and one remains<br />

in the cycle of births and deaths. There is no salvation from this cycle. Man<br />

remains in suffering in the wheel of deeds and the cycle of births and deaths.<br />

There is only one way to get out of the wheel of deeds and the cycle of<br />

births and deaths. That is the Lord's Name. By remembering the Lord and<br />

reciting His name with love the Name permeates in the body. The Lord is<br />

omnipresent and always living. So, he is always with us. The fruit of reciting<br />

His name is that the mind gets into the love of the always-living Lord and<br />

remains in the incessant love of the Lord.<br />

The material gains that entice the mind do not go with us. When the body<br />

does not go with us, then how will the material gains go? The material gains<br />

that we acquire as also indulge in passions, we think that these are giving<br />

pleasure. Those pleasures as .also the body remains here. When a person<br />

dies, others acquire his wealth and the body thatwe think is our own be<strong>com</strong>es<br />

ash. So to say, the entire existence goes to the earth. The friends, family,<br />

wealth and passions all go to the earth. But the dirt that has accumulated on<br />

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