Guru Nanak Chamatkar (Part 2)-Bhai Vir Singh English ... -

Guru Nanak Chamatkar (Part 2)-Bhai Vir Singh English ... - Guru Nanak Chamatkar (Part 2)-Bhai Vir Singh English ... -


228 GURU NANAK CHAMATKAR PART-II some money from the Lord. You can buy a shop and earn for your family. But be watchful, what you had written on paper that death is truth and life is falsehood, that was only what you had heard and the feeling of detachment from worldly desires was impulsive. Whatever, endeavor in Name you are doing now, do not leave this. Then your mind will not vacillate. Remain watchful. In sentimental love of wife, sons and wealth, one forgets the Lord. When one is in forgetfulness of the Lord, then one feels life as truth and death as falsehood. In remembrance of the Lord, one comprehends death as certain and life as temporary. Time passed on. The Guru finished his third travel. Now he started for his fourth travel. Then he came to Sialkot and said to Mardana: Go and call Moola. Mardana went and on returning said: 0 Guru, when I went to his shop, the neighbours said that he has gone home. When I went to his house and called him, then his wife said that he has gone out. Thenthe beloved Guru was quietfor a moment. Then he said: 0 Mardana, Moola's family has panickedthatwe have come to make him renounce his shop and family and take him along, so, they have hidden him. But we have come only to see whetherhe is in remembrance ofthe Lord orenf:,JTossed insentimental love and is in forgetfulness ofthe Lord. Ifhe is in forgetfulness, then we should put him in remembrance of the Lord. Last time when he met us he was a bachelor and his feeling of detachment from worldly desires was impulsive. Now, he has got enf:,JTossed in sentimental love ofwife and sons and considers life as truth. He has gone into forgetfulness of the Lord. Mardana: Yes, if he had imbibed truth in him, then he would have come and told the truth that I have come but I have sentimental love for my wife and children and I cannot accompany you in your travels and you would have appreciated his speaking the truth. (Trembling) But 0 benevolent Guru, you know everything. The worldly desires are terrible. Sometime, even my mind is vacillated. Who am I to blame others? It is easy to criticize others but difficult to come up to the mark one's self. We bring out faults in others and keep our own faults hidden. The conversation was going on when somebody came and brought the news that Moola was made to hide behind a stack of cow dung cakes, lest you take him with you. There, a snake bit him and he died. Then the Guru said: 0 Mardana, have you seen the Lord's will. One thinks one is doing goodness but the fruit is bad. Moola's friendship with selfish people made him greedy. Page 238

GURU NANAK CHAMATKAR PART-II Mardana: 0 Master, how is that? Guru: Yes, selfish is a person who is in desires all the time. Even if he meets a saint, and bows down at his feet, he will meet him for fulfillment ofhis desires. 0 Mardana, there is hardly anyone who wishes to meet a saint to seek salvation. People go and meet saints for fulfillment oftheir worldly desires. They think that the saints have supernatural powers and if they are blessed they will become wealthy. Some people go to a saint for curing some disease or they do service to the saint for some other want. To seek spiritual hruidance from a saint are rare. A seeker of the Lord should not keep company ofselfish people. In their companythe mind becomes greedy. A saint should also remain watchful that the selfish people who are at his service are not serving him to seek spiritual hruidance. They love their desires. They are not seekers of the Lord. They are not \seekers of the true path. But for that life, for which they tell lies and deceive, they do not know when it is going to end. They think that this life is forever but it is not so. Death is certain. III From Sialkot the Guru came to Talwandi. From Talwandi the benevolent Guru came to Katas. He was here on the Baisakhi festival. This place is about ten kilometers from Pind Dadan Khan. Here' is a spring of nice cool water. Hindus consider this place as Shiva's place, like Pushkar. Sadhus of all faiths and lots of pilhJTims throng here on the Baisakhi festival. With this point in view that this was the best time to put the people on the true path of recitation ofthe Lord's Name with love, the benevolent Guru chose this time to visit here. On listening to his Name and his unique tradition of 'recitation of the Lord's Name with love' and his praise allover, the Heads of different relihrious sects came to have discussions with him. Family men and all people swarmed around. The benevolent Guru knew the declining character of the sadhus who were propagating empty rituals. He also knew that some sadhus had good character but their minds were still in worldly gains or worldly fame. They had not reined their minds. He knew that without detachment ofmind, without proper guidance from a true man of God and without 'recitation of the Lord's name with love' renouncing the family and house and becoming a recluse was worthless. So, he made the sadhus and the people rid of their mistaken beliefs and put them on the true path of 'recitation of the Lord's Name with love.' Page 239 229


some money from the Lord. You can buy a shop and earn for your family.<br />

But be watchful, what you had written on paper that death is truth and life is<br />

falsehood, that was only what you had heard and the feeling of detachment<br />

from worldly desires was impulsive. Whatever, endeavor in Name you are<br />

doing now, do not leave this. Then your mind will not vacillate. Remain<br />

watchful. In sentimental love of wife, sons and wealth, one forgets the Lord.<br />

When one is in forgetfulness of the Lord, then one feels life as truth and<br />

death as falsehood. In remembrance of the Lord, one <strong>com</strong>prehends death as<br />

certain and life as temporary.<br />

Time passed on. The <strong>Guru</strong> finished his third travel. Now he started for<br />

his fourth travel. Then he came to Sialkot and said to Mardana: Go and call<br />

Moola.<br />

Mardana went and on returning said: 0 <strong>Guru</strong>, when I went to his shop,<br />

the neighbours said that he has gone home. When I went to his house and<br />

called him, then his wife said that he has gone out.<br />

Thenthe beloved <strong>Guru</strong> was quietfor a moment. Then he said: 0 Mardana,<br />

Moola's family has panickedthatwe have <strong>com</strong>e to make him renounce his shop<br />

and family and take him along, so, they have hidden him. But we have <strong>com</strong>e<br />

only to see whetherhe is in remembrance ofthe Lord orenf:,JTossed insentimental<br />

love and is in forgetfulness ofthe Lord. Ifhe is in forgetfulness, then we should<br />

put him in remembrance of the Lord. Last time when he met us he was a<br />

bachelor and his feeling of detachment from worldly desires was impulsive.<br />

Now, he has got enf:,JTossed in sentimental love ofwife and sons and considers<br />

life as truth. He has gone into forgetfulness of the Lord.<br />

Mardana: Yes, if he had imbibed truth in him, then he would have <strong>com</strong>e<br />

and told the truth that I have <strong>com</strong>e but I have sentimental love for my wife<br />

and children and I cannot ac<strong>com</strong>pany you in your travels and you would<br />

have appreciated his speaking the truth. (Trembling) But 0 benevolent <strong>Guru</strong>,<br />

you know everything. The worldly desires are terrible. Sometime, even my<br />

mind is vacillated. Who am I to blame others? It is easy to criticize others but<br />

difficult to <strong>com</strong>e up to the mark one's self. We bring out faults in others and<br />

keep our own faults hidden.<br />

The conversation was going on when somebody came and brought the<br />

news that Moola was made to hide behind a stack of cow dung cakes, lest you<br />

take him with you. There, a snake bit him and he died.<br />

Then the <strong>Guru</strong> said: 0 Mardana, have you seen the Lord's will. One<br />

thinks one is doing goodness but the fruit is bad. Moola's friendship with<br />

selfish people made him greedy.<br />

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