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Untitled - D Ank Unlimited


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Landsteiner’s rule (historical) 440 Langerhans cells<br />

artificial haptens to investigate antibody specificity and<br />

received the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology in 1930<br />

for discovery of the human blood groups. He was born in<br />

Vienna in 1868. He attended the University of Vienna and<br />

graduated in 1891 as a medical doctor. He maintained a<br />

strong interest in chemistry and took special instruction<br />

under Emil Fischer and Eugen von Bamberger. In 1896, he<br />

became an assistant at the Institute of Hygiene directed by<br />

Max von Grüber and was introduced to immunology and<br />

serology that occupied his research interests for the remainder<br />

of his career. He also conducted research in pathology.<br />

He coauthored nine papers with Donath, including a report<br />

on paroxysmal hemoglobinuria. Landsteiner was appointed<br />

a research assistant at the Vienna Pathological Institute in<br />

1898. He remained there until 1908 when he became chief<br />

of pathology at the Royal Imperial Wilhelminen Hospital in<br />

Vienna and adjunct professor on the Medical Faculty of the<br />

University of Vienna. After World War I, Austria was chaotic<br />

and experienced inflation and fuel and food shortages.<br />

Landsteiner left for the Hague in The Netherlands in 1919,<br />

where he accepted a position at the Catholic Hospital. He<br />

was lured to the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in<br />

New York in 1923 at the invitation of its director, Dr. Simon<br />

Flexner. He became an American citizen in 1929 and died<br />

in New York on 26 June 1943. He discovered the human<br />

blood groups in 1900 when he found that the sera of some<br />

individuals could cause the agglutination of red cells from<br />

others. This led him to characterize red blood cells according<br />

to their antigens, leading subsequently to a description of the<br />

ABO blood groups. The development of citrates as anticoagulants<br />

in 1914 by Richard Lewisohn and Landsteiner’s blood<br />

grouping system led to the widespread use of blood transfusion.<br />

In 1927, Landsteiner and Phillip Levine discovered the<br />

M and N blood group antigens that are not of significance in<br />

transfusion since human blood serum does not contain isoagglutinins<br />

(antibodies) against them, differentiating MN from<br />

the ABO groups. In 1940 Landsteiner, Levine, and Weiner<br />

discovered the Rh blood group system when they found that<br />

antibodies raised in rabbits and guinea pigs immunized with<br />

blood from a rhesus monkey agglutinated the red blood cells<br />

of many humans (termed Rh positive). Those not possessing<br />

this blood factor were termed Rh negative. The Rh factor was<br />

shown to be important in hemolytic disease of the newborn.<br />

Landsteiner investigated poliomyelitis between 1908 and<br />

1922. He discovered that a rhesus monkey became paralyzed<br />

following the injection of brain and spinal cord from a polio<br />

victim. After finding no bacteria in the monkey’s nervous<br />

system, Landsteiner concluded that a virus was the causative<br />

agent. He perfected a technique to diagnose poliomyelitis.<br />

He discovered that an extract of ox hearts could replace the<br />

antigen derived from livers of babies with congenital syphilis<br />

for use in the Wassermann test for syphilis. Landsteiner continued<br />

his serology and immunology work at the Rockefeller<br />

Institute. He examined the effects of position on attached<br />

radicals. He discovered that immunochemical specificity<br />

was altered by the ortho, meta, or para position on aromatic<br />

rings of stereoisomers; position was more important than the<br />

nature of the radical. Landsteiner further showed that partial<br />

antigens (called haptens) were unable to elicit antibody<br />

formation, but could react with those formed in response to<br />

a complete antigen comprising a hapten bound to a carrier<br />

molecule. He demonstrated carrier- and hapten-specific<br />

antibodies. His extensive investigations on immunochemical<br />

specificity were summarized in his book titled Die<br />

Specifizität der serologischen Reactionen published in<br />

1933. The English translation was published in 1936, and a<br />

revised edition titled The Specificity of Serological Reactions<br />

appeared after his death in 1945. Landsteiner found that<br />

haptens could combine with pre-existing antibodies to produce<br />

allergic desensitization. His work laid a foundation for<br />

much of modern immunology, including the construction of<br />

synthetic vaccines.<br />

Landsteiner’s rule (historical)<br />

In 1900, Karl Landsteiner discovered that human red blood<br />

cells could be separated into four groups based on their<br />

antigenic characteristics. The groups were designated O, A,<br />

B, and AB. He found naturally occurring isohemagglutinins<br />

in the sera of individuals specific for the (ABO) blood group<br />

antigen which they did not possess (i.e., anti-A and anti-B<br />

isohemagglutinin in group O subjects, anti-B in group A<br />

individuals, anti-A in group B persons, and neither anti-A<br />

nor anti-B in individuals of group AB). This principle<br />

became known as Landsteiner’s rule.<br />

lane<br />

The path of migration of a molecule of interest from a well<br />

or point of application in gel electrophoresis. A substance is<br />

propelled within the confines of this path or corridor by an<br />

electric current that induces migration and separation of the<br />

molecules into bands according to size.<br />

Langerhans cell.<br />

Langerhans cells<br />

Phagocytic- and dendritic-appearing accessory cells interspersed<br />

between cells of the upper layer of the epidermis.<br />

They function as antigen-presenting cells and produce<br />

cytokines that attract lymphocytes to the skin. They can be<br />

visualized by gold chloride impregnation of unfixed sections<br />

and show dendritic processes but no intercellular bridges. By<br />

electron microscopy, they lack tonofibrils or desmosomes,<br />

have indented nuclei, and contain tennis racket-shaped<br />

Birbeck granules (relatively small, round to rectangular vacuoles<br />

that measure 10 nm). Following their formation from<br />

stem cells in the bone marrow, Langerhans cells migrate to<br />

the epidermis and then to the lymph nodes, where they are<br />

described as dendritic cells based upon their thin cytoplasmic<br />

processes that course between adjacent cells. Langerhans

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