Guru Nanak Chamatkar (Part 2)-Bhai Vir Singh English ... -

Guru Nanak Chamatkar (Part 2)-Bhai Vir Singh English ... - Guru Nanak Chamatkar (Part 2)-Bhai Vir Singh English ... -


242 GURU NANAK CHAMATKAR PART-II In this thinking he got up and came to meet the Guru. Then he saw that everybody who had come to kill is in a coma and the stones have fallen from their hands. He hJTeeted the Guru and prayed to him to bless the people so that they become conscious. The Guru said: They are all in a trance. They had come to stone my body to death. I have hit their minds with the strength of Name. So, their minds are elevated with Name. They are in a trance. The saint said: You bless that they come out of the trance and see your glimpse. Then the saint touched the Guru's feet and said: Here in Baghdad nobody has supernatural powers but you are a big saint with miraculous-ness that I have seen with my own eyes. Now, you forgive us for our guilt. The Guru looked towards the people with merciful eyes. They all became conscious. When they got consciousness, then they bowed down to the Guru. By the Guru's hJTace everybody came out of the trance and bowed to the hTUru . III Now, the saint sat down and had conversation with the Guru. Saint: You are a big saint with supernatural powers. Your words have a strength and writ. Why haven't you gone as per the Muslim religious law? Please be good to tell us what is your religion? What sect you belong to and what is your name? We might understand your doctrine and your practice. Guru: What religious sect I belong to? What prominent saints seat I am occupying? I have one reply to these questions that I am not ofthis world. So, I have no sect or seat of a saint. The Lord has sent me to this world. I recognize only the one Lord who is the creator and the all-pervading Lord on earth, heaven and all comers of the world. I have refuted the saints who are sitting as prisoners oftheir own mind that is overflowing with ego and desires. They are in empty rituals. They call themselves as 'of the Lord' but are enwossed in passions and desires. I have come to refute such saints. You say, there are fourteen dynasties and seventy-two sects and they are accepted as such. These are boundaries. The Lord loves everybody and He has refuted all barriers where there is ego and pride. Ifyou ask my name, then I belong to the Lord. You may call me 'of the Lord' and if you wish to know my name what my parents have named me, then it is Nanak. When the saint heard the name, he bowed his head again. He had already heard his name. People coming from Mecca had already talked to him and praised the Guru. 0 you are a saint from India, he bowed his head again and said: Listening to your name has given me delight. I have already heard your Page 252

GURU NANAK CHAMATKAR PART-II 243 praise thatyou are immersed in the love ofthe Lord and are putting people on the path of'recitation ofthe Lord's name with love'. But 0 belovedofthe Lord, this music is very flirtatious. Ittakes the mind towards passions. The wealthy as also the immoral people ofthe world are beingruined bythis music. Something that turns the mind away from the Lord towards passions, how do you say it is good? Please, it will be yourgoodness ifyou explain it to me. We are astonished to see your love for singing the divine sonhTS with music. Guru: Music is not something that makes the mind flirtatious. In fact it is something that gives concentration to the mind. Yes, music softens the mind. By listening to music, the mind melts and becomes soft. Then the softened mind can be dyed in the love of the Lord. This music gives elevation to the mind. Goodness comes in the mind. Sensations that cannot be described come in the mind and the mind gets turned towards the Lord. Many times wandering, sad and despair minds become calm and peacefuL Music turns the mind from bad thoughts and evil desires and makes it clean and fresh. You must have noticed that everybody may be a child, young or old, likes it. Even the birds and animals like music. Saint (interrupting): You say, everybody likes it. Has music been created by the Lord? Guru: Music is heavenly. Man has not invented it. He has only discovered it. Saint: Man has invented the violin, guitar, harmonium and other musical instruments. How could music be played otherwise? Guru: The breeze passing through the elephant grass is musical. The stream passing through hrrass is musicaL The breeze in the forests is musicaL The throats of the birds are singing music. The Lord has created the throat of man that sings music. The wheel of the well that brings the water is making music. The Lord has created the ears that listen to music. The Lord has hJ1ven the sense to the mind to learn the art of music and understand the melody. The Lord has hJ1ven the sense to the mind to feel delight and ecstasy from music. The Lord has hJ1ven the sense to the mind to understand the different measures of music and their good effects, otherwise, a stone cannot sense the music or an earthworm cannot sense the music. Saint: But is there any doubt that music has increased passions? Bad characters and others in vices play music. It is due to music that the profession of dancing hJ1rls has flourished. Guru: What you say is true that music is played by low people but that is not the fault of music. Music is an art of the highest order, it has strength, it Page 253


praise thatyou are immersed in the love ofthe Lord and are putting people on<br />

the path of'recitation ofthe Lord's name with love'. But 0 belovedofthe Lord,<br />

this music is very flirtatious. Ittakes the mind towards passions. The wealthy as<br />

also the immoral people ofthe world are beingruined bythis music. Something<br />

that turns the mind away from the Lord towards passions, how do you say it is<br />

good? Please, it will be yourgoodness ifyou explain it to me. We are astonished<br />

to see your love for singing the divine sonhTS with music.<br />

<strong>Guru</strong>: Music is not something that makes the mind flirtatious. In fact it is<br />

something that gives concentration to the mind. Yes, music softens the mind.<br />

By listening to music, the mind melts and be<strong>com</strong>es soft. Then the softened<br />

mind can be dyed in the love of the Lord. This music gives elevation to the<br />

mind. Goodness <strong>com</strong>es in the mind. Sensations that cannot be described<br />

<strong>com</strong>e in the mind and the mind gets turned towards the Lord. Many times<br />

wandering, sad and despair minds be<strong>com</strong>e calm and peacefuL Music turns<br />

the mind from bad thoughts and evil desires and makes it clean and fresh.<br />

You must have noticed that everybody may be a child, young or old, likes it.<br />

Even the birds and animals like music.<br />

Saint (interrupting): You say, everybody likes it. Has music been created<br />

by the Lord?<br />

<strong>Guru</strong>: Music is heavenly. Man has not invented it. He has only<br />

discovered it.<br />

Saint: Man has invented the violin, guitar, harmonium and other musical<br />

instruments. How could music be played otherwise?<br />

<strong>Guru</strong>: The breeze passing through the elephant grass is musical. The<br />

stream passing through hrrass is musicaL The breeze in the forests is musicaL<br />

The throats of the birds are singing music. The Lord has created the throat of<br />

man that sings music. The wheel of the well that brings the water is making<br />

music. The Lord has created the ears that listen to music. The Lord has hJ1ven<br />

the sense to the mind to learn the art of music and understand the melody.<br />

The Lord has hJ1ven the sense to the mind to feel delight and ecstasy from<br />

music. The Lord has hJ1ven the sense to the mind to understand the different<br />

measures of music and their good effects, otherwise, a stone cannot sense the<br />

music or an earthworm cannot sense the music.<br />

Saint: But is there any doubt that music has increased passions? Bad<br />

characters and others in vices play music. It is due to music that the profession<br />

of dancing hJ1rls has flourished.<br />

<strong>Guru</strong>: What you say is true that music is played by low people but that is<br />

not the fault of music. Music is an art of the highest order, it has strength, it<br />

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