Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited


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typhus vaccination 729 tyrosine kinase<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

CD8 +<br />

T-cell<br />

CD8<br />

molecule<br />

Sensitization phase<br />

Intracellular<br />

bacteria<br />

Macrophage<br />

Effector phase<br />

Sensitized<br />

T DTH<br />

Cytokine/<br />

chemokine<br />

release<br />

CD4 +<br />

T-helper cell<br />

CD4 molecule<br />

Class I<br />

Antigen<br />

MHC molecule<br />

Antigen<br />

Class II<br />

MHC molecule<br />

Target cell<br />

(virus infected)<br />

TCR<br />

Intracellular<br />

bacteria<br />

Macrophage<br />

(resting)<br />

6-month old children and is divided into two doses spaced<br />

4 weeks apart. It is effective 55 to 75% of the time and lasts<br />

3 years.<br />

typhus vaccination<br />

Protective immunization against typhus transmitted by lice or<br />

fleas and Rocky Mountain spotted fever by the administration<br />

of inactivated vaccines. Rickettsiae prepared in chick embryo<br />

yolk sacs or tissues are treated with formaldehyde to render<br />

them inactive. Rather than provide protective immunity to<br />

prevent the disease, these vaccines condition the host to experience<br />

a milder form than occurs in a nonvaccinated host.<br />

CD4 + Mediated<br />

Perforin<br />

release<br />

CD8 + mediated<br />

T DTH cells<br />

Class II<br />

MHC molecule<br />

Macrophage<br />

(activated)<br />

Type IV (cell-mediated) hypersensitivity. (a) Skin tuberculin reactivity mediated by CD4 + helper/inducer T cells represents a form of bacterial allergy. (b)<br />

Cytotoxic action of CD8 + T cells against a virus-infected target that presents antigen via class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules to its<br />

T cell receptor (TCR), resulting in the release of perforin and granzyme molecules that lead to target cell lysis. TNF = tumor necrosis factor.<br />

TNF<br />

receptor<br />

Lysis<br />

typhus vaccine<br />

An immunizing preparation that contains killed rickettsiae<br />

microorganisms of a strain or strains of epidemic<br />

typhus rickettsiae.<br />

tyrosine kinase<br />

An enzyme that phosphorylates proteins on tyrosine residues.<br />

Enzymes of this family play a critical role in T and B<br />

cell activation. Lck, Fyn, and ZAP-70 are the principal<br />

tyrosine kinases critical for T cell activation. Blk, Fyn, Lyn,<br />

and Syk are the main tyrosine kinases critical for B cell<br />

activation.<br />


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