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Untitled - D Ank Unlimited


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Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley (1689–1762) 511 μ chain<br />

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu.<br />

Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley (1689–1762)<br />

Often credited as the first to introduce inoculation as a<br />

means of preventing smallpox in England in 1722. After<br />

observing the practice in Turkey, where her husband was<br />

posted as Ambassador to the Turkish court, she had both<br />

her young son and daughter inoculated and interested the<br />

Prince and Princess of Wales in the practice. Accounts of<br />

inoculation against smallpox are found in her Letters, 1977.<br />

Robert Halsband authored her biography, The Life of Lady<br />

Mary Wortley Montagu (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1956).<br />

Montenegro test<br />

A diagnostic assay for South American leishmaniasis<br />

induced by Leishmania brasiliensis. The intracutaneous<br />

injection of a polysaccharide antigen derived from the causative<br />

agent induces a delayed hypersensitivity response.<br />

Mooren’s ulcer<br />

A chronic progressive marginal corneal degeneration of<br />

unknown cause. It has an increased incidence in older<br />

persons and is associated with marked pain and ceaseless<br />

melting of the peripheral cornea. Autoimmune phenomena<br />

and collagenolytic enzymes have been considered in<br />

the pathogenesis of this condition. Circulating antibodies<br />

to human corneal epithelium and serum antibodies to a<br />

bovine corneal antigen (CO-Ag) have been demonstrated.<br />

Immunoglobulins and complement component patterns discovered<br />

in the affected epithelia and stroma were not found<br />

in normal controls. It remains to be determined whether<br />

these immunology phenomena lead to corneal inflammation<br />

or are consequences of it.<br />

Moro test<br />

A variant of the tuberculin test in which tuberculin is incorporated<br />

into an ointment that is applied to the skin to permit<br />

the tuberculin to enter the body by inunction.<br />

moth-eaten mouse<br />

A C57Bl/6J mouse strain mutant designated me/me. These<br />

animals are especially prone to develop autoimmune and<br />

infectious diseases. They have a mutation of the gene<br />

encoding SHP-1, a phosphatase that normally acts as a<br />

negative regulator of B cell receptor signaling and exhibit<br />

areas of hair loss. Immunologically, they develop polyclonal<br />

hypergammaglobulinemia, defective cell-mediated<br />

immunity, and a type of autoimmune disease in which<br />

immune deposits are found in the kidneys.<br />

MOTT (mycobacteria other than Mycobacterium tuberculosis)<br />

An acronym for mycobacteria other than those that induce<br />

tuberculosis. Their recognition is increasing.<br />

MOTT cell<br />

A type of plasma cell containing refractile eosinophilic<br />

inclusion bodies that resemble Russell bodies. The cells are<br />

associated with African sleeping sickness and are demonstrable<br />

in periarteriolar cuffs in the brains of patients in late<br />

stages of African trypanosomiasis.<br />

mouse hepatitis virus (MHV)<br />

A DNA virus that causes murine hepatitis and encephalitis.<br />

MHV infects oligodendrocytes and leads to demyelination<br />

without the presence of immune system cells.<br />

mouse immunoglobulin antibodies<br />

Forty percent of human subjects may harbor heteroantibodies<br />

that include human antimouse antibodies (HAMAs).<br />

HAMAs in serum may induce falsely elevated results in<br />

immunoassays that involve mouse antibodies. This may<br />

present a problem for organ transplant patients who receive<br />

mouse monoclonal antibodies such as anti-CD3, anti-CD4,<br />

and anti-IL2R treatments.<br />

mouse inbred strains<br />

Refer to inbred strain.<br />

M protein<br />

(1) Monoclonal immunoglobulin or immunoglobulin components<br />

such as myeloma proteins. The M protein represents<br />

3 to 10% of total serum proteins and the level remains<br />

constant throughout life or decreases with age. (2) Group<br />

Aβ hemolytic streptococcal type-specific cell surface antigens<br />

such as streptococcal M protein.<br />

MRL-lpr/lpr mice<br />

A mouse strain genetically prone to developing lupus erythematosus<br />

(LE)-like disease spontaneously. Its congenic<br />

subline is MRL-+/+. The lymphoproliferation (lpr) gene in<br />

the former strain is associated with development of autoimmune<br />

disease (i.e., murine lupus). This natural mouse mutant<br />

has a Fas mutation. Although the MRL-+/+ mice are not<br />

normal immunologically, they develop autoimmune disease<br />

only late in life and without lymphadenopathy. MRL-lpr/<br />

lpr mice differ from New Zealand mice mainly in the<br />

development of striking lymphadenopathy in both males<br />

and females of the MRL-lpr/lpr strain between 8 and 16<br />

weeks of age with a 100-fold increase in lymph node weight.<br />

Many Thy-1 + , Ly-1 + , Ly-2 –, and L3T4 – lymphocytes that<br />

express and rearrange α and β genes of the T cell receptor<br />

but fail to rearrange immunoglobulin genes are present in<br />

the lymph nodes. Multiple antinuclear antibodies, including<br />

anti-Sm, are among serological features of murine lupus in<br />

the MRL-lpr/lpr mouse model. These are associated with the<br />

development of immune complexes that mediate glomerulonephritis.<br />

Although the lpr gene is clearly significant in the<br />

pathogenesis of autoimmunity, the development of anti-DNA<br />

and anti-Sm even in low titers and late in life in the MRL-+/+<br />

congenic line points to the role of factors other than the lpr<br />

gene in the development of autoimmunity in this strain.<br />

MS<br />

Abbreviation for multiple sclerosis.<br />

μ chain<br />

The IgM heavy polypeptide chain. Membrane μ chain is<br />

designated μ m. Secreted μ chain is designated μ s.<br />


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