Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited


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adioimmunodiffusion test 609 radiolabeling<br />

of the results when read by autoradiography. Refer to single<br />

radial immunodiffusion.<br />

radioimmunodiffusion test<br />

Refer to single radial immunodiffusion.<br />

radioimmunoelectrophoresis<br />

A type of immunoelectrophoresis that employs radiolabeled<br />

antibody or antigen to identify individual precipitin<br />

arcs by autoradiography.<br />

radioimmunoprecipitation assay (RIPA)<br />

A method that demonstrates antibodies against viral<br />

constituents. Virus grown in culture in the presence of<br />

radioactive amino acid is disrupted and incubated with a<br />

test sample that may contain antibodies specific for viral<br />

antigens. This is followed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis<br />

of the immunoglobulins in the test sample.<br />

radioimmunoscintigraphy<br />

The use of radiolabeled antibodies to localize tumors or<br />

other lesions through radioactivity scanning after injection<br />

in vivo.<br />

radioimmunosorbent test (RIST)<br />

A solid phase radioimmunoassay to determine serum<br />

immunoglobulin E (IgE) concentration. A standard quantity<br />

of radiolabeled IgE is added to the serum sample to be<br />

cpm<br />

Immunoglobulin<br />


+ +<br />

+<br />

Labeled Ag<br />

+<br />

Labeled and<br />

unlabeled Ag<br />

75% = Amount labeled<br />

IgE added to test<br />

Radioimmunoassay (RIA).<br />

All Ag bound<br />

Labeled IgE (IgE standard)<br />

Labeled IgE<br />

+<br />

Half the labeled<br />

Ag remains free<br />

assayed. The mixture is then combined with Sephadex ® or<br />

dextran beads coated with antibody to human IgE. After<br />

incubation and washing, the quantity of radiolabeled IgE<br />

bound to the beads is measured. The patient’s IgE competes<br />

with the radiolabeled IgE or antibody attached to the beads.<br />

The decrease in labeled IgE attached to the beads compared<br />

to a control, in which labeled IgE combines with the beads<br />

without competition, represents the IgE concentration. The<br />

radioallergosorbent test by comparison assays IgE levels<br />

reactive with a specific allergen.<br />

radioimmunotherapy (RIT)<br />

Treatment of cancer with radioimmunoisotopes.<br />

radiolabeling<br />

Radioisotope incorporation into macromolecules has<br />

increased the sensitivity of immunoassays 30,000-fold.<br />

Radioisotopes permit the detection and quantification of<br />

picogram quantities of an antigen or receptor. Radiolabeled<br />

antibodies can detect primary binding of antibody to<br />

antigen, providing sensitivity and measurements of affinity.<br />

They may be used to identify a tumor site or the presence<br />

and topography of molecules in a cell membrane.<br />

Radiolabeled antigens demonstrated that B cells bind antigen<br />

via cell surface immunoglobulin receptors.<br />

cpm<br />

Anti-IgE IgE to be tested<br />

Radioimmunosorbent test (RIST).<br />

TEST<br />

Test sample<br />


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