Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited


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soluble cytokine receptors 662 specific granule<br />

soluble cytokine receptors<br />

IL1 type I-R, IL1 type II-R, IL2Rα, IL2Rβ, IL4R,<br />

IL5Rα, IL6Rα, gp130 IL6Rβ ciliary neurotrophic factor<br />

(CNF)-Rα, and growth hormone R. Most of these function<br />

by blocking ligand binding.<br />

soluble liver antigen (cytokeratin autoantibodies)<br />

Autoantibodies that react with liver but not kidney as<br />

revealed by immunofluorescence. They are found in a subgroup<br />

of patients with chronic autoimmune hepatitis (AIH)<br />

with negative antinuclear antibodies (ANAs) and negative<br />

liver–kidney microsome 1 (LKM-1) autoantibodies and a<br />

low prevalence of autoantibodies against smooth muscle<br />

mitochondria and liver membrane antigens. These autoantibodies<br />

are believed to be identical to LP2 autoantibodies<br />

present in 45% of patients with cryptogenic chronic active<br />

hepatitis.<br />

somatic<br />

Pertaining to the body wall; of the body.<br />

somatic antigen<br />

An antigen, such as the O antigen, that is part of the structure<br />

of a bacterial cell.<br />

somatic cell hybrid<br />

The union of two or more sets of chromosomes into a single<br />

large nucleus as a consequence of fusion of multiple heterokaryon<br />

nuclei.<br />

somatic gene conversion<br />

Nonreciprocal exchange of sequences between genes.<br />

A portion of the donor gene or genes is copied into an<br />

acceptor gene, leading to alteration only in the acceptor<br />

gene. It serves as a mechanism to generate diverse immunoglobulins<br />

in nonhuman species.<br />

somatic gene therapy<br />

A potential therapy to treat or cure inherited immunodeficiency<br />

diseases. Stem cells derived from a patient are<br />

transfected with a normal copy of the defective gene of the<br />

patient. The stem cells now equipped with a good copy of<br />

the defective gene are reinfused into the patient’s circulation.<br />

somatic hybrid selection<br />

Selection of somatic cell hybrids with required characteristics<br />

by complementation.<br />

somatic hypermutation<br />

The induced increase in frequency of mutation in rearranged<br />

variable region DNA of immunoglobulin genes<br />

in activated B cells. The high frequency introduction of<br />

single or double nucleotide substitutions into the V exons<br />

of Ig genes, leading to elevated numbers of random point<br />

mutations in the V regions of Ig proteins. This increase<br />

leads to the synthesis of variant antibodies, some of which<br />

have higher affinities for antigen. Somatic mutation may<br />

occur in germinal centers. Only somatic cells are affected.<br />

Somatic hypermutation is not inherited through germline<br />

transmission. T cell receptor genes do not undergo somatic<br />

hypermutation.<br />

somatic mutation<br />

A genetic variation in a somatic cell that is heritable by its<br />

progeny. Increased somatic mutation enhances diversity of<br />

the light and heavy chain variable regions of an antibody.<br />

Immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgA antibodies reveal somatic<br />

mutations more often than IgM antibodies. Such a mutation<br />

is a mechanism whereby point mutations can be introduced<br />

into the rearranged immunoglobulin variable region genes<br />

during B lymphocyte activation and proliferation.<br />

somatic recombination<br />

DNA recombination whereby functional genes encoding variable<br />

regions of antigen receptors are produced during lymphocyte<br />

development. A limited number of inherited or germline<br />

DNA sequences that are first separated from each other are<br />

assembled together by enzymatic deletion of intervening<br />

sequences and relegation. This process takes place only in<br />

developing B or T cells. Also called somatic rearrangement.<br />

Gel with<br />

separated<br />

DNA fragments<br />

Capillary action<br />

Filter paper<br />

Side view of setup<br />

Southern blotting.<br />

Nitrocellulose<br />

Filter paper wick<br />

Buffer<br />

southern blotting<br />

A procedure to identify DNA sequences. Following<br />

extraction of DNA from cells, it is digested with restriction<br />

endonucleases to cut the DNA at precise sites into<br />

fragments. This is followed by separation of the DNA<br />

segments according to size by electrophoresis in agarose<br />

gel, denaturation with sodium hydroxide, and transfer of<br />

the single-stranded DNA to a nitrocellulose membrane<br />

by blotting. This procedure is followed by hybridization<br />

with an 35 S- or 32 P-radiolabeled probe of complementary<br />

DNA. Alternatively, a biotinylated probe may be used.<br />

Autoradiography or substrate digestion identifies the location<br />

of the DNA fragments that have hybridized with the<br />

complementary DNA probe. Specific sequences in cloned<br />

and in genomic DNA can be identified by southern blotting.<br />

DNA analysis is referred to as a southern blot; RNA analysis<br />

is referred to as a northern blot; and protein analysis is<br />

referred to as a western blot. A northwestern blot is one in<br />

which RNA–protein hybridizations are formed.<br />

southwestern blot<br />

A method that combines southern blotting to identify DNA<br />

segments with western immunoblotting that characterizes<br />

proteins. A protein may be hybridized to a molecule of<br />

single-stranded DNA bound to a membrane. Southwestern<br />

blotting is helpful in delineating nuclear-transcriptionrelated<br />

proteins.<br />

SP-40,40<br />

A heterodimeric serum protein derived from soluble C5–C9<br />

complexes that may modulate the cell lysing action of the<br />

membrane attack complex (MAC).<br />

spacer<br />

Refer to the 12/23 rule.<br />

species specificity<br />

Cellular or tissue antigens present in one species only and<br />

not found in other species.<br />

specific granule<br />

A secondary granule in the cytoplasms of polymorphonuclear<br />

leukocytes that contains lysozyme, vitamin B 12binding<br />

protein, neutral proteases, and lactoferrin. It is

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