Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited


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angiopoietins/Tie2 43 animal reservoir<br />

A scheme for vessel sprouting (A) and for maturation of the new vessel (B). Vessel structure is maintained by action of Ang-1 on Tie2. In (A), replacement<br />

of Ang-1 by Ang-2 destabilizes vessel integrity, facilitating vessel sprouting in response to VEGF. In (B), the new endothelial tubule interacts with<br />

surrounding mesenchymal cells, in part through Ang-1, which acts on endothelial cell Tie2 to promote association of the new tubule with periendothelial<br />

cells. The mechanism of this communication must involve other signals and is postulated to involve growth factors released from endothelial cells in<br />

response to activated Tie2.<br />

Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy.<br />

with plasma cells in lymph nodes revealing architectural effacement.<br />

Arborization of newly formed vessels and proliferating<br />

vessels with hyperplasia of endothelial cells is observed. In the<br />

interstitium, amorphous, eosinophilic, PAS-positive deposits,<br />

possibly representing debris from cells, are found. Fever, night<br />

sweats, hepatosplenomegaly, generalized lymphadenopathy,<br />

weight loss, hemolytic anemia, polyclonal gammopathy, and<br />

skin rashes may characterize the disease in middle-aged to<br />

older subjects. Patients live approximately 15 months, with<br />

some developing monoclonal gammopathy or immunoblastic<br />

lymphomas. AILA must be differentiated from AIDS, Hodgkin<br />

disease, immunoblastic lymphoma, histocytosis X, and a variety<br />

of other conditions affecting the lymphoid tissues.<br />

angiopoietins/Tie2<br />

Two endothelial cell-specific tyrosine kinase receptors are<br />

Tie1 and Tie2. The ligands for Tie2 are angiopoietin-1 and<br />

angiopoietin-2 (Ang-1 and Ang-2). The ligands for Tie1<br />

have not been identified.<br />

angry macrophage<br />

A term sometimes used to refer to activated macrophages.<br />

animal reservoir<br />

An intermediate animal host for a pathogenic microorganism<br />

whose primary host is another species.<br />

<strong>Ank</strong>ylosing spondylitis<br />

.<br />


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