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Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited


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passive agglutination test 557 passive immunity<br />

RBC<br />

RBC<br />

RBC<br />

RBC<br />

RBC<br />

passive agglutination test<br />

An assay to recognize antibodies against soluble antigens<br />

that are attached to erythrocytes, latex, or other particles by<br />

adsorption or chemical linkage. In the presence of antibodies<br />

specific for the antigen, aggregation of the passenger<br />

particles occurs. Examples of this technique include the<br />

rheumatoid arthritis (RA) latex agglutination test, the<br />

tanned red cell technique, the bentonite flocculation test,<br />

and the bis-diazotized benzidine test.<br />

passive anaphylaxis<br />

An anaphylactic reaction in an animal that has been<br />

administered an antigen after it has been conditioned by an<br />

inoculation of antibodies derived from an animal immunized<br />

against the antigen of interest.<br />

passive Arthus reaction<br />

An inflammatory vasculitis produced in experimental<br />

animals by the passive intravenous injection of significant<br />

amounts of precipitating immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody,<br />

followed by the intracutaneous or subcutaneous injection<br />

of the homologous antigen for which the antibodies are<br />

specific. This permits microprecipitates to occur in the<br />

intercellular spaces between the intravascular precipitating<br />

antibody and antigen in the extravascular space. This is<br />

followed by interaction with complement, attraction of polymorphonuclear<br />

leukocytes, and an inflammatory response<br />

as described under Arthus reaction.<br />

passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA)<br />

A skin test that involves the in vivo passive transfer of<br />

homocytotropic antibodies mediating type I immediate<br />

Reflects<br />

twofold serial<br />

dilutions of<br />

same antibody<br />

preparation<br />

RBC<br />

RBC<br />

RBC<br />

Antigen Antibody<br />

Passive agglutination test.<br />

RBC<br />

RBC<br />

RBC<br />

RBC<br />

hypersensitivity (e.g., IgE in human) from a sensitized to<br />

a previously nonsensitized individual by intradermally<br />

injecting the antibodies that become anchored to mast<br />

cells through their Fc receptors. This is followed hours or<br />

even days later by intravenous injection of antigen mixed<br />

with a dye such as Evans blue. Cross linking of the cellfixed<br />

(e.g., IgE) antibody receptors by the injected antigen<br />

induces a type I immediate hypersensitivity reaction in<br />

which histamine and other pharmacological mediators of<br />

immediate hypersensitivity are released. Vascular permeability<br />

factors act on the vessels to permit plasma and dye to<br />

leak into the extravascular space, forming a blue area that<br />

can be measured with calipers. In humans, this is called the<br />

Prausnitz–Küstner (PK) reaction.<br />

passive hemagglutination<br />

Aggregation by antibodies of erythrocytes bearing adsorbed<br />

or covalently bound soluble antigen on their surfaces.<br />

passive hemolysis<br />

The lysis of erythrocytes used as carriers for soluble antigens<br />

bound to their surfaces. Following interaction with antibody,<br />

complement induces cell lysis. In passive hemolysis, the<br />

antigen is not a part of the cell surface structure but is only<br />

attached to it.<br />

passive immunity<br />

A form of acquired immunity induced by the transfer of<br />

immune serum containing specific antibodies or transfer<br />

of sensitized lymphoid cells from an immune to a nonimmune<br />

recipient host. Examples of passive immunity are the<br />

transfer of immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies across the<br />

Dinitrophenolspecific<br />

rat<br />

antibody<br />

Passive cutaneous anaphylaxis in rats in response to dinitrophenol-specific rat reagin antibody. The diminished size of areas of increased capillary permeability<br />

is a consequence of twofold serial dilutions of the antibody.<br />


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