Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited


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RPR (rapid plasma reagin) test 631 Russell body<br />

RPR (rapid plasma reagin) test<br />

An agglutination test used to screen for syphilis.<br />

Antilipoidal (nontreponemal) antibodies (reagins) develop<br />

in a host usually within 4 to 6 weeks after infection with<br />

Treponema pallidum. Of patients with primary syphilis,<br />

93% develop positive RPR results.<br />

rRNP<br />

Ribosomal P proteins that share a 22-amino-acid sequence<br />

at the C terminal that contains an epitope for which antirRNP<br />

or anti-P antibodies are specific.<br />

O<br />

O<br />

OH<br />

CH 3<br />

OCH 3<br />

CH 3<br />

RS61443 (mycophenolate mofetil)<br />

An experimental immunosuppressive drug for the treatment<br />

of refractory, acute, cellular allograft rejection, and possibly<br />

chronic rejection, in renal and other organ allotransplant<br />

recipients. Derived from mycophenolic acid, RS61443<br />

interferes with guanosine synthesis, thereby blocking both<br />

T cell and B cell proliferation. It acts synergistically with<br />

O<br />

O<br />

N<br />

. HCl<br />

Mycophenolate mofetil<br />

RS61443 (mycophenolate mofetil).<br />

O<br />

cyclosporin in counteracting chronic rejection and has been<br />

reported to prevent FK506- and cyclosporin-A-induced<br />

obliterative vasculopathy.<br />

RSV<br />

Abbrevation for respiratory syncytial virus.<br />

rubella vaccine<br />

An attenuated virus vaccine used in the measles–mumps–<br />

rubella (MMR) combination or used alone to immunize<br />

seronegative women of childbearing age. It is not to be used<br />

during pregnancy.<br />

runt disease<br />

The disease process that results when neonatal mice of one<br />

strain are injected with lymph nodes or splenic lymphocytes<br />

from a different strain. Runt disease is accompanied by<br />

weight loss, failure to thrive, diarrhea, splenomegaly, and<br />

even death. The immune system of a neonatal animal is<br />

immature and reactivity against donor cells is weak or absent.<br />

Runt disease is an example of a graft-vs.-host reaction.<br />

runting syndrome<br />

Characterized by wasting, ruffled fur, diarrhea, lethargy, and<br />

debilitation. This is a consequence of thymectomy in neonatal<br />

mice that develop lymphopenia, lose lymphocytes from their<br />

lymphoid tissues, and become immunologically incompetent.<br />

Russell body<br />

A sphere or globule in the endoplasmic reticula of some<br />

plasma cells. These immunoglobulin-containing structures<br />

are stained pink by eosin.<br />


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