Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited

Untitled - D Ank Unlimited


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LPS-binding protein (LBP) 460 lupus erythematosus (LE), drug-induced<br />

LPS-binding protein (LBP)<br />

A substance that can bind a bacterial lipopolysaccharide<br />

(LPS) molecule; this enables it to interact with CD14, an<br />

LPS:LBP-binding protein, on macrophages and selected<br />

other cells.<br />

L r dose (historical)<br />

The least amount of toxin that, after combination with one<br />

unit of antitoxin, will produce a minimal skin lesion when<br />

injected intracutaneously into a guinea pig.<br />

L-selectin<br />

An adhesion molecule of the selectin family found on<br />

lymphocytes; it is responsible for the homing of lymphocytes<br />

to lymph node high endothelial venules where it binds<br />

to CD34 and GlyCAM-1. It induces the migration of naïve<br />

lymphocytes into secondary lymphoid tissues. L-selectin is<br />

also found on neutrophils, where it acts to bind the cells to<br />

activated endothelium early in the inflammatory process.<br />

Also called CD62L.<br />

LSGP (leukocyte sialoglycoprotein)<br />

A richly glycosylated protein present on thymocytes and<br />

T lymphocytes. B lymphocytes are devoid of leukocyte<br />

sialoglycoprotein.<br />

LT<br />

Abbreviation for lymphotoxin.<br />

LT<br />

A mediator of killing by cytolytic T cells, helper/killer T cells,<br />

natural killer cells, and lymphokine-activated killer cells.<br />

lung autoantibodies<br />

Autoantibodies to lung have been described in the sera<br />

of patients with farmer’s lung. Cytotoxic autoantibodies<br />

against lung tissue have been reported in sarcoidosis and<br />

extrinsic asthma but are not well defined. Antibasement<br />

membrane antibodies specific for lung and kidney antigens<br />

are recognized in Goodpasture’s syndrome.<br />

lupoid hepatitis<br />

Autoimmune hepatitis usually found in young females who<br />

may produce antinuclear, antimitochondria, and antismooth<br />

muscle antibodies. Fifteen percent of these patients may<br />

show lupus erythematosus (LE) cells in the blood. This form<br />

Oligosaccharide repeats<br />

O side chain<br />

EtN<br />

KDO<br />

KDO<br />

HO<br />

O<br />

P<br />

O<br />

Core polysaccharide<br />

O<br />

O<br />

of hepatitis has the histologic appearance of chronic active<br />

hepatitis, which generally responds well to corticosteroids.<br />

lupus anticoagulant (LAC)<br />

Immunoglobulin G (IgG) or IgM antibody that develops in<br />

lupus erythematosus (LE) patients, in certain individuals<br />

with neoplasia or drug reactions, in some normal persons,<br />

and in some AIDS patients who have active opportunistic<br />

infections. These antibodies are specific for phospholipoproteins<br />

or phospholipid constituents of coagulation factors.<br />

In vitro, these antibodies inhibit coagulation dependent<br />

upon phospholipids. Members of a family of acquired circulating<br />

anticoagulants, lupus anticoagulants are immunoglobulins<br />

that lead to prolonged coagulation screening tests<br />

that include activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT)<br />

and prothrombin time (PT). LAC shows species specificity<br />

for a prothrombin–anionic phospholipid neoepitope in<br />

primary antiphospholipid syndrome (PAPS). LAC assays<br />

may be useful for predicting thrombosis.<br />

lupus erythematosus (LE)<br />

A connective tissue disease associated with the development<br />

of autoantibodies against DNA, RNA, and nucleoproteins.<br />

It is believed to be due to hyperactivity of the B cell limb of<br />

the immune response. Clinical manifestations include skin<br />

lesions (including the so-called butterfly rash on the cheeks<br />

and across the bridge of the nose) that are light sensitive.<br />

Patients may develop vasculitis, arthritis, and glomerulonephritis.<br />

When the disease is confined to the skin, it is referred<br />

to as discoid LE or cutaneous LE. Approximately 75% of<br />

patients with lupus have renal involvement.<br />

lupus erythematosus (LE) and pregnancy<br />

Pregnant patients with lupus erythematosus may experience<br />

fetal wasting caused by thromboses. Spontaneous<br />

abortion together with anticardiolipin antibody and<br />

anti-Rh antibodies may be linked to fertility failure and<br />

death of the fetus.<br />

lupus erythematosus (LE), drug-induced<br />

Certain drugs such as procainamide, hydralazine,<br />

d-penicillamine, phenytoin, isoniazid, and ergot<br />

substances may produce a condition resembling lupus<br />

in patients who receive them. Most cases develop<br />

FA<br />

O<br />

CH2 O<br />

NH<br />

C O<br />

CH2 FA<br />

O<br />

FA<br />

O<br />

NH<br />

C O<br />

CH2 P<br />

O<br />

O P<br />

O<br />

OH<br />

HC OH<br />

HC O FA<br />

FA(CH 2 ) 10<br />

CH 3<br />

Lipid A<br />

Lipopolysaccharide or endotoxin.<br />

O<br />

CH2 O<br />

O<br />

FA(CH 2 ) 10<br />

CH 3<br />


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