Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited


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tunicates 724 type I anaphylactic hypersensitivity<br />

dUTP–biotin nick end labeling, TUNEL). For example,<br />

following TdT labeling, biotinylated nucleotides may be<br />

detected with a chromogenic or fluorometric-conjugated<br />

streptavidin, or brominated nucleotides may be detected<br />

with a highly sensitive, biotinylated anti-BrdU antibody and<br />

chromogenic-conjugated streptavidin.<br />

tunicates<br />

Tunicates, including the sea-squirt Amphioxus, manifest<br />

hemopoietic cells that are self-renewing, lymphoid-type<br />

cells and a single MHC that governs rejection of foreign<br />

grafts.<br />

Light source<br />

Methylcholanthrene<br />

(MCA)<br />

Ag-Ab complexes<br />

in suspension<br />

Turbidimetry.<br />

Normal<br />

genetically<br />

identical cells<br />

Detection device<br />

turbidimetry<br />

Quantification of a substance in suspension based on the ability<br />

of the suspension to reduce forward light transmission.<br />

Tween ®<br />

A nonionic detergent.<br />

Tween 80 ®<br />

Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate; an emulsifying agent<br />

used in cultures of mycobacteria and in water-in-oil-inwater<br />

emulsion adjuvants as a stabilizing agent.<br />

twelve/twenty-three rule (12/23 rule)<br />

Immunoglobulin or T cell-receptor gene segments can be<br />

joined only if one has a recognition signal sequence with<br />

a 12-base-pair spacer and the other has a 23-base-pair<br />

spacer. V(D)J recombination takes place only between gene<br />

segments whose apposition unites a 12-recognition signal<br />

sequence with a 23-recognition signal sequence. RAG<br />

recombinases only recognize gene segments with pairing of<br />

opposing types of these sequences.<br />

Tumorous<br />

cells<br />

TSTA<br />

TSTA<br />

TSTA<br />

Induces<br />

sarcoma<br />

leukemia, or<br />

carcinoma<br />

Each genetically identical cell develops unique antigenic specificity to MCA.<br />

Tumor-specific transplantation antigens (TSTAs).<br />

two-dimensional gel electrophoresis<br />

A technique to separate proteins by isoelectric focusing in<br />

one dimension, followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate– polyacrylamide<br />

gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) on a slab gel at<br />

right angles to the first dimension. Large numbers of distinct<br />

proteins can be separated and identified by this technique.<br />

two-signal hypothesis<br />

The concept that lymphocyte activation requires two separate<br />

signals, the first mediated by antigen and the second<br />

by microbial products or constituents of the natural or<br />

innate immune response to microorganisms. The first signal<br />

mediated by antigen guarantees that the immune response<br />

will be specific. The second known as costimulation and<br />

induced by microorganisms or innate immune responses<br />

ensures that immune responses are induced when required,<br />

for example, defending against microorganisms or other<br />

offending agents but not against self antigens or harmless<br />

components. The second costimulatory signal is frequently<br />

mediated by professional antigen-presenting cell membrane<br />

molecules including B7 proteins.<br />

Antigen<br />

presenting cell<br />

MCH class<br />

II molecule<br />

T cell<br />

receptor<br />

(TCR)<br />

T Helper<br />

cell<br />

Mast cell<br />

Antigen<br />

B cell<br />

Antigen<br />

Immune complex<br />

(IgE and Antigen)<br />

Histamine<br />

release<br />

Effects:<br />

Vasodilatation<br />

IgE antibody<br />

production<br />

Vasodilatation<br />

Intercellular<br />

space<br />

Events that follow degranulation of mast cells in tissues. Vasodilatation of<br />

capillaries is followed by changes associated with type I hypersensitivity<br />

reactions.<br />

type I anaphylactic hypersensitivity<br />

A hypersensitivity reaction mediated by immunoglobulin<br />

E (IgE) antibodies reactive with specific allergens (antigens

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