Guru Nanak Chamatkar (Part 2)-Bhai Vir Singh English ... -

Guru Nanak Chamatkar (Part 2)-Bhai Vir Singh English ... - Guru Nanak Chamatkar (Part 2)-Bhai Vir Singh English ... -


236 GURU NANAK CHAMATKAR PART-II towards a woman with evil eyes and if one has reined his mind from wandering in !,Tfeed and desires. Not one day but all thirty days of the month one should remain dyed in the love ofthe Lord. Then the person will be respected in the Lord's court. Remember the Lord and recite the Lord's Name. This is the fasting. Detach your mind from passions. Keep a watch on your mind. Where does it wander? Then rein your mind. Then you will become a real saint. Detach your mind from anxieties and despair. Be kind and merciful. Believe in one God. Rid yourself from ego. Ego is the veil between our self and the Lord. Save yourself from the fire of sex. Love the Lord. Drink the Lord's nectar. Recite the Lord's Name and you may keep fast. Then you will get a sensation of the presence of the Lord in your mind, heart and body and you will be faithful to God always. The saint bowed to the Guru and said: Ah hal Today, I have got a glimpse of an image of the Lord. Then he went to the saint of Patan and narrated to him: Guru Nanak has come. I was fortunate to listen to his discourse and this was the conversation I had with him. Then the saint of Patan (Sheikh Ibrahim) felt love and respect for Guru Nanak and came to the place where the Guru was staying. Again a conversation started and Rukanudin asked: 0 Guru, you had said that good deeds and love of the Lord is the prime thing. One has to rein the mind and love the Lord. Without this neither a Muslim is religious nor a Hindu. Hindus read the Vedas, Muslims read the Quran. Do both ofthem get some goodness by reading these? Guru: One may read the Vedas and other scriptures but if one has not reined his mind and detached his mind from passions and desires, then what is the gain? Gain is in the Lord's Name. Recitation ofthe Lord's Name with love is the prime thing. Have faith that the Lord is one and only one. There are no two Gods. He is the only one God. Everybody was quite impressed by the Guru's reply. Then they asked: We all are living in this world. Whether we are saints or sadhus or family men but we are in the world. The worldly desires are so enticing. How can we reach the Lord? Listening to this question the Guru was overwhelmed. What they had asked was about the Lord. The Guru was immersed in the love of that Lord about whom they asked. He was dyed in the love of that Lord. Page 246

GURU NANAK CHAMATKAR PART-II 237 Then the Guru said: Say, 0 Lord, 0 Lord. The Guru blessed them with the Lord's Name. They got elevation of mind and felt the sensation of the presence of the Lord in their mind, heart and body. They were filled with ecstasy. Then the saints of Patan and saint Rukanudin kissed the hands of the Guru and kissed his feet. They prayed to the Guru to hrive them his shoes as a sacred souvenir. The Guru gave his shoes. They are still considered sacred by the heirs of the saint of Uch. Page 247


Then the <strong>Guru</strong> said: Say, 0 Lord, 0 Lord.<br />

The <strong>Guru</strong> blessed them with the Lord's Name. They got elevation of<br />

mind and felt the sensation of the presence of the Lord in their mind, heart<br />

and body. They were filled with ecstasy.<br />

Then the saints of Patan and saint Rukanudin kissed the hands of the<br />

<strong>Guru</strong> and kissed his feet. They prayed to the <strong>Guru</strong> to hrive them his shoes as a<br />

sacred souvenir. The <strong>Guru</strong> gave his shoes. They are still considered sacred<br />

by the heirs of the saint of Uch.<br />

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