Guru Nanak Chamatkar (Part 2)-Bhai Vir Singh English ... -

Guru Nanak Chamatkar (Part 2)-Bhai Vir Singh English ... - Guru Nanak Chamatkar (Part 2)-Bhai Vir Singh English ... -


130 GURU NANAK CHAMATKAR PART-II 5. Sphere ofDivine Abode. When the Lord's benevolence becomes Lord's hJTace, when through the Lord's benevolence a person in recitation of Name meets the Lord and his soul gets immersed in the Supreme soul and he becomes one with the Lord, this is difficult to express in words. Next is the Lord's palace. Here, is His abode. Grace, benevolence and generosity are showering as torrential rain. This is what the person perceives. He understands the command of the Lord and acts accordingly. He is always immersed in His love and desires nothing else but Him. He is one with his beloved Lord. His soul is immersed in the Supreme soul. Pious soul: Earlier, I did not understand these spheres. Most preachers interpret these as three ways to atb;lin salvation. 1. Deeds. 2. Knowledge and 3. Worship. I understood these spheres after reading the book 'Rana Surat Singh'. From there, I learnt that for the benefit of mankind the Guru has given us the glimpse of these spheres in the Holy Scripture. Today, I have understood very clearly that these are our spiritual stages as invisible spheres. Fairy Mother: 0 child, remain in recitation of Name. Don't remain in mistaken beliefs and superstitions. Recognize your duty. Do good deeds and kindness. Tread on the true path. The prime worship is the Lord's name. The Lord bestows His benevolence on those who tread on the path of Name. Then His hJTace comes. They meet the true Lord. So, your duty is to remain in endeavour. Remain steadfast in endeavour. Pious soul: Mother, what is Name? Fairy Mother: 0 child, this is love. Remembrance is the form of love for the beloved Lord by which one can perceive Him. The person who recites the Lord's Name is in love. He cannot forget his beloved Lord. In this way, one who always remembers Him is in love with him. When you recite His Name you should have a feeling of love for Him. Pious soul: That is fine. Fairy Mother: This is duty. This is spiritual work. Empty rituals are worthless. She said all this and said 0 Lord, 0 Lord and went away as a light towards the sky. But on the earth at this place one piOUS soul in this endeavour of Name, in this remembrance of Name is swaying in ecstasy. Is it remembrance or pang? Is it a pang or extreme longing? Is it remembrance or extreme craving? That panorama is like this Page 140

GURU NANAK CHAMATKAR PART-II II There is a small island in the sea. In the north is a land comprising many small towns and villages. One big town is the capital of the island. Here lives the king who is very handsome and h'Taceful. He is in his royal dress wearing the crown. At this moment, he is sitting on a stone at the beach. He is crying and tears are flowing from his eyes. He heaves long Sighs. Sometimes, he utters alas! Sometimes he closes his eyes and becomes quiet. When he opens his eyes again, tears start flawing. He is a king but he is crying. Itis true the head that wears the crown wears the thorns. Butthis crying doesn't seem to be because of his royal responsibilities because he is crying by himself. Sometimes, he looks at the sky and the far end of the sea and utters: Love arrows you have shot And pierced my heart; To meet you is my thirst; You will quench my thirst Is your natural repute. o Lord, he is a king. Even a king's heart is pierced with love arrows. He is craving for the beloved, the beloved whom he has never met. He is in love without even meeting him. He is in love and remembrance of a beloved whom he has not seen. He is in longing and craving to meet. People say: When we have never seen the Lord, how can we love Him? But see, he has not seen his beloved so far but his tears of love are flowing. Isn't it so that it can happen that even if one has not seen one's beloved one can still fall in love? The reality is that fears and anxieties have killed us. Our sparrow mind expands with ego


II<br />

There is a small island in the sea. In the north is a land <strong>com</strong>prising many small<br />

towns and villages. One big town is the capital of the island. Here lives the<br />

king who is very handsome and h'Taceful. He is in his royal dress wearing the<br />

crown.<br />

At this moment, he is sitting on a stone at the beach. He is crying and<br />

tears are flowing from his eyes.<br />

He heaves long Sighs. Sometimes, he utters alas! Sometimes he closes his<br />

eyes and be<strong>com</strong>es quiet. When he opens his eyes again, tears start flawing.<br />

He is a king but he is crying. Itis true the head that wears the crown wears<br />

the thorns. Butthis crying doesn't seem to be because of his royal responsibilities<br />

because he is crying by himself. Sometimes, he looks at the sky and the far<br />

end of the sea and utters:<br />

Love arrows you have shot<br />

And pierced my heart;<br />

To meet you is my thirst;<br />

You will quench my thirst<br />

Is your natural repute.<br />

o Lord, he is a king. Even a king's heart is pierced with love arrows. He<br />

is craving for the beloved, the beloved whom he has never met. He is in love<br />

without even meeting him. He is in love and remembrance of a beloved<br />

whom he has not seen. He is in longing and craving to meet.<br />

People say: When we have never seen the Lord, how can we love Him?<br />

But see, he has not seen his beloved so far but his tears of love are<br />

flowing.<br />

Isn't it so that it can happen that even if one has not seen one's beloved<br />

one can still fall in love? The reality is that fears and anxieties have killed us.<br />

Our sparrow mind expands with ego

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