Guru Nanak Chamatkar (Part 2)-Bhai Vir Singh English ... -

Guru Nanak Chamatkar (Part 2)-Bhai Vir Singh English ... - Guru Nanak Chamatkar (Part 2)-Bhai Vir Singh English ... -


122 GURU NANAK CHAMATKAR PART-II Without meditation you cannot control the breath. Without controlling the breath, the mind cannot be controlled. One cannot do meditation without discipline. One cannot be disciplined without renunciation. In renunciation you cannot be steadfast without initiation. So, only that person who becomes a recluse and gets initiation and then follows all disciplines of Hath yoga can become a saint. That saint will have peace of mind and will be immortal. Then he can make more disciples and initiate them. You cannot become a saint in family living, who can swim and make others swim the worldly ocean. On listening to this the Guru said: 0 Machchinder, listen to me. Even after controlling the breath if the mind goes after passions then what is the gain? You see the ascetics who practice Hath yoga. They get into the habit of drinking wine, opium etc. What one actually requires is that one should rein the five fires, i.e. sex, anger, hTfeed, sentiment and pride. Whenever they try to trap, one should not get trapped. You learn to rein the mind to control the passions. One who has reined the mind to control the passions will himself be able to swim and make generations swim the worldly ocean. His attachment to the Lord will keep his mind strong because he will get the strength ofthe Lord in him. When he has reined the mind and controlled the five fires, and remains in the remembrance of the Lord incessantly, then he is the real saint. A person who is free from worldly passions and is immersed in the love of the Lord, he is the real saint. What I mean is, that his character should be good and pure, and he should be enhTfossed in the love of the Lord. Then he is a real saint. He has tranqUility. Machchinder: Without breath control, how can you do meditation? Guru: Keeping one's mind in the incessant remembrance of the Lord's name will be the meditation. By remaining in the remembrance of the Lord the mind will be elevated. With this remembrance he will get a sensation of the presence ofthe Lord in his mind and body. So to say, he will get enhTfossed in the love of the Lord. This is the yoga that our saint will do. Then he won't beg for food from door to door as a beggar. He will be a family man. He will earn and eat and also share with others. But for one thing he also begs. He prays: 0 Lord, be merciful and hTfacious. Give me strength that I should always be enhTfossed in your love. In this way, he has controlled his five fires and lives enhTfossed in the love of the Lord and in prayers. He lives in the presence of the Lord in his mind always, i.e. whatever are worldly chores he does in the presence of the Lord. Thus, his remembrance of the Lord remains incessant and his character remains unblemished. Page 132

GURU NANAK CHAMATKAR PART-II Anxieties and fear do not come near him because he has the wealth of contentment with him. Since he is in contentment he is satiated always and is happy in what the Lord hrives. o Machchinder, listen what are the distinctive features of a saint. Nanak is not telling the qualities ofthis saint in complicated, unpleasant and sorrowful words that have puzzling meanings, but is telling in an always living, soul awakening and loving lanhJUage, full of nectar. One who lives with mind detached from worldly desires will surely reach the Lord. One who meets the Lord is a saint. o Machchinder, Nanak says: Our saint does not ask the disciple to pierce his ears and wear a signet. He does not follow the ritual that the disciple should first pierce his ears and then only get initiation. The saint, that I have said, will hJUide the disciples by telling them: That the Lord who is formless, 'He is there'. He is formless but He reveals Himself in His name. One can reach Him by 'recitation of His name'. This is his ritual for initiating a person into discipleship. This saint does not drink wine and eat snacks that may intoxicate, as the yogis drink, but he drinks the blessed Name that he gets from the Guru and 'recitation of the Narne' is the wine that he drinks and this is what he eats. This is the wine and snacks he hrives to the disciples. This saint has comprehension of, not one, but the six schools of philosophy. In this way, this saint meets the Supreme Lord and gets eternal peace. So, 0 Machchinder, 0 Gorakh, our path of 'Living in the family with detached mind' goes like this. On listening to all this, they felt wondrousness and bowed to the Guru. In this way, the dialohJUe with Machchinder came to an end. The yOhris went to their place of stay and the Guru like a cool, sweet, blissful breeze went to Sangladeep to bless King Shivnabh. The Guru's words to Machchinder are repeated once again: The true path is: 'Recitation ofthe Lord's Name with love'. Let us also recite: 'WahehJUru, WahehJUru, Waheguru.' '0 Lord, 0 Lord, 0 Lord' Starting with at least five minutes a day. Page 133 123


Without meditation you cannot control the breath. Without controlling the<br />

breath, the mind cannot be controlled. One cannot do meditation without<br />

discipline. One cannot be disciplined without renunciation. In renunciation<br />

you cannot be steadfast without initiation. So, only that person who be<strong>com</strong>es<br />

a recluse and gets initiation and then follows all disciplines of Hath yoga can<br />

be<strong>com</strong>e a saint. That saint will have peace of mind and will be immortal.<br />

Then he can make more disciples and initiate them. You cannot be<strong>com</strong>e a<br />

saint in family living, who can swim and make others swim the worldly ocean.<br />

On listening to this the <strong>Guru</strong> said: 0 Machchinder, listen to me. Even<br />

after controlling the breath if the mind goes after passions then what is the<br />

gain?<br />

You see the ascetics who practice Hath yoga. They get into the habit of<br />

drinking wine, opium etc. What one actually requires is that one should rein<br />

the five fires, i.e. sex, anger, hTfeed, sentiment and pride. Whenever they try to<br />

trap, one should not get trapped. You learn to rein the mind to control the<br />

passions. One who has reined the mind to control the passions will himself be<br />

able to swim and make generations swim the worldly ocean. His attachment to<br />

the Lord will keep his mind strong because he will get the strength ofthe Lord<br />

in him. When he has reined the mind and controlled the five fires, and<br />

remains in the remembrance of the Lord incessantly, then he is the real saint.<br />

A person who is free from worldly passions and is immersed in the love<br />

of the Lord, he is the real saint. What I mean is, that his character should be<br />

good and pure, and he should be enhTfossed in the love of the Lord. Then he<br />

is a real saint. He has tranqUility.<br />

Machchinder: Without breath control, how can you do meditation?<br />

<strong>Guru</strong>: Keeping one's mind in the incessant remembrance of the Lord's<br />

name will be the meditation. By remaining in the remembrance of the Lord<br />

the mind will be elevated. With this remembrance he will get a sensation of<br />

the presence ofthe Lord in his mind and body. So to say, he will get enhTfossed<br />

in the love of the Lord. This is the yoga that our saint will do. Then he won't<br />

beg for food from door to door as a beggar. He will be a family man. He will<br />

earn and eat and also share with others.<br />

But for one thing he also begs. He prays: 0 Lord, be merciful and hTfacious.<br />

Give me strength that I should always be enhTfossed in your love.<br />

In this way, he has controlled his five fires and lives enhTfossed in the love<br />

of the Lord and in prayers.<br />

He lives in the presence of the Lord in his mind always, i.e. whatever are<br />

worldly chores he does in the presence of the Lord. Thus, his remembrance<br />

of the Lord remains incessant and his character remains unblemished.<br />

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