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Lewis blood group system 451 light chain<br />

lewis Blood Group System<br />

Genotype Secretor Status Phenotype<br />

(a) Le, H, se Nonsecretor Lea+b–<br />

(b) Le, H, Se Secretor Lea–b+<br />

(a) le, H, se Nonsecretor Lea–b–<br />

(a) le, H, Se Secretor Lea–b–<br />

Lewis blood group system<br />

An erythrocyte antigen system that differs from other red<br />

cell groups in that the antigen is present in soluble form<br />

in blood and saliva. Lewis antigens are adsorbed from the<br />

plasma onto red cell membranes. The Lewis phenotype<br />

expressed is based on whether the individual is a secretor<br />

or nonsecretor of the Lewis gene product. Expression of the<br />

Lewis phenotype is dependent also on the ABO phenotype.<br />

Chemically, Lewis antigens are carbohydrates. Lewis secretors<br />

face increased likelihood of urinary tract infections<br />

induced by Escherichia coli and other microbes because<br />

of the linkage of carbohydrate residues of glycolipids and<br />

glycoproteins on urothelial cells.<br />

Lewis x /sialyl-Lewis x; CD15/CD15S<br />

The blood-group-related antigen Lewis x (Le x ) and related<br />

oligosaccharide sequences on glycoproteins and glycolipids<br />

serve as ligands for selectins, the leukocyte–endothelium<br />

adhesion molecules critical to the early stages of leukocyte<br />

recruitment in inflammation. Le x and sialyl-Lewis x<br />

are human granulocyte and monocyte markers designated<br />

CD15 and CD15s, respectively. Monocytes express mainly<br />

the sialyl-Le x . Sialic acid masks the expression of Le x<br />

antigen. Le x and sialyl-Le x are tumor-associated antigens.<br />

The oligosaccharides may be inappropriately expressed<br />

on tumor cells but are established as distinctive markers<br />

of myeloid cells in human peripheral blood. Le x - and<br />

Le a -related sequences serve as ligands for carbohydratebinding<br />

receptors, the selectins. All three selectins bind to<br />

sialyl-Le x -related sequences when they are exhibited in the<br />

clustered state on protein or lipid. E-selectin also binds the<br />

asialo-Le x sequence, but less avidly.<br />

L f dose (historical)<br />

The flocculating unit of diphtheria toxin; the amount of<br />

toxin that flocculates most rapidly with one unit of antitoxin<br />

in a series of mixtures containing constant amounts of<br />

toxin and varying amounts of antitoxin. This unit must be<br />

calculated.<br />

L f flocculating unit (historical)<br />

The flocculating unit of diphtheria toxin; the amount of<br />

toxin that flocculates most rapidly with one unit of antitoxin<br />

in a series of mixtures containing constant amounts of toxin<br />

and varying amounts of antitoxin. Historically, a unit of<br />

antitoxin was considered as the least quantity that would<br />

neutralize 100 minimal lethal doses of toxin administered<br />

to a guinea pig. Modern usage relates antitoxic activity to<br />

an international standard antitoxin.<br />

LFA-1, LFA-2, LFA-3<br />

Refer to leukocyte-function-associated antigens.<br />

LFA-1 deficiency<br />

An immunodeficiency caused by a defect in lymphocyte<br />

function-associated antigen, a 95-kDa β chain linked to<br />

CD11a that ds natural killer (NK) cell binding, T helper<br />

cell reactivity, and cytotoxic-T-cell-mediated killing.<br />

This deficiency is associated with pyogenic mucocutaneous<br />

infections, pneumonia, diminished respiratory burst,<br />

and abnormal cell adherence in chemotaxis, causing poor<br />

wound healing among other features.<br />

LFA-2<br />

A T cell antigen that is the receptor molecule for sheep<br />

red cells, also known as the T11 antigen and leukocytefunction-associated<br />

antigen 2 (LFA-2). The molecule has a<br />

weight of 50 kDa. The antigen also seems to be involved in<br />

cell adherence, probably binding LFA-3 as its ligand.<br />

LFA-3<br />

A 60-kDa polypeptide chain expressed on the surfaces of B<br />

cells, T cells, monocytes, granulocytes, platelets, fibroblasts,<br />

and endothelial cells of vessels. It is the ligand for<br />

CD2 and is encoded by genes on chromosome 1 in humans.<br />

LGLs (large granular lymphocyte or null cells)<br />

These lymphocytes do not express B and T cell markers,<br />

but have Fc receptors for immunoglobulin G (IgG) on their<br />

surfaces. They comprise approximately 3.5% of lymphocytes<br />

and originate in the bone marrow. LGLs include<br />

natural killer (NK) cells (70%) and killer cells that mediate<br />

antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC).<br />

LGSP (leukocyte sialoglycoprotein)<br />

A richly glycosylated protein present on thymocytes and T<br />

lymphocytes. B lymphocytes are devoid of LGSP.<br />

Liacopoulos phenomenon (nonspecific tolerance)<br />

The daily administration of 0.5 to 1.0 g of bovine γ globulin<br />

and bovine serum albumin to guinea pigs for at least 8 days<br />

suppresses their immune responses to these antigens. If an<br />

unrelated antigen is injected and continued for several days<br />

thereafter, the response to the unrelated antigen is reduced.<br />

This phenomenon has been demonstrated for circulating<br />

antibody, delayed hypersensitivity, and graft-vs.-host reaction.<br />

It describes the induction of nonspecific immunosuppression<br />

for one antigen by the administration of relatively<br />

large quantities of an unrelated antigen.<br />

liberated CR1<br />

A truncated complement receptor 1 (CR1) without transmembrane<br />

and intracytoplasmic domains that may help<br />

limit the size of myocardial infarcts by diminishing<br />

complement activation. Liberated CR1 may also play a<br />

therapeutic role in other types of ischemia, burns, autoimmunity,<br />

and inflammation because it is a natural inhibitor of<br />

complement activation.<br />

lichenification<br />

Profound hyperkeratosis or skin thickening produced by<br />

chronic inflammation.<br />

LICOS<br />

The ligand for ICOS, a CD28-related protein induced on<br />

activated T cells that can enhance T cell responses. LICOS is<br />

formed on activated dendritic cells, B cells, and monocytes.<br />

Li–Fraumeni syndrome<br />

Inherited susceptibility to selected tumors, usually attributable<br />

to germline mutations of p53.<br />

ligand<br />

A molecule that binds or forms a complex with another<br />

molecule such as a cell surface receptor.<br />

light chain<br />

A 22-kDa polypeptide chain found in all immunoglobulin<br />

molecules. Each four-chain immunoglobulin monomer contains<br />

two identical light polypeptide chains joined to two<br />

like heavy chains by disulfide bonds. The two types of light<br />


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