Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited


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hesus blood group system 623 rhesus blood group system<br />

Rhazes.<br />

not possessing the antigen and induce hemolytic disease of<br />

the newborn or cause transfusion incompatibility reactions.<br />

rhesus blood group system<br />

Rhesus monkey erythrocyte antigens such as the D antigen<br />

are found on the red cells of most humans who are said<br />

to be Rh + . This blood group system was discovered by<br />

Landsteiner et al. in the 1940s when they injected rhesus<br />

monkey erythrocytes into rabbits and guinea pigs.<br />

Subsequent studies showed the system to be very complex;<br />

the rare Rh alloantigens are still not characterized biochemically.<br />

Three closely linked pairs of alleles designated<br />

(Dd, Cc, and Ee) are postulated at the Rh locus located on<br />

chromosome 1. The Rh system has several alloantigenic<br />

determinants. Clinically, the D antigen is the one of greatest<br />

concern because RhD – individuals who receive RhD +<br />

erythrocytes by transfusion may develop alloantibodies<br />

that may lead to severe reactions with further transfusions<br />

of RhD + blood. The D antigen also poses a problem<br />

1. First pregnancy (initial sensitization)<br />

RBC with RhD antigen<br />

Maternal circulation<br />

Placenta<br />

Mother<br />

Memory cell<br />

+C<br />

+C<br />

1 2 3<br />

Cc<br />

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112<br />

Cc Cc<br />

NH 3<br />

Cc<br />

Cytoplasm<br />

Cys<br />

COOH<br />

Membrane<br />

in RhD – mothers who bear children with RhD + red cells<br />

inherited from their fathers. The entrance of fetal erythrocytes<br />

into the maternal circulation at parturition or trauma<br />

during the pregnancy (such as in amniocentesis) can lead to<br />

alloimmunization against the RhD antigen that may cause<br />

Ee<br />

Schematic representation of Cc, Ee, and Dd polypeptide topoloty within the<br />

erythrocyte membrane. There are twelve membrane-spanning domains and<br />

cytoplasmic N- and C-termini. The linear diagram depicts probable sites of<br />

palmitoylation (Cys-Leu-Pro motifs).<br />

2. Second and third pregnancy (2° and 3° sensitizations)<br />

Hemolysis<br />

Mechanism of hemolytic disease of the newborn.<br />

IgG<br />

Memory cell<br />

Plasma cell<br />


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