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Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited


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maturation of affinity 483 Mcg isotypic determinant<br />

remodeling of connective tissues. The gelatinase-type<br />

MMPs synthesized by T lymphocytes mainly facilitate T<br />

cell migration. MMPs facilitate shedding of L-selectin, an<br />

adhesion receptor, from the leukocyte surface.<br />

maturation of affinity<br />

During the course of immunization with a particular antigen,<br />

the antibodies formed show a progressive increase in affinity.<br />

mature B cells<br />

B lymphocytes that expresses immunoglobulin M (IgM) and<br />

IgD and are functionally capable of responding to antigen.<br />

These cells constitute the final step in B cell maturation of<br />

the bone marrow and reside in peripheral lymphoid organs.<br />

mature dendritic cells<br />

Antigen-presenting cells of secondary lymphoid tissues<br />

that bear costimulatory molecules among other cell surface<br />

molecules that render them capable of presenting antigen to<br />

naïve T cells that become activated.<br />

mature T cells<br />

Classified on the basis of their surface markers, such as<br />

CD4 and CD8. CD4 + T lymphocytes recognize antigens in<br />

the context of MHC class II histocompatibility molecules,<br />

whereas CD8 + T lymphocytes recognize antigen in the<br />

context of MHC class I molecules. CD4 + T cells participate<br />

in the afferent limb of the immune response to exogenous<br />

antigen via antigen-presenting cells. This stimulates the<br />

synthesis of interleukin-2 (IL2), which activates CD8 +<br />

T cells, natural killer (NK) cells, and B cells, thereby<br />

orchestrating an immune response to the antigen. Thus<br />

these cells are called helper T lymphocytes. They also<br />

mediate delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions. CD8 + T<br />

lymphocytes include cytotoxic and suppressor cell populations.<br />

They react to endogenous antigen and often express<br />

their effector function through a cytotoxic mechanism (e.g.,<br />

against a virus-infected cell). Other molecules on mature<br />

T cells in humans include the E rosette receptor CD2 molecule,<br />

the T cell receptor, the pan T cell marker (CD3), and<br />

transferrin receptor.<br />

Matzinger danger theory<br />

A concept that abandons the idea of self–nonself discrimination<br />

as the basic immunologic metaphor. Matzinger<br />

proposes that the function of the immune system is to<br />

protect the individual from “danger.” His concept requires<br />

a discriminating event to mark the entry of potentially<br />

dangerous material into the system. This is associated with<br />

the activity of antigen-presenting cells, which at rest are<br />

unable to provide a source of signal 2, which expresses the<br />

S phenotype. A dangerous event converts this cell to the S +<br />

state that provides costimulatory activity, signal 2 for the<br />

initiation of the T cell response, and subsequent T-celldependent<br />

immune phenomena.<br />

Mayer, Manfred<br />

A student of Michael Heidelberger and later a professor at<br />

Johns Hopkins University Medical School in Baltimore,<br />

Mayer was an authority on the molecular aspects of complement<br />

activity, especially its role in hemolysis.<br />

MBP<br />

Acronym for (1) myelin basic protein or (2) major basic protein.<br />

MBSA<br />

Acronym for methylated bovine serum albumin.<br />

McCleod phenotype<br />

Human erythrocytes without Kell or Cellano antigens.<br />

These red cells lack Kx, a precursor in the biosynthetic<br />

Manfred M. Mayer.<br />

pathway of the Kell blood group system. Kx is encoded by<br />

a gene on the X chromosome termed X1k and is normally<br />

found on granulocytes and fibroblasts. Red cells lacking Kx<br />

exhibit decreased survival and diminished permeability to<br />

water and are acanthocytic morphologically with spikes on<br />

their surfaces. They also show decreased expression of Kell<br />

system antigens. This group of erythrocyte abnormalities<br />

is termed the McCleod phenotype. Subjects with McCleod<br />

erythrocytes have a neuromuscular system abnormality<br />

characterized by elevated serum levels of creatine phosphokinase<br />

(CPK). Older individuals may have disordered<br />

muscular functions. The X1k gene maps to the short arm of<br />

the X chromosome, where it is linked to the chronic granulomatous<br />

disease gene.<br />

M cell<br />

A gastrointestinal tract epithelial cell, with an intraepithelial<br />

pocket that trayscytoses antigens from a lumen<br />

such as the gastrointestinal tract across the epithelium to<br />

its basolateral surface. The M cell conveys microorganisms<br />

and macromolecular substances from the gut lumen<br />

to Peyer’s patches. M cells do not possess glycocalyx and<br />

brush borders that enable antigen capture. M cells are<br />

non-antigen-presenting cells found in the epithelial layers<br />

of Peyer’s patches that nevertheless may have an important<br />

role in antigen delivery. They have relatively large surfaces<br />

with microfolds that attach to microorganisms and macromolecular<br />

surfaces. The M cell cytoplasmic processes<br />

extend to CD4 + T cells underneath them. Materials attached<br />

to microvilli are conveyed to coated pits and moved to the<br />

basolateral surface, which has pronounced invaginations<br />

rich in leukocytes and mononuclear phagocytes. Thus,<br />

materials gaining access by way of M cells come into<br />

contact with lymphoid cells as they reach the basolateral<br />

surface. This is believed to facilitate induction of immune<br />

responsiveness. M signifies membranous or microfold cells.<br />

Mcg isotypic determinant<br />

A human immunoglobulin λ chain epitope that occurs on<br />

a number of every person’s λ light polypeptide chains in<br />

immunoglobulin molecules. The Mcg isotypic determinant<br />

is characterized by asparagine at position 112, threonine at<br />

position 114, and lysine at position 163.<br />


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